Cult filmmaker Tom DeSimone (Reform School Girls; Erotikus: A History of the Gay Movie) revisits the production of a lost gay film and resurrects youthful adventures on the California coast. From the creators of Raw! Uncut! Video!.

Summer vacation. Mika is overjoyed to see Windstorm again. But then she discovers strange wounds on the belly of Windstorm, for which no one has an explanation. Yet this is Kaltenbach verge of bankruptcy! With a heavy heart Mika decides to participate in a variety tournament in which beckons a high prize money. But during training affects Windstorm distracted, often he runs away easily. Mika pursued the black stallion until deep into the forest and is quite surprised: From the thicket a seemingly magical gray mare appears and the two horses dance around lovingly. Suddenly, a strange boy named Milan appears, who says the mare had escaped him. He claimed that he could Help Mika to win the tournament. But is there still time to save Kaltenbach?

In a remote village in Karelia, Sergeant Vaskov commands an anti-aircraft unit that protects a rail depot. While his men are transferred to the front line, he is reprimanded for their unruly behavior. He retorts that he wants replacements that aren't drunks or womanizers. In response, he is assigned a unit made up entirely of young women, fresh from training.

Dueling cat-and-mouse team Tom and Jerry hit the high seas on a hunt for buried treasure in this pirate adventure. The tale begins when crew member Tom sets sail with an infamous pirate and finds a treasure map along with stowaway Jerry. The furry swashbucklers race to a deserted island where X marks the spot, but along with battling each other, they must outwit ruthless buccaneers, angry monkeys and a giant octopus to strike it rich.

A pathetic minor league Soccer Goalkeeper was given a task - to spend 1 Billion in thirty days, if successful he will get 30 Billion. However, he's not allowed to tell anyone about the task and he must not own any valuables by end of it.

Four crazy antiheroes on the run. Their leader is the unworldly innocent, naive Marnie, a house cat who is not allowed to leave the house and only knows about real life from television

Acum că „vrăjitoarele gemene” Alex și Camryn știu adevărul despre sângele lor regal, este timpul ca fetele să afle una despre cealaltă și cum să își folosească puterile magice. În timp ce Alex vrea să se concentreze asupra facultății și să aibă o viață semi-normală, Camryn se gândește numai la strălucire, rochii și diademe. Dar există un nou rău supranatural care amenință Coventry și depinde de vrăjigemene să îi salveze.

A non-verbal, autistic girl and a chatty boy are partnered on a canoeing trip. To complete their journey across an urban lake, they must both learn how the other experiences the world.

High school is almost over and four friends are going their separate ways as they go to college. But they have one more chance to spend some time together: Inspection 12, their favorite band, is playing one last concert in Jacksonville, FL.

A chance meeting between two strangers who share a disdain for Christmas results in The Mistletoe Promise, a pact to help them navigate their holiday complications - together. But as they spend more time with each other and experience the magic of Christmas the phony couple discovers there may be more to their contract than business.

Prietenele nedespărțite: Galleria, Chanel, Dorinda și Aqua, alias formația feminină „Felinele“, prind ocazia vieții lor când se duc în orașul Barcelona din Spania ca să participe la un festival internațional de muzică. Cu prietenele ei fiind preocupate cu alte lucruri, (ca de pildă cumpărăturile), Galleria va trebui să reorienteze concentrarea fetelor, dacă speră să aibă vreo șansă de a câștiga.

German students compete to enter one of the country's elite schools.

Nobita finds a stray dog and brings him home, little does hi knows that the dog is actually a prince in his homeland, a world appart deep in the african 'Smokers Forest' were the dogs evolved and have their own empire, so he and his friends take on a journey to take back the young prince to his homeland but when they get there things have changed.

Când "Felinele" primesc roluri într-un film muzical de la Bollywood, au impresia că au dat lovitura. Dar atunci când realizează că este doar un singur rol pentru una dintre ele, se confruntă cu o dilemă care le-ar putea face să se distanțeze una de alta. De ele depinde să schimbe scenariul și să vină cu o soluție care să implice pe toată lumea.

At the end of the Civil War, a Confederate team is ordered to rob a Union payroll train but the war ends leaving these men with their Union loot, until the Feds come looking for it.

During the summer vacations, the three friends are about to take a trip together to Romania, where they are allowed to complete an internship on the film set of "Dracula Rises", arranged for them by Peter's father, who is responsible for the special effects during the filming. No sooner do they arrive in Transylvania than mysterious events begin to pile up at Countess Codrina's old castle, which serves as the original setting for the film. The three detectives want to find out what all this may have to do with a boy who has been missing for over 50 years, a mysterious brotherhood and an enigmatic undead. Soon, not only the filming and Peter's relationship with his father are at stake, but also the friendship of the three investigators.

Un grup de copii trebuie să își protejeze casa de vacanță de invadarea extratereștrilor.

Linda has a seemingly perfect marriage with her rugged and handsome husband Mark and an adorable 8 year old daughter, Chloe. But when Chloe is injured by an elderly babysitter who has slipped into dementia, Linda wants to ensure that her child is never hurt again. Initially, Heather, the new babysitter, seems like the ideal addition to this practically perfect family. But Heather is a schemer who exploits the cracks in Mark and Linda's relationship, and delights in the resulting chaos. As Linda later learns, to her horror, Heather's intentions go far beyond the mischievous.

One Monday morning Katya, Vika and Zhanna learn that there will be a school disco, their first disco, on the coming Saturday night. The girls feverishly start preparing for the event, which rapidly becomes the most important moment ever in their universe, and looks like the ideal way to escape their daily lives...

Newcomer Evan joins a group of teens on a getaway in Joshua Tree. While exchanging ghost stories around the campfire, Evan reads aloud a mysterious chant from an internet site. From that moment, someone--or something--is among them.