Ex intelligence agent Ki-heon is tasked with safely transporting Seo Bok, the first ever human clone, who holds the secret of eternal life. Several forces try to take control of Seo Bok to serve their own agendas.

‘Lady Day’ was one of the greatest jazz vocalists the world ever heard. In 1971, journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl set out to write the definitive biography of Billie Holiday. Before her mysterious death in 1978, Lipnack Kuehl had taped over 200 hours of interviews. The tapes have never been heard. Now they form the basis of an atmospheric, multi-layered documentary that captures the many complex facets of a proud black woman, violent drug addict, loyal friend, vindictive lover and unforgettable singer of ‘God Bless The Child’, ‘Saddest Tale’ and the haunting ‘Strange Fruit’.

Um vírus desconhecido transforma Moscou na cidade dos mortos. Não há eletricidade, o dinheiro perdeu todo o valor e aqueles que ainda não estão infectados estão lutando desesperadamente por comida e combustível. Sergei mora fora da cidade com a mulher que ama e seu filho autista. Ainda é seguro lá. Apesar disso, ele corre para Moscou para salvar sua ex-mulher e seu filho. Essas pessoas, que nunca acreditaram que estariam sob o mesmo teto novamente, têm que deixar o passado para trás e partir em uma longa e perigosa jornada para o norte.

In a poor district of Edo lives a young samurai named Soza. He has been sent by his clan to avenge the death of his father. He isn't an accomplished swordsman however, and he prefers sharing the life of the residents, teaching the kids how to write etc. When he finally finds the man he is looking for, he will have to decide whether he follows the way of the samurai or chooses peace and reconciliation.

A coroner finds a capsule in the head of a heavily mutilated corpse, containing a phone number and single word: the name of his daughter.

Dois anos após perder o filho e o pai, um sicário reformado põe em marcha um plano para se vingar do assassino responsável pelas suas perdas: o próprio irmão.

When home renovator Melissa Davis strikes up a new relationship with her client, John Anderson, she believes she’s found the guy of her dreams. However, when John’s ex, Carrie, appears with a grave warning, Melissa learns that her dream man has a dark secret that he’ll kill to protect.

A father and daughter check out a small town escape room and discover there is something sinister about the place.

An anarchic, hip-hop inspired comedy that follows four city boys on a wilderness trek as they try to escape a mysterious huntsman.

When two low-lives gate crash a party, and are mocked by the posh hosts, they decide to get their revenge by subjecting the guests to various forms of torture and violence.

Bryce se muda com a família para um novo bairro e logo conhece Juli, sua vizinha, que será, durante os próximos anos, uma pessoa muito importante na sua vida. Ocorre que a família de Juli é mais humilde e o pai de Bryce tem preconceito com a família da garota, o que acaba resultando em um preconceito do próprio garoto perante a menina, onde os sentimentos de ambos se misturam, passando do amor ao desprezo até conseguirem chegar à maturidade de seus sentimentos.

Quando um misterioso vírus alienígena começa a pôr a humanidade em perigo, uma equipa de soldados de elite viaja até ao espaço para acabar com a ameaça de vez.

Quando uma equipe de investigadores paranormais é contratada para inspecionar uma instituição mental prestes a ser demolida, eles descobrem pistas horripilantes que revelam a causa de um violento massacre de um médico insano nos anos 60.

Roman teenager, Atti is forced to join the Roman army when one of his clever schemes falls foul of Emperor Nero. He is sent to "miserable, cold, wet Britain" where "the natives are revolting - quite literally". Things go from bad to worse when Atti is captured by Orla, a feisty teenage Celt desperate to prove herself as a warrior.

Vanessa proudly shares all her personal information, selfies and family photos with her online friends and is thrilled to welcome her 10,000th follower. Little does she know that her new fan is actually the biological mother of her adopted daughter Lacy and has been trying to track her down for seven years. Now that she knows all the family's movements and whereabouts, her cyber stalking turns into the real thing. Inserting herself into the family's lives and affections, she soon becomes indispensable as sous chef in Vanessa's restaurant and is always ready to babysit Lacy - just waiting for the right moment to abduct her - For she will stop at nothing to get her daughter back - not even murder.

Um grupo de amigos decide passar as férias de verão na casa de Sara (Sara Paxton), localizada longe da cidade. Lá, eles se divertem andando de lancha ou praticando wakeboarding no lago local, até que percebem que são alvo de perigosos tubarões.

Thrills, Chills and Screwball-Comedy meet Tiny Bikinis and G o R y dismemberment in this Chlorine & Blood drenched Murder-Mystery.

When a group of soldiers decide to flee from the Napoleonic Wars, their journey home takes them through the Black Forest, leading them to an ancient evil and a fight for their lives.

After an earthquake leaves Danny trapped and alone, his claustrophobic nightmare only gets worse when something truly horrifying emerges from the fissures in the ground, forcing him to engage in a brutal fight for his life and his sanity.