Jessica Olson, dievča z malého mesta v Michigane, prichádza s rodinou do Los Angeles, aby navštívila svoju starú mamu. Jej sestra Sara je nadšená, pretože v LA bude môcť nájsť Christphera Wildea, speváka, ktorým je tak posadnutá. Keď sa Sara dozvie, že Christopher bude spievať v jednom klube, hneď sa za ním vydá a zoberie so sebou aj sestru...

The S.S. TIPTON embarks on a triple-length comedy crossover event when Justin wins a Teen Cruise to Hawaii – and a chance to meet London. Both Justin and Max do their best to win the heiress's affection, while Cody tries to win concert tickets for Bailey, and Alex accuses Zack of being a prankster. Between the kids' pranks (who turned Justin blue?!) and crazy schemes (Alex sneaks Harper on board to take her make-up science class?!), the excitement goes overboard when international superstar Hannah Montana checks in on her way to a sold-out concert in Hawaii. But when Miley Stewart loses her lucky charm anklet and her Hannah wig, are her days as the world's biggest pop star over forever?

Dve sestry čarodejnice - dvojčatá Alex a Camryn sa dozvedia, že ich otec môže byť nažive v New Yorku.

This was going to be the first year that Marshal Middle School was not going to have a dance team. All that changes when the new Biology teacher, Ms. Bartlett, agrees to be the coach. Now the girls need to prove that they are ready to compete and are able to win; not only to themselves, but to their parents and coach. Using the chant "si, se puede" or "yes, I can" the Dance team builds their confidence to perform.

Two sets of parents divorce and marry each other, while their children Miki and Yuu are caught in the middle and start falling for each other.

Jennifer and Vince, virtual strangers, find themselves strapped for cash and decide to stage a fake engagement and wedding just for the gifts

It is the story of an average, popular American teenager named Wendy Wu who discovers that in order to win the coveted crown she must first learn the way of the warrior. Wendy Wu has a one track mind, and that track leads directly to the title of homecoming queen -- no unscheduled stops, and no unnecessary detours. When a mysterious Chinese monk named Shen arrives to mold Wendy into a fearless kung fu warrior, however, her royal aspirations suddenly jump the track as she desperately attempts to juggle her boyfriend, her homework, and of course, the fierce competition to become homecoming queen. Now, as Wendy begins to train her mind, body, and spirit in the ancient tradition of the martial arts and her inner warrior gradually begins to emerge, the girl who once obsessed over popularity finally begins to put that popularity into perspective as she gradually realizes what truly matters in life.

Alex Pearson has a lot to learn about teamwork. As the star of the Lemon Oaks hockey team, Alex almost always has his way on and off the ice. That ism until he pulls a stunt so outrageous not even his own coach can give him a pass. His punishment? Suspension from the team, a never-ending list of chores and a job watching his little sister Emily after school.

The Hansen kids are in a jam. Adam and his best friend Duffy have gotten their hands on some tickets for the Headless Horseman concert, and his sister Chelsea has a date with her dreamy boyfriend Peter. The only problem is they're both grounded. Chelsea and Adam will do whatever it takes to get their mom Lynette out of the house, even if it includes a chance meeting with a very mysterious man. Everything seems to go according to plan until their little brother Taylor realizes that this stranger might be a vampire.

When three high-school friends invent a time-machine, they decide to use it to go back in time and prevent other youngsters from making humiliating mistakes.

Štrnásťročná Jamie sa vyrovnáva so šikanovaním v škole po svojom - píše si denník, v ktorom dáva skutočným osobám fiktívne mená a samu seba predstavuje ako obľúbenú a chladnokrvné dievča, ktoré sa ničoho nebojí. Denník sa náhodou dostane do rúk vydavateľom a stane zo z neho hit. Jamie je zrazu slávna a jej alter ego ju sprevádza na každom kroku. Lenže príjemné je to len spočiatku a Jamie čoskoro zisťuje, že stráca kontakt s okolitým svetom a so skutočnými kamarátmi, a že sa stále častejšie háda aj so svojím bratom. Fikcia ju uvrhla niekam, kam sa nikdy dostať nechcela a teraz záleží len na nej, či sa dokáže vrátiť do obyčajného života.

