An unpredictable documentary from a fascinating storyteller, Agnès Varda’s last film sheds light on her experience as a director, bringing a personal insight to what she calls "cine-writing," traveling from Rue Daguerre in Paris to Los Angeles and Beijing.

From its distinctive neighborhoods to its architectural homes, Los Angeles has been the backdrop to countless movies. In this dazzling work, Andersen takes viewers on a whirlwind tour through the metropolis' real and cinematic history, investigating the myriad stories and legends that have come to define it, and meticulously, judiciously revealing the real city that lives beneath.

In Laos, 1954, eight days before the french defeat in the Indochina war, the 317th platoon – four french soldiers and 41 laotian combatants – has been ordered to leave its outpost and to retreat for the plains of Diên Biên Phu, where the french army is getting stucked. Led by the inexperienced and idealistic sous-lieutenant Torrens, fresh out of the military academy, and by adjutant Willsdorf, a WWII veteran of the Werhmacht, the group must cross 150 kilometers of jungle. But dripping rainwater, hostile nature, and the Viêt-minh ambushes expose them to constant danger.

Sacha Guitry exchanges his usual top hat for a uniform in Désiré, playing a cavalier valet embroiled in an awkward flirtation with his new employer (played by the actor-director's real-life wife, Jacqueline Delubac), who is involved with a stuffy politician. A carefree class farce filled with memorable supporting characters, Désiré blurs the distinction between upstairs and downstairs.

In this story of friendship and reproductive rights, 14 years in the relationship between two very dissimilar women are chronicled. Pauline is a middle-class city girl, at odds with her very conventional family. Suzanne is several years older, a country girl with two illegitimate children and another (whom she cannot support) on the way. Pauline loans Suzanne money for an abortion. At this point, the two separate and communicate mainly through postcards. Some years later, they meet at an abortion rally, and they have many adventures and stories to share with one another.

Hicran runs away from home when she is forced into an engagement with Rıza by her father. Rıza, who thinks that Hicran doesn't want to be with him, doesn't care at first. But when it begins to bother him, he decides to confront the situation and embarks on a long search for her in Istanbul.

A penetrating study of a marriage on the rocks, set against the backdrop of a small Mediterranean fishing village. Both a stylized depiction of the complicated relationship between a married couple and a documentary-like look at the daily struggles of the inhabitants of Sète in the South of France.

After answering an ad on a dating website for Eastern European women, Olla leaves Ukraine and heads to French suburbia to move in with Pierre, who lives with his elderly mother. However, the suburbia cannot temper her desires, and nothing goes as expected.

A young girl with a physical disability arrives in Dakar and challenges the convention of boys selling newspapers on the street.

Impressions of the rue Mouffetard, Paris 5, through the eyes of a pregnant woman.

Filmul, a cărui acțiune se petrece în comunitatea mică a fermierilor din Islanda, spune povestea Ingăi, o femeie de vârstă mijlocie, care lucrează la o fermă de lactate și se răzvrătește împotriva Cooperativei locale atotputernice. Inga încearcă să îi convingă pe ceilalți fermieri să i se alăture împotriva corupției Cooperativei, dar se lovește de rezistență, ceea ce o face să confrunte dependența comunității și loialitatea față de această întreprindere dominantă. Inga trebuie să-și folosească inventivitatea și istețimea ca să scape de puterea Cooperativei și, în sfârșit, să își trăiască viața așa cum vrea.

What does being a woman really mean? How do women live the status society reserves for them? A group of women, beautiful or not, young or not, gifted with motherly instinct or not, answer before Agnès Varda's camera.

In the short break between performances in Calais, stage actress Alix makes a quick escape to Paris. On the train she meets a mysterious English stranger and, for the most fleeting of afternoons, imagines what the future could hold down a different road.

Two young people leave city life for the simplicity of life in the province. Unfortunately, the beach they are going to live next to is being polluted by a local factory.

A documentary about the making of The Long Good Friday, including interviews with John Mackenzie, stars Bob Hoskins, Helen Mirren, Pierce Brosnan, producer Barry Hanson and Phil Meheux.

A wounded bank robber takes over his brother's home.

After meeting at a party, Luciana and Pedro... embark on a spur of the moment journey together that takes them to the forest. Asthey explore the beauty in the nature that surrounds them, they camp out under the stars, go on hikes, indulge in the passions of their encounter, and discuss their personal beliefs surrounding love, obligations, and attraction. Lensed in lush black-and-white cinematography amidst the gorgeous backdrop of the Costa Rican forest, an honest and genuine relationship story unfolds, lending a feeling of realism to their storybook romance in a refreshing and youthful way.

A collection of sketches that tells the story of prostitution through the ages.

Born to a poor farming family in Brittany, Bécassine finds work as a nanny with the Marquise de Grand-Air who has recently adopted a lovely baby named Loulotte. A strong bond develops between Becassine and Loulotte, and life is sweet, until the Grand-Airs are threatened with financial ruin… Can Bécassine save the day? Naïve, funny, dreamy, optimistic, loving, Bécassine is also inventive, courageous and always ready to handle any situation in her own unique way – a superheroine like no other. César-winner Bruno Podalydès returns with a family movie adapted from the beloved French comic book Bécassine.

A confrontation between two swimmers in a locker room.