Where does voguing come from, and what, exactly, is throwing shade? This landmark documentary provides a vibrant snapshot of the 1980s through the eyes of New York City's African American and Latinx Harlem drag-ball scene. Made over seven years, PARIS IS BURNING offers an intimate portrait of rival fashion "houses," from fierce contests for trophies to house mothers offering sustenance in a world rampant with homophobia, transphobia, racism, AIDS, and poverty. Featuring legendary voguers, drag queens, and trans women — including Willi Ninja, Pepper LaBeija, Dorian Corey, and Venus Xtravaganza.
The untold story of the personal battles that gave rise to the $100 billion video game industry and a 50-year-long, multi-generation epic featuring corporate coups, industrial espionage, secret burial grounds and the promise of unimaginable riches being just one cartridge away. The only constant through the saga is this: When you think you've won, you're actually at your most vulnerable.
Produced and presented as evidence at the Nuremberg war crimes trial of Hermann Göring and twenty other Nazi leaders, this film consists primarily of dead and surviving prisoners and of facilities used to kill and torture during the World War II.
High school seniors and best friends, Sonny and Duane, live in a dying Texas town. The handsome Duane is dating a local beauty, while Sonny is having an affair with the coach's wife. As graduation nears and both boys contemplate their futures, Duane eyes the army and Sonny takes over a local business. Each struggles to figure out if he can escape this dead-end town and build a better life somewhere else.
Wealthy rancher Bick Benedict and dirt-poor cowboy Jett Rink both woo Leslie Lynnton, a beautiful young woman from Maryland who is new to Texas. She marries Benedict, but she is shocked by the racial bigotry of the White Texans against the local people of Mexican descent. Rink discovers oil on a small plot of land, and while he uses his vast, new wealth to buy all the land surrounding the Benedict ranch, the Benedict's disagreement over prejudice fuels conflict that runs across generations.
Astrophysicists show how black holes might hold answers to how the universe evolved, leading to life on Earth and, ultimately, the human race.
A chronicle of the rise and brief career of rock 'n' roll star Buddy Holly, who aspires to play music the way he wants it to sound. Holly and his band, the Crickets, are first invited to record in Nashville, where they encounter creative differences with the producing staff. Later they play a major booking at the Apollo Theater, scheduled there under the mistaken assumption that they're a black band. Holly's career eventually goes solo -- until the tragic day the music dies.
Dr. Steven Greer’s previous works, SIRIUS and UNACKNOWLEDGED, broke crowdfunding records and ignited a grassroots movement. CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FIFTH KIND features groundbreaking video and photographic evidence and supporting interviews from prominent figures such as Adam Curry of Princeton’s PEAR Lab; legendary civil rights attorney Daniel Sheehan, and Dr. Russell Targ, who headed the CIA’s top secret remote viewing program. Their message: For thousands of people, contact has begun. This is their story.
1945-ųjų Lenkija. Antrasis pasaulinis karas jau baigėsi, tačiau jo paliktos žaizdos dar nė nepradėjo gyti. Jauna prancūzė gydytoja Matilda kartu su Raudonuoju Kryžiumi gelbsti karo aukas. Vieną gūdžią žiemos dieną į klinikos duris pasibeldžia ir pagalbos paprašo jauna beviltiškoje padėtyje atsidūrusi vienuolė. Taip Matilda patenka į nuo pasaulio atskirtą vienuolyną, kuriame kankinasi besilaukiančios žiauriai sovietų karių išniekintos seserys. Kad nekiltų skandalas ir neišaiškėtų baisūs dalykai, vienuolyno vyresnioji nori bet kokia kaina išsaugoti paslaptį. Vienuolės labai pamažu į savo uždarą bendruomenę įsileidžia Matildą ir ji joms tampa vienintele viltim bei ramsčiu...
Filmmaker Kip Andersen uncovers the secret to preventing and even reversing chronic diseases, and he investigates why the nation's leading health organizations doesn't want people to know about it.
Interviews with leading authors, philosophers and scientists, with an in-depth discussion of the Law of Attraction. The audience is shown how they can learn and use 'The Secret' in their everyday lives.
Annie is stuck in a long-term relationship with Duncan – an obsessive fan of obscure rocker Tucker Crowe. When the acoustic demo of Tucker's hit record from 25 years ago surfaces, its discovery leads to a life-changing encounter with the elusive rocker himself.
In 1988, Philadelphia police officer Thomas "Locke" Lockhart, hungry to become a detective, begins tracking a serial killer whose crimes defy scientific explanation. When the killer mysteriously resurfaces nine years later, Locke's obsession with finding the truth threatens to destroy his career, his family, and possibly his sanity.
Two brothers, on either side of the law, face off over organized crime in Brooklyn during the 1970s.
1979-aisiais satanistai slaptomis apeigomis paskiria šėtonui naujagimę. Po dvidešimties metų, iki antrojo tūkstantmečio pabaigos likus vos kelioms dienoms, jau užuagusią Kristiną Jork pradeda persekioti keisti žmogystos ir nebeapleidžia siaubingi regėjimai... Velnias atvyksta į žemę ieškoti nuotakos, kuri pagimdytų jam demoną, padėsianti pavergti žemę. Prieš Gabrielio Byrne'o suvaidintą Šėtoną į kovą stoja buvęs policininkas Jericho Cane'as (Arnold Schwarzenegger).
Filmo pirmojoje dalyje veiksmas vyksta 1987-aisiais. Jaunas biržos makleris Badas Foksas , bet kokia kaina siekdamas sėkmės, laimingų aplinkybių dėka patenka po turtuolio Gordono Geko„sparneliu“. Daug gyvenime pasiekęs Gordonas šiame jaunuolyje mato patį save ir tampa jo globėju bei mokytoju. Patekęs į situaciją, reikalaujančią radikalaus apsisprendimo, jaunasis makleris pasirenka gelbėti savo kailį ir padeda teisėsaugai 20-čiai metų už grotų patupdyti Gordoną. Antroji „Volstryto“ dalis prasideda nuo kadrų, kuriuose bausmę atlikęs Gordonas Gekas užtrenkia už savęs kalėjimo duris ir žengia į 2008-ųjų realybę, kurioje protingi žmonės jau suprato, kad prasideda pasaulinė finansų rinkų griūtis. Vienas iš supratusiųjų yra jaunas, tačiau itin šviesaus proto makleris Džeikobas Mūras. Kartu su milžinišką gyvenimo patirtį turinčiu Gordonu jie abu bandys įtikinti Volstryto bendruomenę atsikvošėti ir pažvelgti į akis nenumaldomai artėjančiai katastrofai.
A corporate risk-management consultant must determine whether or not to terminate an artificial being's life that was made in a laboratory environment.
Two alchemist brothers go on a quest for the Philosopher's Stone after an attempt to revive their dead mother goes horribly wrong.
Šaltojo karo metais organizacija „Patriotas“ sukūrė superherojų būrį. Daugelį metų herojai turėjo slėpti savo tapatybes, tačiau iškilus bėdoms, jie vėl priversti sugrįžti.
A short film about Bob Lazar