Tribune Marcus Aulus, out of favor in Rome because of his alleged sympathy for Christians, arrives to take charge of an aqueduct project on the hot, arid fringes of the Empire. Centurion Gaius, cruel and corrupt, resents being replaced by Marcus. He instigates a revolt by his slave-workers, then blames the situation on Marcus. During the revolt, five muscular slaves escape. They meet up with fellow escapee Balisten, a farmer unjustly condemned to the aqueduct project. Balisten, impressed by Marcus's enlightened attitudes, has rescued the Tribune from the revolt. The six slaves, with Marcus's advice, plan to gain their freedom using their prowess as gladiators. Marcus plans to clear his name and to re-unite with his fiancée, Claudia, recently arrived from Rome. Gaius plans to kill Marcus and thus hide the truth about the slave revolt. Brawls and fights both inside and outside the arena come thick and fast.
第二次世界大战期间,一名德国士兵试图确定荷兰抵抗组织是否在Kaiser Wilhelm的家里安置了间谍。但在一次意外的犹太妇女被杀害的事件后,平静城堡里的很多事情就再无法隐瞒的下去了……
The story follows a young scientist in the contemporary world, who actually came from the world of dwarves, thanks to a magic potion, held by the Big Eater, ruler of the dwarves. The dwarf kingdom, Shuflandia, exists in a cellar of a library, and only the most obedient get the chance to grow to king size and inhabit the larger world. Once there, nobody wants to return to Shuflandia. Also, there are no women in Shuflandia.
日本科学技术大学教授上田次郎(阿部宽饰)是一位物理学家。他出版的《滚过来,超常事件》系列丛书描述了他破解诸多超能力骗局的事件。实际上,他还有一个伙伴,落魄的魔术师,已故日本第一魔术师山田刚三的女儿,山田奈绪子(仲间由纪惠饰)。二人一同经历了一个个不可思议事件,并一一揭开 其真相。这一天,一位来自富毛村的男子找到上田次郎,委托他到筐神岛去营救一位叫西田美沙子(堀北真希饰)的女子,而在岛上迎接上田他们的,居然是能移动巨大山石、能穿越生死的超能力者筐神佐和子(片平なぎさ饰)。面对的从未经历的强大对手,二人不仅要探寻事件真相,更要追求自己的心声。
Park ranger Donald sends his bears off to hibernate, but Humphrey would rather stay in his hammock, run out for a glass of water, etc., than sleep; when he does get to sleep, his snoring gets him thrown out. His search for a new bed leads him right into the ranger's house.
Swedish documentary film on consumerism and globalization, created by director Erik Gandini and editor Johan Söderberg. It looks at the arguments for capitalism and technology, such as greater efficiency, more time and less work, and argues that these are not being fulfilled, and they never will be. The film leans towards anarcho-primitivist ideology and argues for "a simple and fulfilling life".
