An associative view of the days, nights and characters that enclosed the life of Arthur Janov, which defines in the conclusion "It's never too late to have a happy childhood". Arthur Janov (1924-2017) was a classic instance of being the right charismatic therapist at the right time - the zeitgeist. Dr. Janov first heard about the embryo to the primal scream through one of his patients when he performed conventional psycho dynamic therapy. It was an absurd theatre performance by Raphael Montañez Ortiz called "Mommy, Daddy" presented in London, 1966. The birth of Primal therapy happened when Arthur Janov's book, "The Primal Scream" was published early 1970.

Zopár chlapcov zo South Parkskej základnej školy sa náhle ocitne v balóne letiacom do imaginárnej krajiny. Po prílete zistia, že stoja tvárou v tvár nepredstaviteľnej hrozbe.

Henry II and his estranged queen battle over the choice of an heir.

Boy, an 11-year-old child and devout Michael Jackson fan who lives on the east coast of New Zealand in 1984, gets a chance to know his absentee criminal father, who has returned to find a bag of money he buried years ago.

Four men from different parts of the globe, all hiding from their pasts in the same remote South American town, agree to risk their lives transporting several cases of dynamite (which is so old that it is dripping unstable nitroglycerin) across dangerous jungle terrain.

An aging hood is about to go back to prison. Hoping to escape his fate, he supplies information on stolen guns to the feds, while simultaneously supplying arms to his bank robbing chums.

A World War II submarine commander finds himself stuck with a damaged sub, a con-man executive officer, and a group of army nurses.

It's been 20 years snce Once Were Warriors was made. Julian Arahanga aka 'Nig' takes us on a journey to meet the cast and see where they are now.

Ralf Milan, a hitman, arrives in Montpellier to kill an important witness. He checks in a hotel without knowing that his neighbour has become neurotic after his wife left him.

With help from his friends, a Memphis pimp in a mid-life crisis attempts to become a successful hip-hop emcee.

The Orator (O Le Tulafale) is a contemporary drama about courage, forgiveness and love. Small in stature and humble, Saili lives a simple life with his beloved wife and daughter in an isolated, traditional village in the islands of Samoa. Forced to protect his land and family, Saili must face his fears and seek the right to speak up for those he loves.

Set in 1820, a Texan fur trapper journeys into the mysterious Buckskin woods in the hopes of saving a lost boy. Once there, Wesley Porter must confront the demons of his past and navigate the savage Native's traps in order to bring himself and the young man home alive.

Dvanásťročná Lídia Simmonsová má brata Stuarta, ktorí spolu s ich kamarátmi stavajú pevnosť na strome v neďalekom lese. Pravidelne ich však šikanujú, bijú, prípadne aspoň slovne ponižujú nevychované deti, ktoré nezažili lásku od svojich rodičov. Naproti tomu Lídia a Stuart majú rodičov, ktorí sa ich snažia správne usmerňovať, dávať im dobrý príklad a to všetko napriek ťažkostiam, ktoré zažíva najmä ich otec, ktorý prišiel pred časom z vojny vo Vietname. Nie je pre neho ľahké nájsť si zamestnanie, a keď si ho už aj nájde, často oň príde, keď sa zamestnávateľ dozvie, že bol liečený na psychiatrii, kvôli tomu, čo zažil vo vojne.

Five years have passed and Jake has turned his back on his family. He's still up to his usual tricks in McClutchy's Bar, unaware, as he downs his latest opponent, that his eldest son, Nig, has died in a gang fight. The uncomfortable family reunion at Nig's funeral sparks a confrontation with second son, Sonny, and sets Jake and Sonny on a downward spiral.

Príbeh je zasadený do búrlivých udalostí doby plnej politických škandálov, intríg a zakázaných milostných pletiek na kráľovskom dvore, ale aj zákerných plánov hamižných šľachticov túžiacich po českom tróne. Jedna teória hovorí, že to bol šľachtic Edward De Vere, gróf z Oxfordu, ktorý bol skutočným autorom skvelých divadelných hier, ktoré si privlastnil pologramotný a nevzdelaný divadelník Will Shakespeare. Edward De Vere musel celý život bojovať proti tabu, ktoré šľachticom zakazovalo písať literárne diela, proti manželke, ktorá bola nespokojná, že z toho nie sú žiadne peniaze, a tiež proti kráľovniným poradcom.

In order to flee from powerful enemies, young Mayan king Balam leads his people north across the Gulf of Mexico to the coast of what will become the United States. They build a home in the new land but come into conflict with a tribe of Native Americans led by their chief, Black Eagle, while both Balam and Black Eagle fall in love the beautiful Mayan princess Ixchel.

The descendant of Elizabeth Bathory is abducted by a cult of self-proclaimed supermen who achieve this state of superiority by drinking from the "blood cows" kept at the "dairy farm", and they try to get her to join them.

A masked killer targets six college kids responsible for a prank gone wrong three years earlier and who are currently throwing a large New Year's Eve costume party aboard a moving train.

The wife of a wealthy industrialist finds herself caught-up in a web of intrigue & murder which was created by her own deceit. When she tries to escape the results of her actions, she too falls victim to deception.