Мачак у чизмама открива да је његова страст за авантуром учинила своје: спалио је осам од својих девет живота, остављајући му само један живот. Мачак креће на епско путовање да пронађе митску последњу жељу и обнови својих девет живота.

A pretty young girl falls for an enigmatic, shy man who sweeps her off her feet. She becomes pregnant but is not allowed to tell him. His advisers are adamant. Back home, they have set up a wedding with the daughter of an antagonistic family and marriage will put an end to the blood feud between them.

The brothers Sultan and Bekzat Ibrayev are serving faithfully in the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan, and at the same time they are in family disagreement. Sultan is a valiant intelligence officer and Bekzat is a talented fighter pilot. While an international terrorist organization prepares a carefully planned attack on the country's strategically important facilities, the brothers have to face not only a mortal threat, but also face a family confrontation related to their dead father. Circumstances force them to unite in order to save human lives, and the brothers eventually understand that their homeland and family are the most valuable thing they have.

It's officially Spring Break at Monster High, and Lagoona takes her gilfriends across the sea to the Great Barrier Reef, but they are ship wrecked and end up on a mysterious skull shaped island. Here they enjoy the local hospitality until they realize that they are being used by a slippery showman named Farnum to lure the rarest, most mysterious monster of them all, "the Beast" into a trap. Frankie is taken by the Beast but tables turn and she ends up rescuing him and returning with him to Monster High. The story goes to high voltage when they realize that Frankie has inadvertently led Farnum to the location of the greatest gathering of monsters anywhere...Monster High.

Након што је њихов покојни бивши капетан подметнут, Ловри и Барнет покушавају да обришу његово име, да би и сами завршили у бекству.

Corinne (Barbie) is a young country girl who heads to Paris to pursue her big dream – to become a female musketeer! Never could she imagine she would meet three other girls who secretly share the same dream! Using their special talents, the girls work together as a team to foil a plot and save the prince. It's all for one and one for all!

What starts out as a fun road trip for the Toy Story gang takes an unexpected turn for the worse when the trip detours to a roadside motel. After one of the toys goes missing, the others find themselves caught up in a mysterious sequence of events that must be solved before they all suffer the same fate in this Toy Story of Terror.

Четворо деце из Лондона склоњено је од бомбардовања током ИИ светског рата у сеоску кућу. Деца тамо откривају чаробни ормар који представља улаз у мистичну земљу по имену Нарнија, којом влада зла вештица. Да би победили вештицу, они морају да удруже снаге са Асланом, лављим богом Нарније. Тако почиње велика битка између добра и зла.

Sisters Mirian and Mirelly were born in the interior of Goiás, but live in different cities. When their mother disappears, the two put aside their differences and come together to look for her, on a journey that could change their lives.

Преживели у убиствима Гоустфејса остављају Вудсборо иза себе и започињу ново поглавље у Њујорку.

A young woman accepts a job on a property with a traumatic history. Upon her arrival, she soon realizes that the nightmares of her childhood are connected to the evil in the house.

Бивши полицијски детектив Брајан О' Конор напустио је Лос Анђелес због ометања истраге због чега је постао одметник од закона. Одселио се у Мајами где зарађује учествовајући у уличним тркама које организује његов пријатељ Теј. Ухапшен је у сарадњи полиције и порезне агентикиње Монике Фуентес, те му је понуђена амнестија уколико прихвати тајни задатак инфилтрирања у редове нарко-боса Картера Веронеа који користи илегалне аутомобилске трке за прање новца. Брајан прихвата задатак под условом да му допусте да за партнера узме свог некадашњег пријатеља Романа Пирса.

Humanity's desperate battle to reclaim the Earth from Godzilla continues. The key to defeating the King of the Monsters may be Mechagodzilla, a robotic weapon thought to have been lost nearly 20,000 years ago.

In the year 50 BC, Gaul is occupied by the Romans - nearly. But the small village of Asterix and his friends still resists the Roman legions with the aid of their druid's magic potion, which gives superhuman strength. Learning of this potion, a Roman centurion kidnaps the druid to get the secret formula out of him.

After the birth of Renesmee, the Cullens gather other vampire clans in order to protect the child from a false allegation that puts the family in front of the Volturi.

This movie stars Barbie as a teenage girl, trying to deal with crushes, rivals and friendship as she tries to achieve her dream of working as a news anchor for her school's TV station. She doesn't always make the right decisions, but she's a nice enough character and considerably less "perfect" than she is portrayed in her other films.

Gaullish custom requires that a would-be chief must challenge and defeat another to become the leader of two tribes. Vitalstatistix is not perturbed because of Getafix's magic potion. Getafix, however has an accident and forgets how to make it. Then Vitalstatistix is suddenly challenged.

An American soldier who had been killed during the Vietnam War is revived 25 years later by the military as a semi-android, UniSols, a high-tech soldier of the future. After the failure of the initiative to erase all the soldier's memories, he begins to experience flashbacks that are forcing him to recall his past.

Док су на одмору у удаљеној колиби, младу девојчицу и њена два оца узимају за таоце четири наоружана странца који захтевају да породица направи незамислив избор како би спречила апокалипсу. Са ограниченим приступом спољашњем свету, породица мора да одлучи у шта верује пре него што све буде изгубљено.

The Wild Chicks are slowly growing out of their youthful gang years and have to face the worries of growing up on the sidelines of a big class trip before graduation.