Štiričlanska Ki-taekova družina si je sicer zelo blizu, vendar nihče nima službe, prihodnost pa ni obetavna. Sinu Ki-wooju se nasmehne sreča, ko ga prijatelj, ki obiskuje prestižno univerzo, predlaga za dobro plačano službo. Ki-woo, ki na ramenih nosi pričakovanja celotne družine, se odpravi k družini Park na razgovor. Glava družine je g. Park, lastnik mednarodnega računalniškega podjetja. Ki-woo tam spozna Yeon-kyo, prelepo mladenko. Kmalu po prvem srečanju se odnosi med družinama zapletejo, kar pripelje do niza nesrečnih pripetljajev.

Imate radi detektivske, misteriozne uganke? Predstavljamo vam detektivko, kot je še ni bilo posnete! Stopite v čevlje detektiva, ki poskuša razrešiti skrivnostno smrt v patriarhalni, ekscentrični in sprti družini. Zjutraj, dan po praznovanju svojega 85. rojstnega dneva, na tleh na svojem posestvu leži mrtev Harlan Thombrey. Priznani detektiv Benoit Blanc sumi zločin in v trenutku osumi vse prisotne na posestvu – Harlanovo družino. Bolj kot se bliža branje oporoke, bolj padajo maske in jasno postaja, da je vsak član družine nosil velike skrivnosti. Zapleti, preobrati in napetost vodijo v šokanten zaključek in s tem zaključijo detektivsko uganko, kot je še ni bilo.

Butch Cassidy in Sundance Kid sta bandita, ki skupaj načrtujeta in izvajate rope, da bi si tako zagotovila boljši finančni položaj. Eden od takih načrtov je tudi rop na železniški progi, ki pelje tovor na ladjo. A v svojem načrtu spregledata namero železniške družbe, ki takoj za tovornim vlakom pošlje še en vagon, natovorjen s šerifovimi pomočniki. Vendar jima nekako le uspe uiti zasledovalcem. Zbežita v Bolivijo in že kujeta nove junaške načrte za Avstralijo.

Former London constable Nicholas Angel finds it difficult to adapt to his new assignment in the sleepy British village of Sandford. Not only does he miss the excitement of the big city, but he also has a well-meaning oaf for a partner. However, when a series of grisly accidents rocks Sandford, Angel smells something rotten in the idyllic village.

Medtem ko se svet propada, je mlada Furiosa ugrabljena iz Zelenega Mesta Mnogih Mater in pade v roke velike motoristične horde, ki jo vodi vojskovodja Dementus. Na potovanju po poščavi naletijo na citadelo, ki ji predseduje Nesmrtni Joe. Medtem ko se dva tirana borita za prevlado, mora Furiosa preživeti številne preizkušnje in zbrati sredstva, da najde pot domov.

After completing jail time for beating up a man who tried to seduce his mentally-handicapped teenage daughter, The Butcher wants to start life anew. He institutionalizes his daughter and moves to the Lille suburbs with his mistress, who promises him a new butcher shop. Learning that she lied, The Butcher returns to Paris to find his daughter.

A young biker stumbles onto a prototype motorcycle with a hidden function that has a link to the true nature of his world.

An awkward, telekinetic teenage girl's lonely life is dominated by relentless bullying at school and an oppressive religious fanatic mother at home. When her tormentors pull a humiliating prank at the senior prom, she unleashes a horrifying chaos on everyone, leaving nothing but destruction in her wake.

Štirinajstletni Billy se sreča s starodavnim čarodejem in ta ga spremeni v superjunaka po imenu Šazam. Vendar Billy kmalu ugotovi, da si je nakopal smrtnega sovražnika dr. Thaddeusa Sivano, ki ga je čarodej nekoč zavrnil.

Edinburgh, 1831. Among those who undertake the illegal trade of grave robbery is Gray, ostensibly a cab driver. Formerly a medical student convicted of grave robbery, Gray holds a grudge against Dr. MacFarlane who had escaped detection and punishment.

As a result of nuclear testing, gigantic, ferocious mutant ants appear in the American desert southwest, and a father-daughter team of entomologists join forces with the state police officer who first discovers their existence, an FBI agent and, eventually, the US Army to eradicate the menace, before it spreads across the continent — and the world.

Slaking a thirst for dangerous games, Kathryn challenges her stepbrother, Sebastian, to deflower their headmaster's daughter before the summer ends. If he succeeds, the prize is the chance to bed Kathryn. But if he loses, Kathryn will claim his most prized possession.

Trpeči oče je priča smrti svojega mladega sina, ko ga na božični večer ujame navzkrižni ogenj tolpe. Medtem ko okreva po rani zaradi katere ostane brez glasu, postane maščevanje njegovo življenjsko poslanstvo in se loti kaznovanja, da bi maščeval sinovo smrt.

Kurt Ingston, a rich recluse, invites the doctors who left him a hopeless cripple to his desolate mansion in the swamps as one by one they meet horrible deaths.

Florence bi očetu Guillaumu rada predstavila Davida, moškega, v katerega je noro zaljubljena. Toda Davida Florence ne privlači in jo skuša potisniti v objem svojemu prijatelju Willyju. Vsi štirje liki se srečajo v restavraciji z imenom Drugo dejanje.

Carol Danvers kot Stotnica Marvel si je povrnila svojo identiteto in se maščevala, vendar zaradi nenamernih posledic zdaj nosi breme celotnega destabiliziranega vesolja. Ko jo njene dolžnosti pošljejo v nenavadno črvino povezano z revolucionarjem rase Kri, se njene moči prepletejo z močmi super oboževalke iz Jersey Cityja – Kamale Khan, poznane tudi kot Gospa Marvel in Caroline odtujene nečakinje, kapetanke Monice Rambeau. Ta nenavaden trio mora združiti moči in se naučiti delovati usklajeno, da bi rešile vesolje.

Reclusive Dr. Zorba has died and left his mansion to his nephew Cyrus and his family. They will need to search the house to find the doctor's fortune, but along with the property they have also inherited the occultist's collection of 13 ghosts.

Global panic ensues when it is revealed that a mysterious UFO is actually a giant turkey-like bird that flies at supersonic speed and has no regard for life or architecture.

A Super Computer plans world domination with the help of Robbie the robot and a 10 year old boy who is the son the computer's inventor.

An American investigator for the U.N., a German scientist and a British reporter join forces to investigate a series of disappearances and mutilation-deaths confined to a Swiss Alp and involving a thick, mobile cloud, a telepathic girl, an animate dead man, and tentacled, cyclopean beings from another planet.