Zemes resursi nav neizsmeļami - pienācis laiks, kad mūsu dienas uz šīs planētas ir skaitītas. Vai cilvēku suga varētu turpināties kaut kur citur zvaigžņotajā izplatījumā? Lai to noskaidrotu, pētnieku komanda dodas nozīmīgākajā misijā cilvēces vēsturē - ceļojumā ārpus mūsu galaktikas robežām. Ceļotāju vidū ir arī inženieris Kūpers - divu bērnu tēvs, atraitnis, kurš augstāku mērķu vārdā gatavs upurēt savu ģimenes dzīvi.

In a near-future Britain, young Alexander DeLarge and his pals get their kicks beating and raping anyone they please. When not destroying the lives of others, Alex swoons to the music of Beethoven. The state, eager to crack down on juvenile crime, gives an incarcerated Alex the option to undergo an invasive procedure that'll rob him of all personal agency. In a time when conscience is a commodity, can Alex change his tune?

In Hong Kong of 1962, Mrs. Chan and Mr. Chow, a journalist, move into neighbouring apartments on the same day. Their encounters are formal and polite—until a discovery about their respective spouses creates an intimate bond between them.

Aizraujošs, episks trilleris, kas ved skatītājus pagātnē un ienirst cilvēka unikālajā prātā. Stāsts par zinātnieku un viņa pasauli satricinošo izgudrojumu, un ģenialitātes augli. Filmas pamatā Pulicera balvas ieguvēju Kaja Bērda un Mārtina Dž. Šērvina romāns “American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer” par Dž. Roberta Openheimera, dēvēta arī par ‘atombumbas tēvu’, dzīvi.

Neveiklais un vienaudžu atstumtais 10-gadīgais vācu puisēns Džodžo cenšas atrast savu vietu viņam tik neierastajā pasaulē. Lai kompensētu pazudušo tēvu un draugu neesamību, viņš rada sev iedomu draugu - Ādolfu Hitleru, kurš nemaz nav līdzīgs tā laika Trešā reiha vadonim. Taču reiz viņš nejauši atklāj, ka māte slēpj mājās ebreju meitenīti un drīz vien Džodžo nāksies izdarīt izvēli par to, kas viņa dzīvē ir galvenais.

Pirmo reizi Zirnekļcilvēka filmu sērijas vēsturē mūsu draudzīgā apkaimes varoņa maska ir noņemta un viņš vairs nespēj nošķirt savu parasto dzīvi no riskantajām supervaroņa gaitām. Kad viņš lūdz palīdzību Doktoram Streindžam, likmes kļūst vēl augstākas, liekot viņam aptvert, ko patiesībā nozīmē būt Zirnekļcilvēkam.

No ostas pilsētas Saushemptonas savā pirmajā braucienā dodas pasaules lielākais kuģis - Titāniks. Kuģis dodas uz Ameriku un līdz ar Titāniku uz klāja tiek vestas tūkstoņiem cilvēku cerības un likteņi. Starp šiem cilvēkiem atrodas arī septiņpadsmitgadīgā Roza Djuita Bukeitera – skaista un bagāta meitene, kurai apnikusi savu vecāku bagātā un liekulīgā pasaule, kā arī nabadzīgs mākslinieks Džeks. Titānika veidotāji bija pārliecināti par to, ka kuģi nevar nogremdēt, taču kuģa ceļā nokļūst milzīgs aisbergs un Rozas un Džeka romantiskais piedzīvojums pārvēršas par cīņu uz izdzīvošanu.

In 200,000 years of existence, man has upset the balance on which the Earth had lived for 4 billion years. Global warming, resource depletion, species extinction: man has endangered his own home. But it is too late to be pessimistic: humanity has barely ten years left to reverse the trend, become aware of its excessive exploitation of the Earth's riches, and change its consumption pattern.

Brought back to life by an unorthodox scientist, a young woman runs off with a lawyer on a whirlwind adventure across the continents. Free from the prejudices of her times, she grows steadfast in her purpose to stand for equality and liberation.

As the world fell, young Furiosa is snatched from the Green Place of Many Mothers and falls into the hands of a great Biker Horde led by the Warlord Dementus. Sweeping through the Wasteland they come across the Citadel presided over by The Immortan Joe. While the two Tyrants war for dominance, Furiosa must survive many trials as she puts together the means to find her way home.

After their late former Captain is framed, Lowrey and Burnett try to clear his name, only to end up on the run themselves.

A televsion reporter tasked with making a feature about Jean Jacques Rousseau's upcoming 300th birthday uses a local Swiss boy with a remarkable knowledge about the philosopher as her angle for the feature. She then brings in a local professor and Rousseau expert to try to explain how this boy could possibly know so much about a philosopher who died over a hundred years before he was even born. What unfolds is a story about friendship, nature, and the unequal distribution of wealth.

Pār ambiciozās un enerģiskās Ņujorkas izdevniecības vadītājas Margaretas galvu ir savilkušies negaisa mākoņi - viņas uzturēšanās atļauja ASV ir beigusies, un viņai draud deportācija atpakaļ uz Kanādu. Lai nepazaudētu darbu, viņai atliek tikai viena iespēja - likt kādam no saviem padotajiem bildināt viņu un noslēgt fiktīvas laulības. Vai arī bildināt kādu pašai...

Along with her husband and three children, Marthe lives in an eden of her own creation, nearly isolated from the rest of the world. The arrival of a construction vehicle, however, pierces their tranquil, hermetic existence—before long a disused highway has been re-opened, and the family finds their home situated in the midst of rush-hour traffic. While the privileges of clean air, quietude and privacy are thus denied them, Marthe remains determined to stay no matter the cost.

When Earth is taken over by the overly-confident Boov, an alien race in search of a new place to call home, all humans are promptly relocated, while all Boov get busy reorganizing the planet. But when one resourceful girl, Tip, manages to avoid capture, she finds herself the accidental accomplice of a banished Boov named Oh. The two fugitives realize there’s a lot more at stake than intergalactic relations as they embark on the road trip of a lifetime.

Back from a tour of duty, Kelli struggles to find her place in her family and the rust-belt town she no longer recognizes.

Former Antigang legend Niels Cartier, known for his muscular and unconventional methods, left the force following an intervention that went wrong and led to the death of his wife. When the gang of bank robbers responsible for her death reappears eight years later, Niels won't let anyone stand in his way to seek revenge. Even if it means forming an explosive duo with his temperamental 14-year-old daughter.

A fleet of Martian spacecraft surrounds the world's major cities and all of humanity waits to see if the extraterrestrial visitors have, as they claim, "come in peace." U.S. President James Dale receives assurance from science professor Donald Kessler that the Martians' mission is a friendly one. But when a peaceful exchange ends in the total annihilation of the U.S. Congress, military men call for a full-scale nuclear retaliation.

Carrie is a religious fundamentalist. But her mother decided to come-out-of-the-closet and marry another woman, which they have a daughter together with. Now, she is forced to move into a new house with people she cannot accept. The story takes place over the first two days at the strange house, as Carrie's new parents leave for a business trip and she must now take care of her step sister. As creepy occurrences lead to full blown terror, Carrie must learn to overcome her own fears and believes to save her little sister.

Asuka is an aspiring model who moves to Tokyo to pursue her career. She moves into a small apartment with a friend of a friend, Kasumi. A bizarre murder occurs in the hotel across the street. The body was mutilated and repositioned into a lurid work of art. After this, a string of murders start happening all around the two girls, as if some crazed serial killer was following them. At the scene of each crime, the perpetrator leaves a black lip print, and is subsequently dubbed "The Black Kiss.