The lively João Grilo and the sly Chicó are poor guys living in the hinterland who cheat a bunch of people in a small town in Northeastern Brazil. When they die, they have to be judged by Christ, the Devil and the Virgin Mary before they are admitted to paradise.

After another spat with her kids, Dona Hermínia decides to take some time off from them and hides away in her aunt's house, where she reminisces about her kids in an age when they still needed her.

Carandiru ist ein berüchtigtes Gefängnis im brasilianischen São Paulo, das mit 8000 Insassen auf einem für 4000 Menschen geplanten Platz deutlich überbelegt ist. In den beengten Verhältnissen, die sich der Ordnungsmacht weitgehend einer Kontrolle entziehen, hat sich ein eigenes Sozialsystem ausgebildet. Basierend auf den Erlebnissen des brasilianischen Arztes Drauzio Varella, der in den 1990er Jahren in Carandiru arbeitete, entwirft Hector Babenco ein episodisches Gefängnisdrama. Varella (Luiz Carlos Vasconcelos) sucht Carandiru auf, um die Gefangenen über AIDS aufzuklären, das sich zu einer gefährlichen Seuche unter den Insassen zu entwickeln droht. Dabei lernt er zahlreiche Knastbrüder kennen, die ihm auch ihre Hintergründe offenbaren. In Rückblenden schildert der Film einige ihrer Geschichten und porträtiert das komplexe System aus sozialen Regeln, das Carandiru prägt.

Estamira is a 63-year-old woman who suffers from schizophrenia. She leads a tough life and has supported herself for the past 20 years by picking through garbage at the Jardim Gramacho Disposal Area in Rio de Janeiro. The film follows her starting in 2000, the year she begins treatment in a psychiatric clinic. At first, it is hard to understand her in her stream-of-consciousness sentences, delusions and obsessions. Gradually, however, we get to know her as a woman who can have quiet and lucid moments despite her illness.

The life of the owners of Circus Esperança, Puro Sangue e Pangaré, father and son, who plays two clowns. At a certain point, Pangaré starts showing tiredness and sadness for being an unhappy clown.

The true story of João Guilherme Estrella ("Johnny"), a young middle-class bon vivant who became a big-time cocaine dealer in Rio de Janeiro in the early 1990s.

Inspired by the moving book “Só as Mães São Felizes”, by Lucinha Araújo, Cazuza's mother, the film covers a little more than 10 years of the singer’s crazy and brief life – from the beginning of his career in the Circo Voador venue, in 1981, to the huge success and the apotheosis of his shows with the Barão Vermelho band, his solo career, his relations with his parents, friends, lovers and passions, and the courage he had to face his final years, with HIV, until his death, in 1990.

During the Carnival in the historical site of Pelourinho, Salvador da Bahia, we follow the lives of the tenants of a falling-to-pieces tenement house who try to get by using creativity, irony, humor, and music.

The story of Francisco, a very simple and poor man whose dream was to see his children become country music stars, and who made all the efforts to make it happen.

Tati likes Marcelo who likes to date many girls. Sincere (at times even too sincere), Tati demonstrates her love, but ends up only pushing Marcelo away. After listening to a lecture by the young biology professor, Conrado, she has an idea: apply his polemic theories to her relationship. Conrado develops a technical seduction guide based on Charles Darwin?s theory, comparing the behavior of young lovers to that of animals. The beautiful guinea pig is working hard and everything seems to be going well in reconquering Marcelo. The scientific experiment becomes more complicated when romance appears in the air between the professor and student.

Four sisters work together to raise rent money after learning they have to move to another neighborhood in this coming-of-age drama based on the series.

The tragic true story of Jean Charles de Menezes, the innocent Brazilian shot dead by British police in 2005 at the height of the London terrorist alerts.

Diogo Álvares, a Portuguese map illustrator, reaches the Brazilian coast, after his caravel sinks. He is saved by the Indian chief Itaparica and his two daughters, Paraguaçu and Moema. They call him Caramuru and together they engage in a happy love triangle. But the chance to return to Portugal arises, and it is clear this amoral arrangement cannot last.

Valdomiro gets involved in yet another scheme, this time involving the same people that tricked him into losing everything - and he brings everyone from Ms. Jô's hostel along.

God decides to take a vacation, but first He has to find a saint who can rule the universe while He's away. So He goes to the Northeast of Brazil, where He believes there's a very good man for the job. As soon as He comes down to Earth, a young man comes along to help on His quest.

A man is abandoned by his wife and then falls in love with his neighbor, the perfect, ideal woman. The only problem: she doesn't exist!

Éder is arrested after confessing the murder of a man. Duca, his nephew, is sure that his uncle confessed the crime to protect his girlfriend, Soraya, ex-wife of the deceased, so he enlists two of his friends to help prove his theory.

Undercover-Bulle Vann ist einer Gruppe illegaler Waffenhändler auf der Spur. Er hat ein Treffen mit ihnen vereinbart, in dem er sich als Käufer ausgeben will. Doch das Treffen findet aufgrund einer Verwechselung nicht mit dem coolen Cop, sondern mit dem Vertreter für Zahnarztbedarf Andy Fiddler statt. Da Vann den dicken Fisch nicht vom Köder lassen will, muss er dafür sorgen, dass die Waffenschieber das Landei für einen schweren Jungen halten, der tatsächlich an ihren Waffen interessiert ist. Das würde Vann auch sicher hinbekommen, aber Fiddler entpuppt sich als notorische Quasselstrippe, die Vann alles abverlangt.

The story of the relationship between a college student whose relationship with her boyfriend is going nowhere and a bisexual medical artist who makes prosthetic body parts. Haru is a college student ignored by her boyfriend yet believes she is still in love with him. One day at a café, Haru meets Riko, a medical artist (prosthetist) who creates body parts in order to disguise clients’ missing pieces, lost due to accident or disease. Both were alone, but struck up an immediate friendship and closeness. Riko doesn't care about gender when it comes to relationships, and believes that love itself is the most important thing a human can achieve. Haru struggles in her life between friendship and a deeper relationship with Riko.

The strange friendship between two men of opposite social classes. Miguel is a senator. His childhood friend Jorge is a major drug-dealer. In the 1970s, they meet in prison: Miguel was there for political reasons, and Jorge, as a common criminal.