Akbar, 18, has been held in a rehabilitation centre for committing murder at the age of sixteen. Now, Akbar is transferred to prison to await the day of his execution. A’la, a friend of Akbar, tries desperately to gain the consent of Akbar’s plaintiff so as to stop the execution.

Tokyo, fine della seconda guerra mondiale. Il gangster Matsunaga, rimasto ferito durante il "lavoro", va a farsi curare dal Dr. Sanada. Scopre così di avere la tubercolosi ma, troppo orgoglioso per ammetterlo, rifiuta l'aiuto del dottore, intenzionato a guarirlo. Il medico però non si dà per vinto e, nonostante le brutali reazioni dell'uomo riesce, dopo ostinati tentativi, a convincerlo a curarsi.

La signorina Giddens viene assunta da un noto avvocato londinese perché faccia da istitutrice ai suoi due nipotini Flora e Miles. Appena giunta nel castello di Bly dove vivono i ragazzi, la donna s'accorge che sotto innocenti apparenze, i due bimbi celano un oscuro, inquietante segreto. Alcuni fatti misteriosi e la storia su una precedente istitutrice e un domestico del castello, legati da una morbosa passione e morti in circostanze non chiare, conducono miss Giddens ad una terrificante scoperta: per un inesplicabile fenomeno, i due adulti rivivono nei corpi dei bimbi...

Paris, summer 1960. Anthropologist and filmmaker Jean Rouch and sociologist and film critic Edgar Morin wander through the crowded streets asking passersby how they cope with life's misfortunes.

Christine Daae, all'Opera di Parigi, viene guidata al successo da una voce misteriosa che proviene dalle pareti del suo camerino. La voce appartiene ad un uomo misterioso il cui volto è coperto da una maschera, che invita la donna a lasciare il suo fidanzato e a continuare la carriera da cantante. Christine finge di accettare ma il Fantasma, scoperto l'inganno, la rapisce e la porta nei sotterranei del teatro.

Jacob’s dream is to be a rap artist, so he works on a song that will give him the big breakthrough. To his big frustration, his dreams are tested every time his roomie Adam gets a visit from his girlfriend Frederikke. And through a journey of unforeseen events Jacob meets additional challenges that test his working discipline.

Dal romanzo (1942) di Albert Camus: nel 1935 ad Algeri l'impiegato Mersault uccide un arabo, accanendosi a revolverate sul cadavere. Condannato a morte, non si difende durante il processo, estraneo al proprio caso.

The remarkable story of The Weather Underground, radical activists of the 1970s, and of radical politics at its best and most disastrous.

Quando una casalinga scopre di essere incinta, scappa dalla città in cerca di libertà per rivalutare le sue decisioni di vita.

Russian Federation, December 31, 1999. After President Boris Yeltsin's unexpected resignation, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin becomes acting president of the country. From that day and for a year, Vitaly Mansky's camera documented Putin's rise to power. The story of a privileged witness. The harsh explanation of the reason why politics is the art of possibility of achieving the best with the support of many, but also of giving the worst in return.

Tom Papa has become a Human Mule and he’s not afraid to admit it. In this follow up to his 2013 special, Tom is at his fast paced comedic best while relating the everyman struggles of family life, falling behind to the super rich and his hilarious cure for angry young men.

Sisters Maria and Anna live together. Maria is a most proficient executive secretary, encouraging Anna to finish her studies and start a career. Anna broods, threatens to quit university, takes pills, and keeps a diary. When Maria's relationship with Maurice, the son of her boss, starts to lead to love, Anna takes a selfish and drastic step that plummets Maria into solitude. No longer able to connect with Maurice, Maria does establish a relationship with Miriam, a typist at her office who becomes a surrogate younger sister. But Maria is intrusive as well as helpful. Can this or any relationship work out for this talented woman whose past seems to choke her soul?

Anton and Erika started out as friends for five years and got into a romantic relationship for seven years. Anton is a commercial director while Erika is a former band member and becomes his stay-at-home partner. The day finally comes when he asks her to marry him.

Bologna, 1954. Taddeo, diciottenne che tutti chiamano "Coso", sogna di diventare un frequentatore del mitico Bar Margherita che si trova proprio sotto i portici davanti a casa sua.

After blowing his professional ballet career, John's only way to redeem himself is to concoct the demise of his former partner, Leah, who he blames for his downfall; he rehearses his salvation in his mind in the way that he rehearses a dance, but being able to break from the routine will be the key to his success.

During a racially motivated rampage in Hanau, Hesse, Tobias R. kills nine citizens on February 19, 2020, his mother and then himself. The words of his manifesto indicate severe psychological problems. This psychogram of a mass murderer shows how withdrawn Tobias R. radicalized himself through fake news and delusion for years before it came to a catastrophe.

The lives of a group of Hollywood neurotics intersect over the Christmas holidays. Foremost among them, a songwriter visits Los Angeles to work on a singer's album. The gig, unbeknownst to him, is being bankrolled by his estranged father, a dairy magnate, who hopes to reunite with his son. When the songwriter meets an eccentric housewife who fancies herself a modern-day Garbo, his world of illusions comes crashing down.

A double leg amputated woman sits and writes a long meandering letter while her ineffective nurse attempts to attend to her stumps.

Saayad is the story of two generations living together, but experiencing the world in very different ways.