Through stories, Memorial Day ceremonies and his letters, Ami was always a present absence for his nephew Shaked, the film's director. Following his grandmother's declining health, Shaked applies to the Defence Ministry for nursing care. His claim is rejected. Their refusal leaves him confused. Fifty years after Ami's death, a shocking truth is unveiled.

America has been fighting the war on terrorism for two decades, and there are more terrorists today, not fewer. The day after 9/11, experts estimated there were around 400 members of al-Qaida. Today, those same experts put that number at over 100,000, including affiliate groups. The question we must now ask ourselves is not only how to prevent more men from joining these groups, but can we deradicalize those who already have?

Christian and William are high-flying economics graduates from elite educational establishments. They are both attending the final interview for a top position with the renowned company, Roswell Enterprises. By coincidence they meet in the men’s room just before the interview begun. Their live™s worst job interview has just begun.

A mother deals with a sinister entity living in her daughter's room.

Esquizo tiene lugar en un hospital psiquiátrico. Una paciente mental (Serena Vergano) es escoltada a un quirófano, donde se le colocan electrodos en el cuero cabelludo. Los médicos diseccionan su cerebro y entramos en el cerebro con un grito fuerte y discordante. En este espacio desligado de la realidad, un grupo de actores ejecuta elaboradas danzas interpretativas. Saltan, aterrizan uno encima del otro, colocan sus manos sobre sus cuerpos y forman varias formas.

Registration of the Oudejaarsconference of the year 2002 by the Dutch comedian Youp van 't Hek.

A documentary filmography of Howard Hawks, including lengthy footage of Hawks himself discussing his films and many clips from his best-known pictures.

Hannah y Matt, una joven pareja en sus primeras vacaciones juntos, pronto descubren que es posible que no se vean cara a cara. Sintiéndose como si hubiera defraudado a su novio, Hannah solicita la ayuda de una misteriosa mujer gitana, con la esperanza de que los problemas de la pareja puedan superarse. Sin embargo, cuando Matt se despierta y descubre que su novia ha desaparecido, las siniestras intenciones de la mujer gitana se vuelven demasiado claras.

A black-ops assassin is forced to confront her true identity while going after her latest mark.

El juego de la verdad es una comedia de enredo que cuenta las aventuras más o menos cotidianas de dos parejas de amigos que acaban de entrar en la treintena. Una serie de circunstancias casuales hará que afloren viejas rencillas y así, por primera vez, se digan las verdades a la cara.

Two siblings set sail as a crew on a yacht on the Aegean Sea. Circumstances soon change when a young documentary filmmaker comes aboard.

Short parody indie film based on the TV show "Storage Wars". The plot is located in a small town in Bosnia and Herzegovina called Doboj.

The ladies are back for more mysterious fun in this sequel to the hit comedy/mystery Porches and Private Eyes.