The second "visual album" (a collection of short films) by Beyoncé, this time around she takes a piercing look at racial issues and feminist concepts through a sexualized, satirical, and solemn tone.

After the tragic death of star volleyball player Caroline "Line" Found, a team of dispirited high school girls must band together under the guidance of their tough-love coach in hopes of winning the state championship!

A pub landlord in a previously thriving mining community struggles to hold onto his pub. Meanwhile, tensions rise in the town when Syrian refugees are placed in the empty houses in the community.

The true story of one man's mission to give inner city kids of Washington DC something he never had - a future. After being incarcerated for eighteen years, Eugene Brown established the Big Chair Chess Club to get kids off the streets and working towards lives they never believed they were capable of. This is his inspirational story.

Leningrad, rok 1945. Druhá svetová vojna zničila mesto, zdemolovala budovy a doviedla obyvateľov do fyzicky aj psychicky zúboženého stavu. Hoci sa jedno z najstrašnejších obliehaní skončilo, v troskách, ktoré po ňom ostali, stále zvádza boj život so smrťou. Dve mladé ženy Ija a Maša skúšajú nájsť zmysel a nádej v snahe vybudovať svoje životy medzi ruinami odznova.

A. A. Milne, úspešný spisovateľ, ktorý sa nikdy nespamätal z hrôz prvej svetovej vojny, sa spolu so svojou ženou Daphne a malým synom Christopherom Robinom sťahuje na pokojný vidiek, kde chce načerpať inšpiráciu pre svoju ďalšiu tvorbu. Nápady však neprichádzajú, Daphne novým spôsobom života pohŕda a malému chlapcovi sa dostáva lásky iba od pestúnky. K zmene však dochádza v momente, keď začne Milne svojmu zblúdenému synovi rozprávať príbehy, z ktorých sa nakoniec zrodia úspešné detské knižky o Medvedíkovi Pú. Rozprávky o chlapcovi a jeho zvieratkách však dramaticky zmenia osud celej rodiny.

The everyday life of accountant Levante, his family and the other people of a small town in the Tuscan countryside is taken by storm by the serendipitous arrival of five gorgeous Spanish flamenco dancers.

A cop, investigating the mysterious death of a filmstar, meets a sex-worker, while he faces some personal problems psychologically. The mystery connects these people in a way, that ultimately changes their lives.

A modern-day witch likes her neighbor but despises his fiancée, so she enchants him to love her instead... only to fall in love with him for real.

When Colonel Chabert returns from the war, he discovers that he has lost everything.

Set in a dugout in Aisne in 1918, a group of British officers, led by the mentally disintegrating young officer Stanhope, variously await their fate.

The murder of 13-year-old Yara Gambirasio shocks the little town of Brembate di Sopra, Italy. To bring the culprit to justice, prosecutors have only scant DNA evidence and no database to compare them to. Based on a true story.

Samson is a young whale that doesn't have friends. He spends his time listening to his mother's stories about the legendary whale Moby Dick. Samson becomes fascinated about it and decides to go on a journey to find Moby Dick.

Olof lives alone on his family's farm after the death of his mother. Unable to read and write, he is dependent on his younger friend, Erik, who helps him in the afternoons. Once a sailor, Erik brags of having known hundreds of women. Out of the blue, Olof advertises in the local paper for a young lady housekeeper, and Ellen, a middle-class city woman, arrives to take over the house and, as the summer goes on, Olof's heart and Erik's desire as well.

In the months when she was young and widowed, she ran back to her natal family reluctantly and was ridiculed by her sister-in-law, so she had to return to the house of the widowed king. The old master of the Wang family divided the property early, the sister-in-law divided the land, the second sister-in-law divided the house, and got a few pigs in the month. A Hui, a man in the village, was originally sexually interested in his sister-in-law Yuyan, but after seeing Yueli, Rijiushengqing left Yuyan and flew with Yueli~~~

Newyorská kráska Barbara Dalyová sa vydá za jedného z najbohatších mužov Ameriky. Brooks Baekeland je potomkom vynálezcu bakelitu a tento úžasný vynález mu umožňuje viesť život snov. Nemusí pracovať a spolu s krásnou manželkou si užíva spoločenské radovánky v povojnovom New Yorku. Po narodení syna Antonyho strieda rodina blahobytný život v Paríži s pobytom v prímorských letoviskách, kde sa stýka s najznámejšími umelcami a osobnosťami doby – navštevujú ju Marcel Duchamp, William Styron, Greta Garbo. Ich súkromný život v rokoch 1946 - 1972 však idylu nepripomína ani náhodou. Obaja manželia sú psychicky labilní a nestriedmy spoločenský život len umocňuje Brooksove depresie a Barbarine záchvaty hnevu.

When the son of an American man and a Japanese women is killed, the man transforms into Tetsuo.

As two teen prodigies try to master the art of time travel, a tragic police shooting sends them on a series of dangerous trips to the past.

18-year-old Penny Cooper spent years pining for Johnny Sanders Jr., but when a mysterious musician shows up on the beach, Penny is torn.

Detective Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson join forces to investigate a murder at Buckingham Palace. They soon learn that they have only four days to solve the case, or the queen will become the next victim.