17-year-old Cyril is funny, smart and an all-round good guy. Just his somewhat overlarge nose spoils the picture. On a school trip to Berlin with Roxy, a stunning new classmate, Cyril is not the only one taken with her. Benno, the class Casanova has his eye on the girl too and makes a nasty wager. Roxy is more interested in the introverted Rick, who is not only shy but also slow. Cyril hastens with his spoken word skills to Rick's aid, and falls head over heels in love with Roxy himself. So whose brave heart will win the fair lady?

Through interviews with both victims and instigators, Nanfu Wang, a first-time mother, breaks open decades of silence on a vast, unprecedented social experiment that shaped — and destroyed — countless lives in China.

Kai paslaptingos jėgos ėmė mažinti populiaciją žemėje, tik viena taisyklė ėmė galioti: jei tai pamatai, paaukoji gyvybę. Taip nutiko ir Malorie, kuri yra atskiriama nuo savo dviejų vaikų ir vienintelis būdas jiems išgyventi – įveikti paslaptingus miškus bei visai šeimai susitikti vienoje vietoje, kurioje galima tikėtis aukštesnių jėgų malonės. Bėda ta, kad tai jie turi atlikti visiškai aklai.

In 1974, 12-year-old Jan Broberg is abducted from a small church-going community in Idaho by a trusted neighbour and close family friend.

Between 1993 and 1999, one man robbed 29 financial institutions in Budapest. Banks, post offices and even travel agencies fell victim to his crime spree. The police had no leads and no hope of finding him during his six-year stint. The only clue left behind at the crime scenes was the distinct aroma of whiskey. The media christened him the “Whiskey Bandit”. Never physically harming anyone, many began to eagerly follow his escapades through the media. A Transylvanian immigrant, who also happened to be a goalie for one of the city's largest hockey teams, named Attila Ambrus, was finally identified as the “Whiskey Bandit”. The police had finally captured him... or so they thought.

Prieš kelerius metus mažame miestelyje nuvilnijo protu nesuvokiama žmogžudysčių banga - itin žiauriai buvo nužudytos 10 miestelio moterų, o žudikas, pramintas Klouhiču, nėra pagautas iki šiol. Tačiau šio šiurpaus įvykio detalės po truputį pradeda aiškėti, kai tame pačiame miestelyje gyvenantis berniukas Taileris netyčia aptinka žurnalo iškarpas, kuriose pavaizduotos kankintos ir nužudytos moterys. Bėda ta, kad visa tai jis rado savo tėvo slėptuvėje. „Klouhičo žudikas“ - tai šiurpus psichologinis trileris, prikaustantis žiūrovą prie ekrano ir nepaleidžiantis iki paskutinės filmo akimirkos.

Sue Ellen Crandell is a teenager eagerly awaiting her mother's summer-long absence. While the babysitter looks after her rambunctious younger siblings, Sue Ellen can party and have fun. But then the babysitter abruptly dies, leaving the Crandells short on cash. Sue Ellen finds a sweet job in fashion by lying about her age and experience on her résumé. But, while her siblings run wild, she discovers the downside of adulthood

With the holiday season in full swing, Jen Taylor is about to score a big promotion at the San Francisco ad agency where she works. But her life is unexpectedly turned upside down when she inherits a cozy inn in Alaska from her aunt. When she goes to inspect the property and meets handsome town attorney Steve Anderson, she's surprised to find that nothing is what she expected. The small town community is full of fun and festive Christmas traditions and soon, Jen starts wondering if the inn might just be the place she belongs, and if Steve could be the Mr. Right she has been waiting for.

Ray is a fledgling entrepreneur who specializes in high-end simulated abductions. He jumps at the chance when a mysterious client contracts him for a weekend kidnapping with a handsome payday at the end. But the job isn't all that it seems.

After twenty years, five high school classmates meet again at Daniele's wedding, the only one who has built a career for himself. During a long weekend in Switzerland, the five friends rediscover the affection and complicity of the past, and they get a chance to straighten out their destinies. A whirlwind of misunderstandings will bring down their shaky balances, and they'll all find the courage to put themselves on the line and start their lives afresh

A random invitation to a Halloween party leads a man into the hands of a rogue collective sparking a bloodbath of mishap, mayhem and hilarity.

A recently divorced young man discovers a mint condition Blade doll in his deceased brother's closet and plans to sell the toy at a convention in Oregon celebrating the 30th anniversary of the infamous Toulon Murders. All hell breaks loose during the auction when a strange force animates all of the puppets throughout the convention, setting them on a bloody killing spree.

High school senior Alex has an encounter with mysterious lights that appear over her small town. She soon develops dangerous, supernatural abilities, and turns to her childhood friend Sean. The authorities target them and a chase ensues as officials try to discover the truth behind Alex's transformation.

Geriausios draugės Ana ir Bet - aktorės, kurių karjeros susiklostė skirtingai. Jos abi nusprendžia keliauti į Big Surą ir atnaujinti ryšius, kurie pasimiršo dėl ne vienerius metus trukusios konkurencijos ir pavydo. Įtampa vis labiau auga, galiausiai prasiveržia netikėta, bet neišvengiama pykčio banga. Draugės pradeda nesutarti ne tik dėl savo draugystės pagrindų, bet ir dėl savo tapatybės.

A man wakes in a hospital bed with no recollection of who he is, and learns that he's wanted by the police for a committing a series of murders.

Ariane, a young French violinist, accepts the marriage proposal of Christen, an irresistible conductor. Only problem: she's a little bit ... married! Separated for two years with Nino, an Italian teacher with a strong character, she manages to convince him to follow her to Paris to divorce in 8 days flat. But their trip in the city of love looks much more eventful than expected...

Aukštosios mokyklos vyresnysis, kovodamas su elgesio problemomis, yra paliktas negyvenamoje saloje, kad pagerintų savo bendravimo ir elgesio būdus. Nepaisant to, kad buvo pasakyta, kad jis yra izoliuotas, jis greitai supranta, kad nėra vienas ir yra persekiojamas mirtinos būtybės.

Kristen savo vaikinui gimtadienio proga padovanoja netikėtą pramogą – apsilankymą pabėgimo kambaryje. Jame, kaip ir gimtadienyje, dalyvaus dar keturi bendri draugai. Atėjus pramogos datai šešių žmonių kompanija išsiruošia spręsti galvosūkių nepažįstamoje erdvėje. Per valandą jie turi įminti visas mįsles, kad kambarys būtų atrakintas ir jie paleisti laisvėn. Deja, viskas pasisuks netikėta linkme. Dingus šviesai dings Kristen, o vėliau per ekranus draugai pamatys, kad ji – už grotų. Kas vadovauja šiam reginiui? Kai bandant išsilaisvinti pasipils susižalojimai, taps aišku, kad tai tikrai ne žaidimas ir taisyklių bei prižiūrėtojų čia nėra. Kažkas juos stebi ir kažkas eis iki pabaigos...

Disturbing and mysterious things begin to happen to a bartender in New Orleans after he picks up a phone left behind at his bar.

A shocking assault inspires horrific violence when a group of teens encounters a girl from their school while camping in a remote spot.