The story centers on the Chinese Special Police Unit, from their hard training to their first mission.

In 1993, Max was 13 when he was offered his first camera. For 25 years he will not stop filming. The bunch of friends, the loves, the successes, the failures. From the 90s to the 2010s, it is the portrait of a whole generation that is emerging through its objective.

Pierre is 25 when he returns from Wyoming to his fiancée and take over the family farm. Twenty years later, the farm expanded and so did the family.

Five orphans with the powers of the most powerful animals of the savannah make it their mission to defend nature from those who want to destroy it.

A historical drama set in the Koryo dynasty and focused on the relationship between a king and his bodyguard.

Pierre, a professional dancer, suffers from a serious heart disease. While he is waiting for a transplant which may (or may not) save his life, he has nothing better to do than look at the people around him, from the balcony of his Paris apartment.

On Christmas eve, Serge is the only on-call emergency doctor available. Struck by a crippling back-ache, he gets help from a pizza delivery boy who will need to step in the doctor's shoes.

In a dilapidated cyberpunk city plagued by crime and corruption, an unscrupulous District Attorney is savagely murdered and tossed out of a building onto his brand new car. Mysteriously, the District Attorney and his car come back to life as a single being with a thirst for vengeance. The eerie driver-less car embarks on a vicious rampage exacting revenge on the criminals who murdered him. The Car: Road to Revenge is the stylized sequel to the unconventional horror cult classic The Car (1977), and features an homage to the original with the return of Ronny Cox as the Mechanic.

Jobless loner Eddie Vuibert gets a lucky break when a rich Jewish entrepreneur mistakes him for a Jew and gives him a sweet job in the Parisian fashion district.

The story of a dangerous little girl who is reunited with her natural mother after living with her controlling grandparents in a rural farmhouse in seclusion.

Frank, a man of action who worked his way up all by himself, dedicates his life to work. No matter the place or the circumstances, be it day or night, he’s on the phone, handling the cargo ships he charters for major companies. But when he has to deal with a crisis situation, Frank makes a brutal decision and gets fired. Profoundly shaken, betrayed by a system to which he gave his all, he has to progressively question himself to save the one connection that still matters to him: the bond he’s managed to maintain with his youngest daughter, Mathilde.

Havana, Cuba, 1990. René González, an airplane pilot, unexpectedly flees the country, leaving behind his wife Olga and his daughter Irma, and begins a new life in Miami, where he becomes a member of an anti-Castro organization.

Sara and Nicola are married and in love. Their lives seem to be perfect: they have an angelic six-year-old daughter, thriving careers and a stable marriage. The birth of their second child, which disrupts the family balance, leads to tragicomic scenarios.

Stéphane lives a quiet life as an eminent French Chef but when he decides to visit Soo, a mysterious Korean lady he fell in love with on Instagram, he'll embark on an adventurous journey full of discoveries.

A psychiatric hospital patient pretends to be crazy. In charge of caring for this patient, a caregiver will begin to doubt the mental state of his "protégé".

Keksijän ammatista unelmoivan omalaatuisen tonttu Bernardin suuret haaveet lytätään jälleen, kun hänen uusi keksintönsä, ihanimmat joulumuistot mieliin palauttava masiina, osoittautuukin surkeaksi pettymykseksi. Hän saa kuitenkin pian uuden tilaisuuden osoittaa kekseliäisyytensä, kun paha Neville Baddington kidnappaa äitinsä Veran kanssa Joulupukin. Ilkeä kaksikko vaatii Joulupukkia paljastamaan heille suurimman salaisuutensa: kuinka ihmeessä hän onnistuu aina jakamaan lahjat kaikille maailman lapsille ajoissa juuri jouluaattona. Bernard on tietoinen Pukin mystisestä ihmekoneesta, jolla pystyy matkustamaan ajassa ja näin pitämään joulun kiireisen aikataulun kurissa. Aikaisemmista varoituksista huolimatta urhea tonttu päättää käyttää Joulupukin aikakonetta ja sukeltaa ajassa taaksepäin pelastaakseen Pukin ja koko maailman lasten joulun.

A team of climbers is assembled by a rich and eccentric man to rescue a missing expedition he sent up to a forbidden mountain who disappeared after sending out one last disturbing radio message.

Pariisilainen poliisi matkustaa Miamiin ja lyöttäytyy yhteen yrmeän amerikkalaisen etsivän kanssa löytääkseen jengin, joka on vastuussa hänen ystävänsä murhasta.

A group of shark-attack survivors is hunted by a supernatural shark that haunts their dreams.

The film follows the story of two couples in crisis who are about to break up but who, due to the Lockdown, imposed to stop the spread of the coronavirus, will instead be forced into a forced coexistence. The protagonists, through smartkworking, household chores and sports activities, will find themselves living under the same roof, giving life to a comedy full of laughter but also of reflections.