Príbeh mladého chlapca Edmunda sa odohráva v zničenom Nemecku bezprostredne po druhej svetovej vojne, v období, keď musí krajina a jej obyvatelia začať od nuly. Edmund s rodinou zápasia o každodenný kúsok jedla – až kým Edmund nestretne svojho bývalého učiteľa, ktorý by mu mohol pomôcť. Zdá sa však, že Edmunda vystavuje ešte väčšiemu nebezpečenstvu.

When dad has to unexpectedly step in for mom to do his daughter Zuri’s hair before a big event, what seems like a simple task is anything but as these locks have a mind of their own!

Akú dobu by ste chceli zažiť, ak by ste mali túto možnosť? Pred touto otázkou stojí Viktor, keď od svojho syna dostane darčekovú poukážku agentúry Time Travelers. Tá dokáže pomocou filmových kulís a hercov zinscenovať akúkoľvek epochu a sprostredkovať svojim klientom stretnutie so slávnymi osobnosťami dejín podľa ich želania. Zatiaľ čo sa chcú iní zákazníci pozrieť na dvor Ludvika XVI, či večerať s Hitlerom, Viktor sa túži vrátiť do nespútaných sedemdesiatych rokov a ešte raz prežiť rande so svojou ženou – obdobie, keď v ňom dokázala vidieť viac ako len nudného páprdu v pruhovanom pyžame. Poučná a zábavná love story rozpráva o tom, čo by sa mohlo stať, keby sme mohli zopakovať tie najkrajšie okamihy. Je to potrebné k tomu, aby sme sa opäť zamilovali?

Three activists cobble together a kidnapping plot after they encounter a businessman in his home.

Miestny politik Manuel López Vidal je vychádzajúcou politickou hviezdou. Je elegantný, dravý a pevne odhodlaný prevziať úlohu regionálneho lídra. Keď však na verejnosť prenikne správa o korupčnom škandále, do ktorého je zapletený, trajektória jeho vzostupu sa náhle zastaví. Ako pribúdajú nové a nové zistenia, Manuelova strana sa rozhodne vyhodiť všetky „hnilé jablká“. Manuel sa ocitne v úzkych: od straníckych kolegov očakával aspoň tichú podporu, namiesto toho je však izolovaný. Snaží sa chrániť vyhrážkami, že odhalí úplný rozsah špinavých praktík, do ktorých je strana zapletená. Politický triler Kráľovstvo je šokujúcou správou o korupcii rozožierajúcej svet politiky, ktorá sníma vrstvu na povrchu a ukazuje, ako sa pod ňou – takmer s úplnou samozrejmosťou – usadila hniloba týkajúca sa ľudí, ktorí sú presvedčení, že určitý druh správania je celkom normálny.

Following a city councils decision, a women's shelter will soon be closed and social workers have only three months to accommodate the residents.

A West Texas single mother wins the lottery and squanders it just as fast, leaving behind a world of heartbreak. Years later, with her charm running out and nowhere to go, she fights to rebuild her life and find redemption.

Three strangers with one thing in common — the same father — come to a Turkish village to bury him, and learn about him and each other.

A hapless country doctor describes with breathless urgency a night-time summons to attend a young patient. Events soon take on a surreal aspect as "unearthly horses" transport him instantaneously to the bedside. The doctor, preoccupied with personal distractions and grievances against those he is employed to care for, fails to find what is revealed to be a vile, fatal wound. He is humiliated by the villagers, who are "always expecting the impossible from the doctor," and doomed to an endless return trip, losing everything.

Just when Lola, 18 years old and transgender, learns that she can finally have surgery, her mother, who is her only financial support, passes away. Abiding by her mother’s last wishes, Lola and her father, who are permanently in conflict and have not seen each other for two years, undertake a journey all the way to the Belgian coast. They realize the outcome of the journey may not be the one they were both expecting...

Príbeh z obdobia Slovenského národného povstania. Dvaja partizáni sa po bojovej akcii vracajú k skupine a vedú so sebou mladého nemeckého vojaka. Uprostred beznádejne pustých hôr sa ocitnú ľudia z dvoch nepriateľských táborov. Kým partizáni strácajú kontakt s jednotkou, Nemec stráca nádej, že sa mu podarí vyviaznuť z tejto zložitej situácie. Predstavitelia znepriatelených vojsk nadväzujú v neľudských časoch 2. svetovej vojny ľudský kontakt...

After 20 years of marriage, Maria decides to leave her husband. She moves into room 212 at the hotel across the street, with a bird’s-eye view of her apartment, her husband and the life she shared with him. While she wonders if she made the right decision, many of the people in her life offer their opinions on the matter. They intend to let her know, whether she likes it or not, on what proves to be a life-changing evening.

Jenny (Adèle Haenel) je lekárkou, ktorá má malú ambulanciu po svojom starom a chorom mentorovi. Ambiciózna mladá žena sa chystá na veľký kariérny skok – prestup do významnej nemocnice a prestížne oddelenie. Jedného večera v jej ordinácii niekto zazvoní, no Jenny nereaguje. Je po ordinačných hodinách a má dosť práce s neistým Julienom (Olivier Bonnaud), ktorý je u nej na praxi. Ráno sa dozvie, že neznáme dievča, ktoré nepustila dnu, našli neďaleko mŕtve, pravdepodobne bola zavraždená. Hnaná výčitkami svedomia sa Jenny pokúša vypátrať jej identitu, ale taktiež túži odhaliť páchateľa brutálneho činu.

A famous horror writer finds inspiration for her next book after she and her husband take in a young couple.

Petru is a math professor at the Polytechnic University, who's living an easy life, with no big worries. He is in an open relationship with Irina, who agreed he can sleep with other women from time to time. But when she becomes pregnant, he will be put in the situation to change his lifestyle and be forced to mature at 42 years old. One of his supporting friends decides to write a book based on his story.

An ex-con's attempts to live a quiet life are derailed when the daughter of the woman sheltering him is the victim of a vicious attack.

25 years after Paris is Burning, we dive back into the fierce world of voguing battles in the Kiki scene of New York City, where competition between Houses demands leadership, painstaking practice, and performances on point. A film collaboration between Kiki gatekeeper, Twiggy Pucci Garçon, and Swedish filmmaker Sara Jordenö, we’re granted exclusive access into this high stakes world, where tough competitions act as a gateway into the daily lives of LGBTQ youth of color in NYC. The new generation of ballroom youth use the motto, “Not About us Without Us”. Twiggy and Sara’s insider-outsider approach to their stories breathes fresh life into the representation of a marginalized community who demand visibility and real political power.

Paris, the late 1960s. Madame Claude is at the head of a flourishing business dedicated to prostitution that gives her power over both the French political and criminal worlds. But the end of her empire is closer than she thinks.

Los Angeles City Hall is reflected onto the window of the Paradise Motel. It serves as an anchor for this traversal through the natural expanse of California. Here, we discover a restrained psychodrama of play, loss, and the transformation of everyday habitats. Music appears across the interiors and exteriors and speaks of limitlessness and longing.