When Goopy and Bagha learn about Hirak Raja's tyranny, they try to set him right with the help of Udayan, a school teacher, and their magical powers.

After the death of his father and brother Danish, Faizal Khan vows to take revenge by destroying Ramadhir Singh's gang.

A filmmaker stands trial when a costume assistant on his movie accuses him of rape

Sahil Shah is 27 but mentally considers himself as a 3 year old. He's one of India's top comedians and his first ever stand up special Childish Behaviour is a look at his immature life, the silliness and pointlessness of things around him and his innate ability of making stupid faces and silly sounds to make anyone laugh.

A hilarious introduction, using as examples some of the best films ever made, to some of Slovenian philosopher and psychoanalyst Slavoj Žižek's most exciting ideas on personal subjectivity, fantasy and reality, desire and sexuality.

Soorma, a comeback story of the hockey legend Sandeep Singh is a biopic that chronicles the life and times of the famed hockey player.

Pushpa Raj is a coolie who rises in the world of red sandalwood smuggling. Along the way, he doesn’t shy from making an enemy or two.

Rajputana, Indie, 13. století. Tyranský uzurpér Alauddin Khilji, sultán z Dillí, je posedlý královnou Padmavati, manželkou krále Ratana Singha z Mewar, a za každou cenu chce uspokojit svůj chtíč.

A spirited girl finds herself caught in a complicated love triangle while burdened with societal and familial pressures.

Dev Kaushal má sice mladou a pohlednou ženu Reenu, ale mezi manželi panuje odtažitost, a tak Dev tráví v práci spoustu hodin přesčas, aniž by musel. Jednou se na radu přítele rozhodne manželku překvapit brzkým příchodem a kyticí. Místo manželky je však překvapený on sám. Když nahlédne do ložnice, zjistí totiž, že v ní Reena není sama. Kdyby věděl, co vše tím způsobí, nejspíš by si Dev vybral jiný způsob pomsty než vydírání.

Individually, bank employees Sanjay and Karina don't earn enough to be able to buy a home, so they decide to enter into a marriage of convenience.

Bharat, a graduate raised in London clueless about the future becomes the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh due to the circumstances. New to India and with no political knowledge he learns the ropes quickly and governs efficiently. However, while he endears himself to the crowd, he makes enemies out of the political class, including his own party members who create trouble for him and try to stop him from bringing in changes in the society.

Nečekané události ve čtyřech krátkých filmech překvapivým způsobem rozdmýchají nepříjemné emoce, které zatím jenom skrytě doutnaly v narušených vztazích.

Arriving in the town of Hakodate, a wandering musician, Shinji Taki, is soon recruited by the local gang as a hired hand. However, with the arrival of a sinister gunman, Taki's mysterious past catches up with him.

The shenanigans of a good-hearted goon and his chums as they try to earn some quick money in the world of local crime in Kerala.

Truchlící matka zjistí, že na ni byla uvalena zákeřná kletba, a začne proto hledat viníka.

Bantu has grown up suffering his father Valmiki’s vitriolic tongue until he discovers that he’s actually an heir to an influential family, who was exchanged at birth. He moves into their mansion to protect them from a criminal drug lord’s attack and helps the family sort their issues.

Pokračování Příběhů chtíče z roku 2018 nominovaných na Emmy, ve kterém se čtyři přední indičtí režiséři v krátkých filmech zabývají sexem, touhou a láskou.

This homage to 1980s teen sex comedies follows a college quiz bowl champion who knows almost everything -- except how to talk to women.

Antologie hororových příběhů, které se zaměřují na duchařské hororové povídky. Podíváme se do opuštěné vesnice, na kterou útočí podivná monstra, zjistíme, že mrtví nikdy opravdu nikam neodcházejí a mnohem víc. Pokud máte i tak odvahu vstoupit, tak směle do toho.