The "Your Name." Orchestra Concert was held on December 4-5, 2017 at the Tokyo International Forum.

A middle aged carpenter, who requires state welfare after injuring himself, is joined by a single mother in a similar scenario.

The film is based on 'Fikrimin Ince Gulu', a novel by Adalet Agaoglu, which depicts a first generation gurbetci/guest-worker returning home. It covers his land journey in short bursts from Germany to the Turkey's west border - and extensively from thereon to his village close to Ankara - capital of Turkey. He begins his journey purchasing a second hand yellow Mercedes - possibly his first car - using his meager savings working as a laborer. Offering deep insight into the mind of a manual laborer Bayram (Ilyas Salman) making his first trip back home, resorting to flashbacks in highlighting Bayram's motivation and experiences from his childhood right up to the events leading to his first departure from Turkey to Germany.

In a time of social change and unrest, war and poverty, a young working class woman, Maria, wins a camera in a lottery. The decision to keep it alters her whole life.

David Carr is a British Communist who is unemployed. In 1936, when the Spanish Civil War begins, he decides to fight for the Republican side, a coalition of liberals, communists and anarchists, so he joins the POUM militia and witnesses firsthand the betrayal of the Spanish revolution by Stalin's followers and Moscow's orders.

Camille, a young idealistic photojournalist, goes to the Central African Republic to cover the civil war that is brewing up. What she sees there will change her destiny forever.

In THE BAND'S VISIT o orchestra egipteana vine in Israel pentru a concerta la inaugurarea unui centru de cultura araba, dar incurca autobuzele si nimereste in desert. Pana a doua zi cand ajunge autobuzul, cei opt membri ai orchestrei vor interactiona cu israelienii care locuiesc acolo. Cum se va descurca mica echipa a care ramane blocata in mijlocul pustietatii ramane de vazut sambata aceasta.

Documentarul este versiunea cinematografică a celui mai nou album al lui Bruce Springsteen, un succes internațional. Filmul oferă fanilor din întreaga lume singura oportunitate de a-l vedea pe Springsteen interpretând toate cele 13 melodii de pe albumul său, acompaniat de o trupă și o orchestră, sub tavanul istoricului său hambar vechi de 100 de ani. Primul album de studio al lui Springsteen din ultimii cinci ani, „Western Stars” marchează o nouă etapă pentru legendarul cântăreț/compozitor, dar păstrează și elementele care l-au consacrat. Cu teme ca dragostea, pierderea, singurătatea, familia și trecerea inexorabilă a timpului, documentarul evocă vestul american și combină înregistrări de arhivă și narațiunile personale ale lui Springsteen cu melodii ca să spună povestea Western Stars.

A fig tree located in the lands of a baron of the lower Po valley has for many centuries been the subject of worship. The baron, crippled and an atheist, one day sees a girl lying on the fig tree in a benevolent attitude and exchanges for the Saint Who was martyred there in the Middle Ages. Immediately the aristocrat converts and decides to give his belongings to a religious institute. In fact, he was a victim of a cheating and the "santa" is a prostitute who has given up on rage.

Lena este însărcinată în șapte luni și este gata să vândă copilul din burtă. Ermanno acceptă să se prefacă a fi tatăl. Fabio, unchiul lui Ermanno, îi va plăti pentru a cumpăra copilul pe care el și soția sa Bianca nu îl pot avea. O adopție falsă între rude, o lacună pentru a ocoli legea în Italia. O lume în care banii sunt singurul standard de valoare, singurul lucru care contează. Ermanno și Lena sunt doi străini care trebuie să pretindă în public că sunt un cuplu și să trăiască împreună până la naștere. Sunt obișnuiți să se gândească doar la ei înșiși și se luptă tot timpul. Dar trăind unul lângă altul, încep să devină ceea ce doar pretindeau că sunt.

Summer 1994, Scotland. Johnno and Spanner are best mates, but Johnno’s family are moving him to a new town and a better life, leaving Spanner behind to face a precarious future. In pursuit of adventure and escape they head out on one last night to an illegal rave before parting ways indefinitely.

După mulți ani trăiți în Franța, o femeie albă se întoarce în orașul din Camerun în care a crescut și se gândește la relația ei cu Protée, un servitor de culoare cu care s-a împrietenit, fără să știe limitele rasiale care le guverna lumile.

O colecție inedită de scurtmetraje în care 11 cineaști din 11 țări explorează impactul global al atacurilor teroriste din 11 septembrie 2001.

Güven, a taxi driver is desperately in love with Meral, but he’s too shy to open up to her. One day he picks up a customer, gets accused of a crime he didn’t commit and his world is turned upside down.

Paul, a 20 year old midwesterner, arrives at the central bus station and quickly catches eyes with Wye, a 22 year old girl voguing on the sidewalk. After Paul seeks her out in secret, an intense love between them blossoms. But when Paul discovers Wye is trans, he is forced to confront his own identity and what it means to belong.

When Myriam, the mother of two young children, decides, despite the reluctance of her husband to resume his activity in a law firm, the couple is looking for a nanny. After a severe casting, they engage Louise, who quickly conquers the affection of children and gradually occupies a central place in the home. Gradually the trap of mutual dependence will close, until the tragedy.

The officer Nico Giraldi investigates a homicide which has taken place in a Chinese restaurant in Rome. His wife and his son are kidnappeded by the murderer in the course of the inquiry. In the end the case is worked out.

One football match on a dirt pitch near Rome becomes a day of reckoning as a young player, his coach and their team's owner wrestle internal demons.

A man goes on a bold and reckless journey of self-liberation through London. After he robs a bank he releases a wilder version of himself, ultimately experiencing what it feels like to be alive.

Maud is an architect and a mother. Due to a misunderstanding, she wins the competition to refurbish the parvis of Notre-Dame. Torn between these responsibilities and love issues, she will go through an emotional storm.