European statistics shows that every 6th youth between 18 and 24 drops out of school before finishing their upper high school education. Meet four Norwegians who have become high school dropouts.

In this hilarious arcade showdown, a humble novice goes head-to-head against the reigning Donkey Kong champ in a confrontation that rocks the gaming world to its processors! For over 20 years, Billy Mitchell has owned the throne of the Donkey Kong world. No one could beat his top score until now. Newcomer Steve Wiebe claims to have beaten the unbeatable, but Mitchell isn't ready to relinquish his crown without a fight. Go behind the barrels as the two battle it out in a vicious war to earn the title of the true King of Kong.

Follows the dramatic journeys of video game developers as they create and release their games to the world. It's about making video games, but at its core, it's about the creative process, and exposing yourself through your work.

Acest film prezintă viața și vremurile lui R. Crumb. Robert Crumb este caricaturistul/artist care a desenat Keep On Truckin', Fritz the Cat, și a jucat un rol de pionierat major în geneza comix-ului underground. Prin interviurile cu mama sa, cei doi frați, soția și fostele iubite, precum și selecțiile din cantitatea sa vastă de artă grafică, suntem tratați cu o plimbare întunecată comică prin subconștientul unui bărbat.

This documentary chronicles the life story of the Dallas Mavericks' Dirk Nowitzki and his inspiring journey from Germany to superstardom in the NBA.

PUMPING IRON II: THE WOMEN, a film that is changing the way the world views the female physique-creating "a new definition of the female form." Join four women as they prepare for the 1983 Caesars Palace World Cup Championship: the sultry and curvaceous Rachel McLish, the current champion; the super-muscular Bev Francis, Rachel's toughest competition; and newcomers Lori Bowen and Carla Dunlap.

An explosion inside a casino brings Catherine Willows back to Las Vegas to investigate. And when the crime is tied to Lady Heather, Gil Grissom is brought back as well to aid the investigation. This is a 2 part TV Special. Series Finale

A documentary on the making of "Pumping Iron" to celebrate its 25th anniversary. Aired on Cinemax.

In 2009, Alex Gibney was hired to make a film about Lance Armstrong’s comeback to cycling. The project was shelved when the doping scandal erupted, and re-opened after Armstrong’s confession. The Armstrong Lie picks up in 2013 and presents a riveting, insider's view of the unraveling of one of the most extraordinary stories in the history of sports. As Lance Armstrong says himself, “I didn’t live a lot of lies, but I lived one big one.”

Robert Johnson was one of the most influential blues guitarists ever. Even before his early death, fans wondered if he'd made a pact with the Devil.

A comedian replies to the "Super Size Me" crowd by losing weight on a fast-food diet while demonstrating that almost everything you think you know about the obesity "epidemic" and healthy eating is wrong.

When vigilante land baron David Braxton hangs one of the best friends of cattle rustler Tom Logan, Logan's gang decides to get even by purchasing a small farm next to Braxton's ranch. From there the rustlers begin stealing horses, using the farm as a front for their operation. Determined to stop the thefts at any cost, Braxton retains the services of eccentric sharpshooter Robert E. Lee Clayton, who begins ruthlessly taking down Logan's gang.

Thirtysomething Chinese-born Lina borrows money to move to Paris to save up money to pursue her entrepreneurial dreams, leaving behind her husband and son in Dong Bei province. But once in Europe, nothing goes as planned, and she is forced into a line of work she never would have imagined. When her flighty sister-in-law shows up on her doorstep, Lina becomes inevitably tangled in her own web of lies.

College student Jake Lo is pursued by smugglers, mobsters and crooked federal agents after he witnesses a murder by a Mafia kingpin.

Musicalul de succes bazat pe viața lui Evita Duarte, o actriță argentiniană de film care a devenit în cele din urmă soția președintelui și dictatorului argentinian Juan Perón și cea mai iubită și urâtă femeie din Argentina.

Pe fundalul unei triple crime dintr-un orășel izolat din Alaska, un fost campion de rodeo se împrietenește cu un nou-venit singuratic care are îndeletniciri violente.

A dishonest businessman asks rich layabout Craig Blake to help him buy a gym, which will be demolished for a development project in Alabama. But after spending time with weightlifter Joe Santo and gym worker Mary Tate Farnsworth, Craig wants out of the deal. The property negotiations turn ugly, causing a brawl at the gym and a spectacle at a big bodybuilding meet, as Craig learns that it's not easy to turn your back on fair-weather friends.

Jesse Young (Alyssa Milano) este o tânără atrăgătoare care îl întâlnește într-o zi pe Ethan, un scriitor simpatic. Relația lor decurge bine și frumos până în momentul în care Jesse îl întâlnește pe Troy, care devine curând al doilea pretendent la inima tinerei. Și de aici, Jesse n-are decât să se descurce și să aleagă ce este mai bine pentru ea, bineînțeles, ne rănind sentimentele niciunuia dintre cei doi. Cu cine va rămâne ea la final? Povestea unei fete ce întâlnește dragostea adevărată. De două ori.

Badki and Chutki live a fun-filled life in Banaras, playing pranks, sneaking off to see a forbidden mujra, and soaking up all the excitement that goes on the ghats of the Ganga. Badki is aware that the family is in dire straits, but she and her mother protect Chutki at all costs. When things get worse, Badki decides to go to Mumbai and seek a living for the family.

Spark, a teenage monkey and his friends, Chunk and Vix, are on a mission to regain Planet Bana - a kingdom overtaken by the evil overlord Zhong.