In 37 Seconds, 23-year-old comic book artist Yuma, physically disabled due to profound cerebral palsy and emotionally stunted by her well-meaning but overly protective mother, forges her own unusual path to sexual awakening and independence while at the same time discovering love and forgiveness.

Driving cross-country, Ray and his wife and daughter stop at a highway rest area where his daughter falls and breaks her arm. After a frantic rush to the hospital and a clash with the check-in nurse, Ray is finally able to get her to a doctor. While the wife and daughter go downstairs for an MRI, Ray, exhausted, passes out in a chair in the lobby. Upon waking up, they have no record or knowledge of Ray's family ever being checked in.

A washed-up musician teams up with a teacher and a kids show personality to protect young children from a sudden outbreak of zombies.

Hemsworth în rolul unui spălător de bani neimportant care suferă de amnezie în urma unui accident ciudat, când o afacere nu merge bine.

In 1988, Philadelphia police officer Thomas "Locke" Lockhart, hungry to become a detective, begins tracking a serial killer whose crimes defy scientific explanation. When the killer mysteriously resurfaces nine years later, Locke's obsession with finding the truth threatens to destroy his career, his family, and possibly his sanity.

A group of heavily armed hijackers board a luxury ocean liner in the South Pacific Ocean to loot it, only to do battle with a series of large-sized, tentacled, man-eating sea creatures who have taken over the ship first.

Troubled college freshman Luke suffers a violent family trauma and resurrects his childhood imaginary friend Daniel to help him cope. Charismatic and full of manic energy, Daniel helps Luke to achieve his dreams, before pushing him to the very edge of sanity and into a desperate struggle for control of his mind -- and his soul.

A boy named Eli with a rare autoimmune disorder is confined to a special experimental clinic for his treatment. He soon begins experiencing supernatural forces, turning the supposedly safe facility into a haunted prison for him and his fellow patients.

Evan values family above all else, and anyone who gets between him, his wife, and newborn son learns that the hard way. But when it comes to violent tendencies, it seems the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Bazat pe o scurtă poveste a scriitorului Stephen King, evenimentele sunt relatate din perspectiva lui Wilfred James, un narator neașteptat, care recunoaște că și-a ucis soția, Arlette, cu ajutorul fiul său din Nebraska. În anul 1922, Wilfred James, un fermier simplu, dar mândru, conspiră să-și ucidă soția pentru câștiguri financiare, convingându-și fiul adolescent să participe la teribila faptă. Wilfred deține 32 de hectare de pământ care au fost în posesia familiei sale de generații. Soția lui deține încă 40 de hectare învecinate pe care tatăl ei i le-a lăsat moștenire. Wilfred respinge ideea de a trăi într-un oraș, dar Arlette nu este mulțumită de viața la țară și vrea să se mute în Omaha, intenționând să-și vândă terenul unei companii profitabile pentru a fi utilizat ca fermă de porci și abator.

A series of down-on-their-luck individuals enter the decrepit and spine-chilling Rialto theater, only to have their deepest and darkest fears brought to life on the silver screen by The Projectionist – a mysterious, ghostly figure who holds the nightmarish futures of all who attend his screenings.

Karla, a young medical student, is trying to cure her brother, Blake, from a terminal sleep illness called Fatal Familial Insomnia, where you are unable to sleep until you die. On her quest to treat him, a more sinister reason for his condition is revealed.

Louis Creed, împreună cu soția sa, Rachel, și cu cei doi copii ai lor, Gage și Ellie, se mută într-o zonă rurală, unde vecinii îi întâmpină prietenos, dar îi și anunță imediat despre bizarul cimitir al animalelor din spatele noii lor case. După ce pisica lor e călcată de un camion, Louis o duce să o îngroape în misteriosul cimitir al animalelor, care se dovedește că nu e deloc ceea ce părea. Familia Creed începe să înțeleagă că, uneori, morții e mai bine să stea cu morții, și viii cu viii...

„Omul de pe Pământ” în vârstă de 14.000 de ani, John Oldman, care predă acum în nordul Californiei, își dă seama că nu numai că în sfârșit începe să îmbătrânească, dar patru studenți au descoperit cel mai adânc secret al său, punându-și viața în mare pericol și potențial distrugând cea mai populară religie din lume.

O tânără își caută sora geamănă, care a dispărut într-o zonă notorie din Japonia, cunoscută sub numele de Pădurea Sinuciderii.

After a mysterious woman saves her daughter from a deadly snakebite, a single mother must repay the debt by killing a stranger before sundown.

An anthology of four short horror tales.

Three young conspiracy theorists attempt to uncover the mysteries of Area 51, the government's secret location rumored to have hosted encounters with alien beings. What they find at this hidden facility exposes unimaginable secrets.

After moving back to her family home to care for her dying mother, a nurse haunted by her childhood memories must struggle with an evil force in the house.

Disturbing and mysterious things begin to happen to a bartender in New Orleans after he picks up a phone left behind at his bar.