Дом Коб (Леонардо ди Каприо) је вешт лопов, апсолутно најбољи у опасној уметности извлачења информација. Он краде драгоцене тајне из најдубље подсвести, за време сна, када је ум најрањивији. Ретка способност учинила га је похлепним играчем у новом, подмуклом свету корпоративне шпијунаже, али је од њега направила и међународног бегунца и коштаће га свега што је икада волео. Кобу је сада понуђена могућност да се искупи. Последњи посао могао би да му поврати стари живот, али само ако буде у стању да учини немогуће: почетак. У свету у којем је могуће ући у снове једна идеја из људског ума може бити најопасније оружје или највећа вредност.
Артур Флек, неуспешни је стандaп комичар, који дању ради као кловн. Осећа се одбаченим од стране друштва, а своју неприлагођеност окружењу открива сваки пут када се манијакално смеје у најмање прикладним тренуцима. Његовом душевном стању не помажу ни озбиљни психички проблеми од којих пати. Артур се стара о својој мајци, али се види да му видно недостаје очинска фигура, па је принуђен да је тражи међу људима као што су телевизијски водитељ Мареј Френклин и милијардер Томас Вејн. У свом психичком расулу, њему се чини да је насиље једино решење…
A 30 years odyssey: the world's most intriguing artists and thinkers from the fields of visual art, music, filmmaking, acting, literature, philosophy, politics, business and science, are asked the same question: "Why are you creative?"
Док свет пада, млада Фуриоса бива зграбљена са Зеленог места многих мајки у руке велике бајкерске хорде коју предводи војсковођа Дементус. Чистећи кроз пустош, наилазе на цитаделу којом председава Имортан Џо. Два тиранина воде рат за превласт, а Фуриоса мора да преживи многа искушења док саставља средства да пронађе пут кући.
A brutal mugging leaves Grey Trace paralyzed in the hospital and his beloved wife dead. A billionaire inventor soon offers Trace a cure — an artificial intelligence implant called STEM that will enhance his body. Now able to walk, Grey finds that he also has superhuman strength and agility — skills he uses to seek revenge against the thugs who destroyed his life.
While vacationing on a remote German island with his pregnant wife, an artist has an emotional breakdown while confronting his repressed desires.
In 1935, when his train is stopped by deep snow, detective Hercule Poirot is called on to solve a murder that occurred in his car the night before.
Свадбена ноћ младе иде по злу када је њена нова ексцентрична фамилија присили да учествује у застрашујућој игри.
Documentary about the making and history of the film "Easy Rider."
Phil Broker is a former DEA agent who has gone through a crisis after his action against a biker gang went horribly wrong and it cost the life of his boss' son. He is recently widowed and is left with a 9-years-old daughter, Maddy. He decides to quit the turbulent and demanding life of thrill for Maddy's sake and retires to a small town. His daughter fights off a boy who was bullying her at school and this sets in motion a round of events that end in his direct confrontation with the local Meth drug lord. His past history with the biker gang also enters the arena, making matters more complex. But he has a mission in his mind to protect his daughter and he is ready to pay any cost that it demands.
In 1980 Paolo Borsellino was appointed with the preliminary investigations and the task of setting up a team which would later become the famous anti-mafia pool, investigating into the criminal activities of various mafia bands, in particular the gang headed up by Totò Riina.
A woman and her seven children live on a farm in Southern France. In spite of the hard work and the mediocre accommodation, their life would be a happy one, but for one person: the owner of the farm, an egotistic and authoritarian individual who is also the lover of the woman and the father of all her children. The farmer handles them as his property, uses them as cheap labour to work in the fields, and denies them the right to leave the farm. It is only the love of the woman for her children that allows them to endure their situation; but even for her, disenchantment has set in.
Смештен у 1990. годину, Керол Денверс је на путу да постане један од најмоћнијих хероја у универзуму. У тренутку када рат између две расе ванземаљаца захвати и Земљу, Денверс и мала група њених савезника наћи ће се усред вртлога сукоба.
Док је Њујорк нападнут од стране ванземаљских створења која лове слухом, жена по имену Семи се бори да преживи.
The great theater director Federico Landi Porrini is looking for his Romeo and Juliet for the opera that should definitively consecrate his prestige and end his career. Vittoria stands out among the candidates, but she is excluded because of a shadow on her past. Determined to get a role in the play anyway, and with the complicity of her makeup artist friend, the young actress decides to try again under a false identity to prove all her talent. That's how she turns into Eight November, offers herself for the role of Romeo and gets the part. It does not seem so complicated for her to play someone else, both on stage and behind the scenes, even when her boyfriend is chosen to play the role of Mercutio. However, dressing as a man will allow her to discover a lot about herself, but more importantly about the people around her.
Legendary documentary filmmaker Frederick Wiseman (At Berkeley, National Gallery) explores the culture, politics and daily life of the Queens, NYC district of Jackson Heights, which lays claim to being the most diverse neighbourhood in the world.
Афрички монарх Аким сазнаје да у Сједињеним Државама има давно изгубљеног сина и мора се вратити у Америку да би упознао овог неочекиваног наследника и изградио везу са својим сином.
For the sommeliers, coffee has three flavors: bitter, sour and a bit of fragrant towards the end. Through the common element of this so evocative product, this movie tells three stories set in three very different parts of the world. In Belgium, during some riots, a precious coffeepot gets stolen from Hamed's shop. He'll decide, once discovers the identity of the thief, to take vengeance alone. In Italy, Renzo, a young Latte Art expert, is involved in a robbery in a coffee shop, but things don't go as planned. In China, Ren Fei, a brilliant manager, finds out that his factory risks destroying a valley in the Yunnan, the beautiful region on the border with Laos.
With the help of a radio DJ, Texas ranger Lefty Enright finds his way to the cannibalistic Sawyer family's underground slaughter shop, where he seeks to avenge the brutal murder of his kin.
A super strain of genetically engineered mutants are designed to take over the universe, hungry to conquer the galaxy, with an appetite for mankind.