Philip Glass’ opera “Akhnaten”, premiered in Stuttgart in 1984, forms the third part of the portrait opera trilogy about personalities who have influenced the course of human history. The conclusion of the trilogy deals with the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten, who attempted to establish a kind of monotheistic cult around the god Aton during his reign in the 14th century BC, but failed due to the resistance of the priesthood. The production presented here was undoubtedly one of the very great successes of the 2019/20 season at New York’s Metropolitan Opera, due not only to the outstanding cast of singers (led by countertenor Anthony Roth Costanzo) but also to Phelim McDermott’s imaginative staging, which captivates with sometimes breathtaking imagery.

Information about the match times of the event: Overall, the four matches of this event with a known match time contained 42:12 minutes of in-ring action. Since the match time of all fights is known, this is also the combined match time of the whole show.

A teacher falls in love with the married owner of the guest house in which she is staying during a holiday to Austria.

Japan has already occupied Korea and now China. Chin, a young woman understands that the Motherland demands all her children to be brave, and sacrifice their lives for the liberation. Disguised as a prostitute, she will board a train to help a Chinese guerrilla group defeat a Japanese army convoy.

A young widow and a wealthy man who charters a yacht and wants to take a trip at sea, but at the same time she hates men due to her previous marriage at the same time.

Farina and Joe fib to the gang that they've beaten up the neighborhood bully. Later, they hear he's been murdered and think they'll get the blame.

Saddam Hussein's regime left many homes broken, families dead, and orphans left with no hopes for a good future. Homelessness in Iraqi-Kurdistan has risen, despite the implementation of orphanages. There is more that needs to be done. Ruwayda Mustafah, a political activist, returns to her homeland with ideas for improvement.

Namsai has been cursed by a witch since childhood. At night her hair turns into snakes and she must feed on humans. One day in an ancient book, she discovers a way to remove her curse so she embarks on an expedition with her friends.

In a foggy winter morning, a raft brings a priest to an isolated island. He is getting paid to perform a wedding ritual under very mysterious conditions. The groom is Victor Frankenstein, and the young and beautiful bride is his cousin Elizabeth. Seven armed and dangerous mercenary soldiers have been hired to protect her against something huge that hides in the woods, awaiting for that wedding night to be consummated. Victor is the only one who knows the truth about their enemy. His secret will be paid with the life of his private army, whose men will die one by one, as the creature gets closer to his target: the bride.

City-bred wildlife conservationist Ricky falls in love with a simple village girl Radha. Their love story takes an unexpected turn when Ricky leaves on an outdoor assignment. Set against, a naxal backdrop, it is a story that will have you experience many edge of the seat moments.

En Nouvelle-France, en 1665, le criminel Joseph Côté est recherché par les autorités afin d'être pendu pour indécence. Lorsqu'il s'échappe de prison, il se dirige vers une seigneurie, où il enfile le costume du Père Brind'amour, célèbre chasseur de loups-garous. Accueilli par les colons, il est témoin de disparitions mystérieuses, qui semblent être l'oeuvre d'une créature féroce. Alors que certains colons doutent de son identité, d'autres comptent sur lui pour les protéger. Tout comme les filles du roi, qui viennent de débarquer, et qui ont été placées en quarantaine dans la chapelle en attendant d'être offertes en mariage.

Patty and Eric Purtle visit their Grandfather for Christmas. After accidentally breaking a clock in his workshop, they then find themselves repeating Christmas Eve. together they must fix time and make Christmas enjoyable for their family.

La Passion du Christ : un soldat, sur l’ordre d’Hérode, place sur le front du Christ une couronne d’épines, tandis que deux autres soldats apportent la croix dont ils forcent Jésus à se charger, en l’entraînant vers le lieu où il doit être crucifié.

Director Timo Koivusalo point of view about life of classical music composer Jean Sibelius, who is a national composer of Finland.

Andrew Garrett est en apparence un policier américain comme les autres. C'est aussi la réincarnation d'un illustre conquérant, Alexandre le Grand. Lorsqu'il se retrouve pris à participer à d'authentiques jeux du cirque, à de mortels combats à l'épée organisés par un cruel et puissant homme d'affaires, sa seconde nature se réveille...

Splash! Jackass loon in high-dive skate horror! Bang! Man injures leg in stupid sand dune lead! Bang! £50,000 truck totalled by pie-eyed pranksters!