3 robot-themed episodes from various Scooby-Doo series. First stop is Cyber Gulch, where the Mystery, Inc. gang must solve the riddle of the man-a-trons or get terminated in Go West, Young Scoob. En route to Florida, Freddy runs into a real Monster Truck at a championship stock car race in Gentlemen, Start Your Monsters. Buckle up for a roller-coaster ride of fun and fear in Foul Play in Funland when the gang discovers a fully operated amusement park...with nobody in it! Will they find the phantom in the Hall of Mirrors? Stay tuned for more escapades with Scooby-Doo - and watch out for those robots!

Scooby-Doo and the rest of the ghost-busting gang visit a quiet farm town where everyone is preparing for the annual Halloween harvest celebration.

Scooby and the gang experience outdoor fun as they go back to Fred's old summer camp. As summer goes on, it becomes increasingly clear that the spooky camp stories told by the fireplace, are more real than they've though and soon, it's up to the gang to try and solve the mystery of camp scare.



Scooby-Doo and Shaggy travel to Arabia to become the Caliph's Royal Food Tasters. But they bite off more than they can chew and are forced to run for their lives! It's a wild magic carpet ride as Scooby-Doo, Shaggy and their genie (Yogi Bear) and a jolly sailor named Sinbad (Magilla Gorilla) take you on an adventure of mistaken identities, exotic locations and fun-filled action and surprises!



李督察(成龙 饰)和从洛杉矶赶来香港度假的老搭档詹姆斯•卡特(克里斯•塔克 Chris Tucker 饰)真是一刻不得闲,因美国领事馆遭到炸弹袭击,两名工作人员身亡,李督察只得带上卡特去拜访三合会头目、也是自己父亲的昔日搭档邓力奇(尊龙 饰),邓力奇的手下胡莉(章子怡 饰)等人先后出面袭击李与卡特,不久李被美国方面禁止参与此案,而香港警局也遭到了炸弹袭击。失散的李和卡特分别来到了邓力奇的游艇,得知三合会出现了内讧,话音刚落,胡莉将邓力奇射杀在海中……暂时失去线索的二人奔赴洛杉矶,在当地大亨荣士勋家中发现了胡莉的踪迹和美国的卧底特工,原来邓、胡等人卷入了一场巨额假钞案,李与卡特决定拿回胡莉手中的印版……

Do, Re and Mi in this sequeal tells the tale of a group of gangsters who are planning to rob a bank. So they use this oppurtunity to con them out of it and capture them at the same time. Many comedic memorable moments are carried out through the movie.

In the sixties, Eddie and the cruisers was the hottest band around. But the tragic death of its lead singer broke the band up. Only Eddie is not dead. He works as a carpenter in Montreal. His love of music forces him to create a new band which will have to struggle with its anonymity.

A young couple purchase their new home to start a life together, only to find out the elderly couple next door have other plans for them.

本片是迪斯尼1950年动画《仙履奇缘》的衍生剧情,辛德瑞拉与王子渡完蜜月,开始她在皇宫中身为王妃的生活,一开始实在无法适应这样的新生活,但她努力的去适应这种全新的生活。另一方面,辛德瑞拉那群“小朋友”也很想念她,由于辛德瑞拉实在太忙了,没空跟大家玩在一起,吉安帕(Rob Paulsen 配音)甚至还去求神仙教母把他变成人类,他认为如此一来也许辛德瑞拉就会花较多的时间来陪陪他!最后无论是辛德瑞拉还是她的朋友,都发现即使最美好的梦想成真,一切都还是要保持真实的自我,这才是最快乐的生活!

  The Cheetah Girls: One World(花豹美眉:同一个世界),也可以称为"The Cheetah Girls 3",这部歌舞影片是迪士尼公司旗下"The Cheetah Girls"(花豹美眉)系列影片的后续。影片依旧围绕三个女孩对音乐事业的追求和向往,以及如何面对挫折时表现的成熟与淡定,剧情大致为:Galleria (Raven-Symoné)在英格兰上了大学,Chanel (Adrienne Bailon), Dorinda (Sabrina Bryan), 和Aqua (Kiely Williams)获得了"宝莱坞"电影"Namaste Bombay"的选角机会,三个好伙伴一同环游世界来到了美丽的印度"宝莱坞",当她们找到音乐片的导演时(Roshan Seth)却被告知花豹美眉三人中只能有一人能入选角色.....在友情和事业中女孩们要面对什么样的抉择呢?

The stooges are greeting card salesmen who are mistakenly inducted into the army after escaping from the jealous husband of one of their customers. In bootcamp their sergeant turns out to be the same man, whom they constantly vex and bewilder. When the boys are sent to the front lines and the sergeant is captured they must rescue him, which they do after doping themselves with laughing gas. At the end they get shot off into the sunset on a cannon shell.

Deck the halls with Donkey’s laughter in this all-new holiday collection. Donkey presents his very own carolling stage show featuring his Far Far Away pals in this merry, musical treat with all the trimmings! Join in the fun as they bring their own Shrektacular spirit to festive holiday songs, a fun Donkey Decoration scramble, and a hilarious virtual Yule Log that’s so funny… it’s on fire.


  本片的故事接续迪士尼电影《钟楼怪人》,在原本电影的最后,Quasimodo 虽然成为巴黎人们心目中的英雄,但他的爱情却无法得偿所愿…每当传统的 Jour D'Amour 节庆到来时,巴黎圣母院古老的大钟 La Fidele 将会被敲响,巴黎的爱侣们一听到钟声,都会大声喊出爱人的名字,就会获得上天神灵的神圣祝福。然而,每当敲钟人 Quasimodo 在此刻敲响 La Fidele 大钟时,心中又会是何种感触呢?这一年的 Jour D'Amour 节庆到来前夕,巴黎街头来了一个神秘的马戏团,马戏团的团长 Sarousch 其实图谋不轨,计划要偷取圣母院的 La Fidele 大钟,这可以为他带来一大笔的财富,于是他派出他的美丽助手 Madellaine ,去迷惑 Quasimodo 的心,后来 Madellaine 被 Quasimodo 感动而良心发现,但 La Fidele 大钟还是落入 Sarousch 的手中,为了要夺回大钟,于是 Quasimodo 在一干好友的鼎力相助下,包括 Esmeralda 、Phoebus,以及他们的儿子 Zephyr ,还有那三个石兽,最后终于才夺回大钟,并且也让 Quasimodo 找到真爱,这一年敲响 La Fidele 大钟的同时,他也有一个可以让他大声吶喊的名字了。

