From humble roots as pastor's sons in New Jersey, through their meteoric rise to fame, the Jonas Brothers' bond was unshakeable-until a surprising and painful breakup led Joe, Kevin and Nick down very different paths. With deeply personal interviews, previously unreleased footage and exclusive music, this is the Jonas Brothers as never seen before.

Krash decides to throw his best buddy Barry an unforgettable birthday party. He contacts the DejaVu Agency, which organizes exciting time travel adventures. A cataclysmic accident occurs after the Kikoriki crew fail to follow the rules and scatter the group across time. Krash has to find and retrieve his friends through the ages with the help of his alter ego from another time and place, who materializes out of the rupture in the space-time continuum. Just when you thought the Kikoriki adventures couldn't get wilder, along comes this thrilling time travel adventure suitable for all ages across the globe.

Toinen maailmansota lähestyy loppuaan. Tieto Hitlerin kuolemasta kiirii Saksan seesteiselle maaseudullekin. Teini-ikäinen Lore johdattaa pikkusisaruksiaan ohi määrätietoisesti marssivien liittoutuneiden joukkojen. Vaarallista taivalta taittaessaan sisaruksille paljastuu pala palalta totuus siitä maailmasta, johon heidän vanhempansa ovat vakaasti uskoneet. Matkan edetessä sisarusten matkaan lyöttäytyy nuorukainen, joka pakottaa Loren luottamaan itseensä – ihmiseen, jollaista tyttö on opetettu vihaamaan.

While caring for her brother along with her audacious mother, a teenager strikes up an unlikely friendship with an eccentric activist who is protesting one of the most landmark medical cases of all time.

Natanaël, seven, still doesn't know how to read. His eccentric old aunt bequeaths her house to his parents and her book collection to the young boy. Nat discovers that the books serve as a shelter for all the heroes found in children's literature. They are the original characters and are counting on him for protection. For if they leave the library, they will disappear along with their stories forever! When his parents start selling off the books, Nathanaël, who is shrunk by the evil witch Carabosse, braves everything to save his tiny friends

A police officer who while responding to a violent hostage call, kills the African American suspect only to later learn of his innocence. Sensing this was a set-up, and facing repercussions, he must track down the person responsible while examining his own accountability and the ingrained racism which brought him to this point.

Based on the tragicomedy written by Edoardo de Filippo in 1931, Christmas at the Cupiello's captures a life episode of a middle-class Italian family around Christmas. Shot in Neapolitan language, the movie has a whimsical charm.

A man rescues a mermaid in Paris and slowly falls in love with her.

Raastava tappio kehässä aiheuttaa sen, että Lion ja hänen manageriveljensä Stan jäävät velkaa paikalliselle rikollispomolle. Heidän on riskeerattava kaikkensa nyrkkeilyottelussa ilman hanskoja.

WWE Tribute to the Troops is an annual event held by WWE and Armed Forces Entertainment in December during the holiday season since 2003, to honor and entertain United States Armed Forces members serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. WWE performers and employees travel to these countries and interact with troops for at least three days, visiting military camps, bases and hospitals, including the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Hospital.

Hyväsydäminen orpo David etsii omaa paikkaansa viktoriaanisessa Englannissa. Hänen elämäntarinassaan polveilevat vuoroin laupeus ja pahansuopuus, rutiköyhyys ja yltäkylläisyys. Kirjailijan urasta haaveilevan nuorukaisen matkan varrelle osuu joukko yllättäviä ja eriskummallisia persoonallisuuksia, joista kukin vaikuttaa hänen kohtaloonsa arvaamattomalla tavalla.

Elokuva seuraa yhtä työpäivää johtajan assistentin elämässä. Päivän aikana Jane alkaa huomata askel askeleelta, miten vallan väärinkäyttö ilmenee lähes huomaamatta hänen työpaikallaan.

A young bank receptionist gets mixed up with Rajveer Nanda, a man who has a mysterious background.

A young girl is hunted by her nightmares

Jennifer Shannon can always find a diamond in the rough, when it comes to garage sales, that is. Whether it's a new antique to sell at her consignment shop, an Atari game for her son or a piece of furniture for her handy husband Jason to refurbish, she has made a career out of her treasure hunting prowess. When a string of burglaries hits her town, Jennifer's keen eye for detail and her natural problem solving instincts even help her see the connection between these burglaries and local garage sales! Jennifer works with Detective Adam Iverson to investigate her theory that the perpetrators of the burglaries are fellow garage sale regulars. The case escalates to dangerous levels when Jennifer discovers the dead body of her friend. Even though the deceased's husband, Ben Douglas, finds nothing missing in their house, and the police label the death as accidental, Jennifer suspects that the death may be related to the burglaries.

Within the course of a night, Woody Harrelson finds himself in a misadventure in London that winds him up in prison.

Vallitsevista harhaluuloista poiketen, patologian laitoksella ei ole kuoleman rauhallista. Nyt kuolema korjaa siellä satoaan armottomammin kuin terminaalilla syöpäosastolla! Kun lääketieteen opiskelijaryhmä saa nuoren naisen ruumiin tutkittavakseen, on kaunis Alison varma, että edesmenneen naisen henki yrittää kommunikoida hänen kanssaan. Samalla kun Alison yrittää selvittää pahanenteistä mysteeriä, pääsee kauhun lietsoma paniikki myrskyn lailla irti laitoksella... Kaikkia, jotka käsittelevät kuolleen naisen ruumista, odottaa sama kylmä loppu: kuolema kaikilla mausteilla.

Arvostettu radiotoimittaja Gabriel Noone saa luettavakseen nuoren kuuntelijansa kertomuksen, joka koskettaa häntä syvästi. Pete on nuori poika, joka asuu väkivaltaisia vanhempiaan paossa hänet adoptoineen sosiaalityöntekijän luona. Gabrielin ja Peten välille muodostuu puhelimessa yllättävä ystävyys, ja Gabriel päättää lähteä tapaamaan poikaa. Mutta Peteen ja hänet adoptoineeseen Donnaan liittyy jotain mystistä?

A young man abandons his family for a solitary life of fly-fishing. His goal was to find his own way in the fishing world and thereby find himself and love.

An overambitious high school freshman tries to control her life by controlling her weight.