In Burma during the closing days of WWII, a Japanese soldier separated from his unit disguises himself as a Buddhist monk to escape imprisonment as a POW.

A swarm of slaves in ancient Egypt moves massive boulders to erect a statue of Re, the god of the sun. Erecting impressive structures required knowledge and exact measurements. However, the statue's massive hand falls down and crushes the builders. The statue has been awe-inspiring for many centuries. Meditations on the religious nature of man.

With input from actor and writer Jan Hlobil, director and cinematographer Rene Smaal presents a film in the true surrealist tradition, in the sense that only 'found' elements were used, and that it defies interpretation based on ordinary cause-and-effect time sequence.

Three years after the death of her beloved child, Elouise, Mara still feels her presence when she sits on the butterfly bedding in front of the jar with her ashes in it. Mara arranges a twelfth birthday party for Elouise, further alienating her from her husband, Richter, and remaining daughter, Hannah. Although Mara eventually vacates Elouise's room at the insistence of her husband, she does find a way to stay close to Elouise. Before long, however, Hannah discovers her mother's secret.

Married couple, Ning and Kwin move to a condo with their daughter Ing and rent out their house to tenants, Ratree, a retired doctor and her daughter, Nuch. As Kwin's behavior becomes increasingly disturbing, he is seen sporting a triangle-shaped tattoo, the same as Nuch's. Meanwhile, Ning realizes that their daughter is being possessed by some unseen forces.

Follow a group of children who are evacuated to a Yorkshire village during the Second World War, where they encounter a young soldier who, like them, is far away from home.

Sussex, England, 1938. Shortly before the outbreak of World War II, Thomasina and Martha Hanbury, two ingenious sisters, create LOLA, a miraculous machine.

Ace, voljeni pas policajca LAPD Jakea Rossera - njegov K-9 partner - ubijen je u opasnoj četvrti Los Angelesa, u pucačkom sukobu s lokalnim dilerima. Jake je suspendiran s dužnosti nakon što, u emocionalnom pokušaju da spasi već izgubljenog Acea, napadne bolničara. Neovisno od policije, kreće u potragu za krivcima, tražeći osvetu u mračnom kriminalnom podzemlju. Pri tom mu pomaže još jedna njuška: Socks, nasilni K-9 s misterioznom prošlošću.

Irene, a workaholic, is forced to re-evaluate her priorities after the suicide of her two best friends.

While fighting for a woman who sits on death row, a lawyer happens upon new information which brings into question the motives of a man associated with her client

A New York drug dealer is kidnapped, and his wife must try to come up with the money and drugs to free him from his abductors before Christmas.

Pedesetorica zločinaca natjera sve muškarce iz sela da s njima odjašu u pustinju. Među njima je i Chico, jedan od sedmorice koja je nekoliko godina prije spasila to isto selo. Chicova žena Petra traži preostale preživjele od sedmorice, Chrisa i Vina te ih zamoli za pomoć. Kako bi zamijenili preminule članove, uzimaju dvojicu iz zatvora i još dva dobra revolveraša. Šestorka otkrije da su muškarci iz sela upregnuti kao robovi na izgradnji pustinjskog sela i crkve u spomen mrtvim sinovima bogatog rančera Lorce. U iznenadnom napadu šestorka otjera Lorcine ljude i zajedno sa Chicom, sprema protunapad.

Nina is a successful TV star, but her life changes when she is diagnosed with cancer. Facing a personal crisis, she has to confront her deepest fears.

Max Baron is a Jewish advertising executive in his 20s who's still getting over the death of his wife. Nora Baker is a 40-something diner waitress who enjoys the wilder side of life. Mismatched or not, their attraction is instant and smoldering. With time, however, their class and age differences become an obstacle in their relationship, especially since Max can't keep Nora a secret from his Jewish friends and upper-crust associates forever.

Kada teroristi uzmu američkog potpredsjednika za taoca i zaprijete da će raznijeti prepunu sportsku dvoranu tijekom bitne hokejaške utakmice, usamljeni zaštitar, majstor borilačkih vještina, nastoji spasiti situaciju.

During one of their night stays, three college teens play a silly prank where they randomly call people and tell them that they know who that person is and what they have done. What will happen when things take a dangerous turn?

Max is 6 years old. She lives with her dad Toni, a small time crook with a golden heart. For Xmas, Max offers him Rose, a call-girl found on the street whom she’s very fond of. Despite the complicated situation, Toni’s gonna have a hard time refusing her daughter’s «gift» and must coexist with Rose.

Contaminated by a nuclear-plant spill, an Australian worker hides with a woman and tries to warn the public.

Dan je dobro počeo. G Wilson ima rođendan i pogodite tko se pojavi nepozvan! Dennis i nekoliko njegovih zločestih prijatelja. Nakon što dobije tortu u lice i padne niz stepenice, g. Wilson poželi da Dennis ima nekog drugog starca kojeg bi gnjavio. Njegove su molitve uslišane kad se pojavi Dennisov djed i objavi da će se useliti.

On his way to be executed, the vehicle containing notorious serial killer Jack Frost collides with a hazardous chemical truck, turning him into a snow covered mutant and unleashing him on the unsuspecting town of Snomonton.