After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War, the universe is in ruins due to the efforts of the Mad Titan, Thanos. With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers must assemble once more in order to undo Thanos' actions and restore order to the universe once and for all, no matter what consequences may be in store.

Disney-Pixari värviküllane, humoorikas ja seiklusrikas lugu peretraditsioonidest, mille peategelaseks on muusikukarjäärist unistav Miguel, kes võtab ette uskumatu rännakuoma esivanemate maagilisse maailma. Seal sõbruneb ta sarmika vigurivända Hectoriga, kes aitab poisil avastada tolle esivanemate lugude taga peituva müsteeriumi.

Noor ja hakkaja poiss Luke Skywalker elab räpasel Tatooine planeedil oma onu ja tädi juures. Ta tahab minna Akadeemiasse ning saada Mässajate võitlejaks, kuid onu vajab teda viljakoristuse jaoks. Samal ajal võitlevad Mässajad eesotsas Printsess Leiaga kurja Impeeriumi vastu. Nad ründavad Impeeriumi võimsaimat relva Surmatähte - võimast komeedi moodi kosmoselaeva, mida juhivad Moff Tarkin ja Darth Vader. Kui Impeeriumi võitlejad Luke'i onu ja tädi tapavad, saab ta Leialt abipalve, kus palub koos targa miniroboti R2-D2'ga leida üles üks viimaseid elus olevaid Jedi rüütleid Obi-Wan Kenobi. Oma teel aitavad teda palgasõdur Han Solo ja tema karvane abiline Chewbacca. Püüdes printsessi ja tema liitlasi vabastada, satuvad nad koos ohtlikkesse olukordadesse, mis võivad kogu galaktika saatuse igaveseks muuta

Ühiskonnast kõrvale heidetud Arthur Fleck luusib mööda Gothami tänavaid, et tunda inimeste lähedust. Päeval klounina raha teenides, lootes nii olla osake ühiskonnast, võõrdub mees ühiskonnast veelgi. Hüljatu ja kiusatuna, hakkab Arthuri sees kasvama viha. Algab aeglane muutus, mille käigus saab heidikust geniaalne kurikael, keda inimesed saavad tundma Jokkerina.

Determined to ensure Superman's ultimate sacrifice was not in vain, Bruce Wayne aligns forces with Diana Prince with plans to recruit a team of metahumans to protect the world from an approaching threat of catastrophic proportions.

11-aastane Riley peab läbi tegema oma senise elu kõige suurema muutuse - kolima kodusest Minnesotast kaugele San Fransiscosse, kuhu neid viib isa uus töö. Kaugele seljataha jäävad kõik tuttavad kohad, sõbrad ja mälestused. Küll aga reisivad temaga tema "peakorteris" kaasa tema enda isiklikud Rõõm, Kurbus, Hirm, Vastikus ja Viha, kes kõik soovivad, et Rileyga läheks kõik hästi, tal oleks alati turvaline ja keegi ei teeks talle ülekohut. Peakorteris hakkavad aga asjad vägisi käest ära minema, kui Kurbus oma tundeid enam üldse vaka all ei suuda hoida, mis paneb omakorda Hirmu kangesti pabistama, Vastikuse nina kirtsutama ja Viha mõistagi pahuralt käiseid üles käärima. Kui tormiliselt arenenud sündmuste tõttu seni asju enam-vähem kontrolli all hoidnud Rõõm ühes Kurbusega end Riley pikaajalise mälu sügavatest soppidest leiab, peavad nad alustama pikka ja rasket tagasiteed peakorterisse, kus samal ajal Hirm, Vastikus ja Viha püüavad jooksvalt probleeme "lahendada".

Light years from Earth, 26 years after being abducted, Peter Quill finds himself the prime target of a manhunt after discovering an orb wanted by Ronan the Accuser.

A bank teller discovers he is actually a background player in an open-world video game, and decides to become the hero of his own story. Now, in a world where there are no limits, he is determined to be the guy who saves his world his way before it's too late.

A highly intelligent chimpanzee named Caesar has been living a peaceful suburban life ever since he was born. But when he gets taken to a cruel primate facility, Caesar decides to revolt against those who have harmed him.

Väike sinine superenergiapall Sonic satub maale, sest peab oma planeedi päästmiseks peidus elama. Tema kõige tähtsam ülesanne on mitte äratada tähelepanu. Kuid sellist supervõimet nagu Sonicul, on võimatu kaua varjata, eriti kui sa oled ülienergiline ja vallatu teismeline, kes üldse ei armasta üksildust.

Two different students—a successful but aloof academic and a rebellious but kindhearted delinquent—form a friendship through their love of jazz music.

Dominic Toretto and his crew battle the most skilled assassin and high-performance driver they've ever encountered: his forsaken brother.

Charlie Kenton is a washed-up fighter who retired from the ring when robots took over the sport. After his robot is trashed, he reluctantly teams up with his estranged son to rebuild and train an unlikely contender.

A spacecraft traveling to a distant colony planet and transporting thousands of people has a malfunction in its sleep chambers. As a result, two passengers are awakened 90 years early.

Just when his time under house arrest is about to end, Scott Lang once again puts his freedom at risk to help Hope van Dyne and Dr. Hank Pym dive into the quantum realm and try to accomplish, against time and any chance of success, a very dangerous rescue mission.

Investigative journalist Eddie Brock attempts a comeback following a scandal, but accidentally becomes the host of Venom, a violent, super powerful alien symbiote. Soon, he must rely on his newfound powers to protect the world from a shadowy organization looking for a symbiote of their own.

Hyun-su and Soo-jin are newlyweds. Seemingly out of nowhere, he starts talking in his sleep. “Someone’s inside.” From that night on, whenever he falls asleep, he transforms into someone else with no recollection of what happened the night before. Soo-jin is overwhelmed with anxiety that he’d hurt her family while she sleeps and can barely sleep a wink because of this irrational fear. Despite sleep treatment, Hyun-su’s sleepwalking only intensifies, and she begins to feel that her unborn child may be in danger…

Kapten Jack Sparrow ja tema endine vihavaenlane Barbossa asuvad ohtlikule teekonnale, et leida salapärane igavese nooruse allikas. Oma meelehärmiks saavad merehundid õige pea teada, et sedasama otsib ka julm kapten Musthabe koos oma kauni, ent ohtliku tütre Angelicaga.

Several years after the tragic death of their little girl, a doll maker and his wife welcome a nun and several girls from a shuttered orphanage into their home, soon becoming the target of the doll maker's possessed creation—Annabelle.

The Autobots continue to work for NEST, now no longer in secret. But after discovering a strange artifact during a mission in Chernobyl, it becomes apparent to Optimus Prime that the United States government has been less than forthright with them.