Michael Chapman bol kedysi hviezdou detského seriálu Život s Mikeyom. Teraz je už dospelý a spolu s bratom Edom vedie v New Yorku agentúru detských televíznych a filmových hviezd. Raz ho na ulici okradne malá zlodejka Angie Vegaová, ale keď ju chytia, dokáže natoľko úspešne zahrať úbohú sirotu, že Mikey okamžite rozpozná jej veľký talent. Ponúkne jej prácu a nestačí sa čudovať, aké prefíkané stvorenie z desaťročnej Angie urobil život na ulici. Mikey sa s ňou zúčastní konkurzu na reklamu a Angie okamžite očarí zákazníka, bohatého výrobcu keksov. Začne nakrúcať reklamy, a na veľké Mikeyho prekvapenie sa k nemu nasťahuje, pretože u sestry Geeny, kde doteraz žila, vraj nemá dostatok pokoja a slobody...

The only chance to escape a desert island is to convert the plane carrying many different animals into a boat.

Rozmazané bohaté sestry Taylor a Courtney Callumové majú skvelý život. Ich otec Reed vlastní úspešné mliekarstvo, vďaka ktorému majú peniaze na svoje márnotratné chúťky. Keď sa raz Dokážu sa zmeniť z rozmaznaných boháčok na normálne pracovité dievčatá? Rozmazané bohaté sestry Taylor a Courtney majú skvelý život. Ich otec Reed vlastní úspešné mliekarstvo, vďaka ktorému majú peniaze na svoje márnotratné chúťky. Keď sa raz "postarajú" o nehodu v kuchyni, ich otca prejde trpezlivosť a pošle ich na letnú brigádu do mliekarne. Dúfa, že pochopia hodnotu ťažko zarobených peňazí. Jedného dňa však nastanú problémy a dievčatá sa musia rozhodnúť - vzdať sa sebeckého a márnotratného spôsobu života a zachrániť otcov podnik, alebo kašlať na všetko a nechať mliekareň zbankrotovať?

Keď známeho spisovateľa unesú jeho blázniví fanúšikovia, záchrana závisí len od jeho dospievajúcej dcéry. Štrnásťročná Melissa Morrisová sa cíti veľmi osamelo, pretože v rodine má silného konkurenta. Nie je to však nikto živý, ale literárna postava, ktorú si vymyslel jej otec, známy autor dobrodružných bestsellerov pre dospievajúcu mládež. Neal si vôbec neuvedomuje, ako jeho dcéra túži po zblížení, všetky jeho myšlienky a sny sa točia len okolo misií jeho fiktívneho hrdinu Tripa Zoomea. Melissa sa rozhodne konať a rozhodne sa, že spolu s otcom strávia niekoľko prázdninových dní. Bohužiaľ, jej plán sa prekrýva s propagačnou cestou posledného otcovho románu. A práve v tej chvíli sa Neil stane terčom zradného sprisahania - unesú ho dvaja pobláznení bratia, jeho šialení fanúšikovia. V záujme záchrany otca sa teraz musí Emily pokúsiť odhaliť v sebe superhrdinku...

Samantha's band, the Zettabytes, is meeting with little success, so her friend Roscoe uses his knowledge of technology designed by his father to create a holographic lead singer, Loretta Modern. The band instantly becomes successful, but Samantha begins to feel alienated, Roscoe discovers feelings for Samantha, and Loretta struggles with individuality.

Tyler and his brother find an alien ship which makes Tyler appear older and gives him other abilities. This turns his high school life upside down, and may enable him to help his older brother's love life. After he is abducted by beings who intend to takeover Earth, he must depend on his inept and lovelorn brother to rescue him.

What will it really take, to transition from oil and coal, to the energies of tomorrow? SWITCH goes where no film has gone before, deep into the world's most restricted energy sites, to depoliticize competing power sources, make the technical accessible, and discover the truth of our energy future. Test audiences have raved, calling it, 'The most important energy film since An Inconvenient Truth.'

A girl competes against a snooty schoolmate to win a popularity contest.

A picturesque family vacation to the Ozarks goes sideways when a group of bull sharks show up just in time for the big fireworks festival that the town holds every year.