瞒着父亲(汤姆•汉克斯 Tom Hanks饰)从法学院辍学准备当作家的特洛伊•盖博(科林•汉克斯 Colin Hanks 饰)在报纸上看到一则征个人助理的广告,发现自己的未来老板竟然是曾经风靡一时的“伟大的巴克•霍华德”。巴克(约翰•马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)是个精神第一论者,能通过意念催眠、透视和寻找物品。他的神奇表演曾使他以嘉宾身份出席过61次NBC电视台约翰尼•卡森主持的《今夜脱口秀》节目。但随着时间的流逝,巴克千篇一律的表演方式逐渐失去魅力,目前只以巡回表演为生。特洛伊作为巴克的旅行经理人和个人助理,随着他在美国各州的乡间小镇上旅行演出,每到一处巴克都以“我热爱这个小镇”为开场白,且不论观众多寡,他都精心准备全力以赴。在媒体公关瓦莱莉(艾米丽•布朗特 Emily Blunt 饰)的帮助下,巴克突然阴差阳错的重回公众视线,并被邀至拉斯维加斯长期表演。可就在巴克命运扭转之际,另一件不可思议的怪事发生了……
妹妹被谋杀的噩耗让华特(艾什顿·库彻 Ashton Kutcher 饰)大受打击,终日沉浸在愤怒和悲哀中的他决定复仇。在小镇上,华特遇见了名为琳达(米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer 饰)的美丽女人,没想到,在琳达的坚强背后也隐藏了一段与华特相似的悲惨遭遇。就是这样心怀伤痛的两人,他们相遇了,相爱了。
保罗雷辛(克里斯多弗·兰伯特 Christopher Lambert)是个在日本工作的美籍业务员,他在异国邂逅了神秘的东方女郎Kirina(陈冲),被欲望冲昏头的保罗马上和她发生了关系。当他返回她的房间要取回钥匙时,却发现她已死于金城(尊龙)的刀下。金城是一个忍者集团的首脑,任何看到他庐山真面目的人都别想活命。在接下来的11个钟头内,保罗就要进行一场生存游戏,才能成为唯一见过金城的幸存者。
承接上一部“饕餮自助”,扎克与凯西的关系陷入冰河期,但他们报名的夏季戏剧营已经不能取消。 来到营地后两人各有际遇:扎克与饰演对手戏的本奇互生好感,但后者一直谎称直男;凯西感受到威胁,求助同人女潘妮结果越帮越忙,更懵不知自己沦为同室帅哥比欧的猎物。 来添乱的是,荡女蒂凡尼一跃成为戏剧老师,靠拍同志片沟女的指导员杰森对变性学生莉莉情不自禁,海伦姨妈竟然因为一个叫安迪的壮男焕发第二春! 当然人在抓马营,湿身不由己,这次他们要糟蹋——噢不,表演——的剧目是莎士比亚的名作:驯悍记。
A group of cooks at an asylum for the criminally insane get locked in with the inmates during a massive thunderstorm
In the future, two television networks compete for ratings by producing violent game shows. One network produces a modern day version of the Roman gladiators, only on motorcycles instead of chariots, and uses convicted murderers as the participants, The network decides it needs a champion for this sport, so they frame a constant winner from another game for murder, and place him on the show.
海军陆战队士兵亚历山大•叶若夫在被海盗劫持的油轮上。他知道,他的战友们不会丢下他不管。当开始进攻时,他需要活下来,并帮助自己人。 电影是根据2010年5月20日的真实事件拍摄,当时大型反潜舰“沙波什尼科夫元帅”号的海军陆战队士兵解救了在亚丁湾水域被劫持的俄罗斯油轮“莫斯科大学”号。当时他们只有22分钟,绝对不能犯错.......
A young boy, who dreams of meeting the grandfather he never knew gets his chance, when an inventor friend constructs a time machine. After arriving in the past, it soon becomes apparent that his knowledge of the future could change the course of history.
一部带有强烈电子乐文化背景的青春喜剧.故事讲述的是Kevin和Perry是两个没见过世面的处男,却一直满脑子梦想成为世界最顶尖的DJ。如果再不想个办法,脱离“手洗“的行列,错过这暑假就没有机会了。他们决定要去电迷圣地-IBIZA;那儿有全世界最霹雳的的派对,最喋血的姑娘,最劲爆的音乐。一旦成为人人崇拜的DJ,又酷又炫,就有数不尽的姑娘可泡。他们很快就认识两个波霸辣妹以及心目中的偶像-超级DJ-Eye Ball Paul。于是发生一连串笑翻天的缺事儿,最终Kevin和Perry成为最受欢迎的DJ!终结了自己处男的生涯,Kevin的父母也鸡犬升天出版了<中年房事秘籍>在同龄人当中引起轩然大波!~)
Agnès Dormes, a famous opera singer, saves Julie, a baby girl who was about to be sacrificed during a black mass. Twenty years later, the baby has turned into a beautiful energetic twenty-year-old young lady determined to find out about her origins. In Avignon, Julie manages to meet Agnès and discovers on the occasion she is not her real mother. A series of adventures will ensue and at a time Julie is nearly burned on the stake. But she eventually achieves her end and can marry, a street performer close to her heart.