Professor Gabriel Emerson finally learns the truth about Julia Mitchell's identity, but his realization comes a moment too late. Julia is done waiting for the well-respected Dante specialist to remember her and wants nothing more to do with him. Can Gabriel win back her heart before she finds love in another's arms?

In a Danish village in the early 1600s, a young woman named Anne, whose mother was thought to be a witch, develops sympathy toward an old woman, Marte, who is accused of witchcraft. The intervention of Anne's older but kindly husband, Pastor Absalon saved her mother -- but now, urged on by his overbearing mother, he refuses to help Marte. When Absalon's son returns home and is attracted to Anne, it's a matter of time before her family destiny catches up with her.

V roce 1955 dr. Emmet Brown právě odeslal do budoucnosti Martyho McFlye. Jenže v tentýž okamžik mu poklepe na rameno Marty, který se vrátil pro almanach sportovních výsledků a uvízl v minulosti poté, co úder blesku odeslal stroj času i s dr. Brownem do roku 1885. Podle dopisu, který Marty od Browna dostal, byl stroj času poškozen a v roce 1885 neexistuje možnost jeho opravy, proto ho ukryl v jeskyni, kde by ho Marty měl najít…

Ronnie Peterson nicknamed “Superswede” was the fastest formula 1-driver in the 70s who never became a world champion.

Paolo is a sceptical 30-year-old who works unwillingly as a sales clerk in a Turin department store. Mia is a back-up singer in a band and lives her life haphazardly, which leads her to being practically homeless. One night, they bump into each other by chance, in a gay club in Turin. It will be the beginning of an emotional adventure and a journey across the country looking for the father of Mia’s baby.

Temné domácí melodrama o poutech, která svazují, a o poutech, která skutečně svazují.

Knihovník Jung-suk má každý den na sekundu naplánovaný a pokud se stane něco nepředvídaného, je velice rozrušený. Navíc trpí panickým strachem z bakterií. V samoobsluze nedaleko knihovny pracuje Ji-won, která je na tom podobně jako Jung-suk. Ten se do ni tajně zamiluje a jednoho dne se rozhodne se jí vyznat lásku. Jako důkaz, že všechno řádně dodržuje si s sebou vezme deník, kde si všechno denně poctivě zapisuje. U pokladny však místo Ji-won potká So-jung, která je naopak jeho úplným protikladem. Jung-suk se vyděsí bez deníku z prodejny uteče. So-jung, kt…

Henry is a loner and a night owl. His rare skin disease has kept him under the close watch of his fiery mother, who has sheltered him his entire life. One night, a young woman's car breaks down and Henry's life will change forever.

Renée Zellwegerová, Hugh Grant a Colin Firth se opět setkávají v romantické komedii Bridget Jonesová: S rozumem v koncích. V tomto pokračování Deníku Bridget Jonesové se setkáváme s titulní hrdinkou tam, kde jsme se s ní rozloučili: šťastnou a spokojenou v náručí vytouženého milence Marka Darcyho (Colin Firth). Mark je zatím uznalý, ohleduplný a tolerantní (takřka) ke všem žárlivým záchvatům. Bridget totiž nejde na mysl, proč by se všechny ženy v Londýně - včetně Markovy nové asistentky - "dlouhonohé hrozby" - nesnažily Darcyho odlákat od baculaté, umíněné a často nevhodně se chovající Bridget, která neustále obtěžuje svým tvrzením: "Já přece nikdy neříkám nic jiného, než pravdu."

A psychoanalyst learns to have an illness and as a consequence he decides to quit his job. All his patients get together to find a way to make him feel better.

This musical version of the tale of the boy who wouldn't grow up aired live on television on March 7, 1955. It was so popular that it was restaged the following year, and again four years later.

Nebyl žádný důvod k tomu, aby se jejich cesty zkřížily... Až do dne, kdy po smrti jejich biologického otce, kterého nikdy nepoznaly, společně zdědí překrásný byt v Paříži. Lauren, rozkošná 29 letá žena se snaží proniknout do módního prostředí. 28 letá, trochu mentálně strohá Olivia, je posedlá dvěma myšlenkami: zachránit cukrářství svých rodičů a najít ideálního manžela. 26 letá Salma, horkokrevná profesorka dějepisu, žije stále u své matky na předměstí Paříže. Pro tyto tři sestry, které nemají nic společného, bude společné bydlení poněkud výbušné...

We follow Ichi during his high school years. Mr. Dai is the best fighter in school... whenever he fights Ichi is there and has a huge smile on his face. Mr. Dai thinks that Ichi is laughing at him but in fact he enjoys watching the violence that goes through the fights. Everyone is bullying, taunting and making fun of Ichi... even little kids from his karate class. Yet Ichi refuses to let go of his anger and fight others. Just when Mr. Dai is about to get Ichi, a new transfer student starts to make his own laws... by beating up everyone and breaking their bones! In a fight with the new student, Mr. Dai ends up on the ground, beaten and broken up from almost everywhere. It seems like this new guy wants to fight Ichi because supposedly he is the only one that could give him some challenge.

The Dutch 'Wad' (coastal mud flats) is a strange place. At low tide, many square miles of mud flats surface between the mainland and the northern islands. The Netherlands grow and shrink with the movement of the moon. Sudden incoming tide make these flats 'sea' again, sometimes drowning hikers by surprise. The Wad does not know what to make of itself. Land, see, mud, ocean floor... Two characters (and their dog) are stranded there in that desolate place. The only dramatic elements in this comical short are the sea, the wind, the sand and a lonely sea gull. Drawn in mud and tar on wet sandpaper.

Dev Kumar Verma comes from a middle-class family and must find employment to support his dad and mom. Dev, however, has set his mind upon becoming a music sensation like Elvis Presley. He loses his job because of this, and refuses to work until and unless he gets a job to his liking, much to the dismay of his parents and his brother, Shiv Kumar. Dev does get employment at Charlie's Disco, where he meets with Maya and falls in love with her. When Charlie's Disco's competitor, Rana, finds out about Dev, he wants to hire Dev, but Dev decides to continue to work with Charlie's Disco, as a result Dev and Charlie get a beating by Rana's men, and Dev is unable to sing. After recuperating, Dev is devastated to find out that Maya and Shiv Kumar are in love with each other. What impact will this have on Dev and his brother on one hand, and what of his career in music?

Vypracovat se od bezvýznamných chuligánů z drsné čtvrti v Belleville až k loupežím v elegantních bankách v Paříži, to dokáže jen Simon a jeho gang. Vybírají jeden trezor za druhým policajtům rovnou pod nosem a ti se jen diví jejich drzosti. Jak dlouho bude tato banda nerozlučných přátel schopna vyhnout se krveprolití?

In a night of killer comedy, Bill Burr hosts a showcase of his most raucous stand-up comic pals as they riff on everything from COVID to Michael Jackson.

Dramatized documentary about the days of Norwegian pirates starting around the year 1807 when Norway went into extreme poverty.

When a young, ambitious market researcher finds out her boss is involved in the leaking of a scandalous Prime Minister speech, she decides to investigate the case to gain a position among the big-shots. Based on actual events.