Twice III in Seoul, official concert filmed for DVD & Blu-Ray.

Dr. Mabuse and his organization of criminals are in the process of completing their latest scheme, a theft of information that will allow Mabuse to make huge profits on the stock exchange. Afterwards, Mabuse disguises himself and attends the Folies Bergères show, where Cara Carozza, the main attraction of the show, passes him information on Mabuse's next intended victim, the young millionaire Edgar Hull. Mabuse then uses psychic manipulation to lure Hull into a card game where he loses heavily. When Police Commissioner von Wenk begins an investigation of this mysterious crime spree, he has little to go on, and he needs to find someone who can help him.

A vibrant tribute to one of America's legendary bandleaders, charting Glenn Miller's rise from obscurity and poverty to fame and wealth in the early 1940s.

Documentary depicting the lives of child prostitutes in the red light district of Songachi, Calcutta. Director Zana Briski went to photograph the prostitutes when she met and became friends with their children. Briski began giving photography lessons to the children and became aware that their photography might be a way for them to lead better lives.

Asako lives in Osaka. She falls in love with Baku, a free-spirit. One day, Baku suddenly disappears. Two years later, Asako now lives in Tokyo and meets Ryohei. He looks just like Baku, but has a completely different personality.

Get in the holiday spirit with this cozy, crackling fire.

The sequel to Monster Hunt. Set in a world where monsters and humans co-exist, the franchise tells the story of Wuba, a baby monster born to be king. Wuba becomes the central figure in stopping an all-out monster civil war.

Kings should be treated courteously! At least, that's what famous music critic Georg thinks. But he finds himself counting pennies when his chief editor suddenly fires him from the Viennese newspaper for which he has been writing for decades. While keeping his dismissal a secret from his psychotherapist wife Johanna, whose mind is occupied solely by getting pregnant, Georg begins to plot his revenge.

Kindhearted Samantha Parkington's world starts to change the day Nellie O'Malley walks into her life. Nellie, her father, and her two little sisters have moved in next door to be servants for the Ryland family. Though they come from completely different backgrounds, Samantha and Nellie become fast friends. The girls turn to each other in happiness and sorrow, adventure and danger.

Borgmanov nečakaný príchod do exkluzívnej rezidenčnej štvrte odštartuje sériu znepokojivých, až bizarných udalostí okolo starostlivo budovanej fasády majetného manželského páru, ich troch detí a opatrovateľky. Príbeh prináša množstvo nečakaných zvratov a nálad a drží diváka v napätí medzi strachom, cynizmom a bezmocným smiechom.

Bambi is nibbling the grass, unaware of the upcoming encounter with Godzilla. Who will win when they finally meet? Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 2009.

Bettie Page grew up in a conservative religious family in Tennessee and became a photo model sensation in 1950s New York. Bettie's legendary pin-up photos made her the target of a Senate investigation into pornography, and transformed her into an erotic icon who continues to enthrall fans to this day.

There are breakpoints in the history, the result of a single event may change the whole course. In 1909, an assassination attempt of a Japanese governor fails. Now, in 2009, Korea is just another state of Japan's Empire & Seoul has become a major city. A Korean resistance group fights for liberty, independence & the restoration of true history. Two cops, Japanese & Korean, investigate the group.

Na Kube v Havane na konci 50. rokov minulého storočia sa bohatá rodina, kde jeden zo synov je prominentným majiteľom nočného klubu ocitne uprostred násilného prevzatia moci od utláčateľského Batistovho režimu marxistickou vládou Fidela Castra. Castrov režim nakoniec prinúti majiteľa nočného klubu utiecť do New Yorku.

Embittered by Superman's heroic successes and soaring popularity, Lex Luthor forms a dangerous alliance with the powerful computer/villain Brainiac. Using advanced weaponry and a special strain of Kryptonite harvested from the far reaches of outer space, Luthor specifically redesigns Brainiac to defeat the Man of Steel.

Leslie is left with few options when her husband is sent back to war in the Middle East. A modest amount of help arrives in the form of his brother, Salman, who is less than prepared to care for the couple's two preadolescent boys. When Leslie still can't make ends meet on her own, Salman is forced to find employment, but, with minimal qualifications, his only option is to become a mascot for a digital company by donning a bulbous blue costume.

Občania Ríma sú hladní. Coriolanus, rímsky hrdina, veľký vojak a človek obdarený nemennou vierou v seba samého ľuďmi opovrhuje. Jeho extrémne názory podnietia masové nepokoje. V Ríme sa prelieva krv. Politici, dokonca i jeho vlastná matka, ho vyženú z Ríma. Svoj život a služby teda ponúkne nepriateľovi, Tulliovi Aufidiovi.

The adventures of married couple Henry and Nancy Clark, vexed by misfortune while in New York City for Henry's job interview.

Leon is night fishing on the bayou, catching fireflies in a jar under a big round orange moon - it's that kind of a film - when the light dims and he tells his pet chipmunk, "Somethin's up, Earl." Sure is - a massive catfish made out of the stars transports him, pet and inflatable, on a theme park ride to the moon where he teams up with a genuine Moongirl and giant protective cat. Mission? To reignite the moon (his jar of delights is important here) and help defend her from a pair of rascally Gargaloons.

Ambiciózny vyštudovaný právnik Aaron Hammond nemá za sebou práve najúspešnejší deň, pohovor do zamestnania mu vôbec nevyšiel, z podnájmu ho vyhodili kvôli neplatenému nájmu a aby toho nebolo málo, zavolala mu jeho ex-priateľka Lisa a oznámila mu, že mu zomrel otec. A tak sa mladík poberie do rodného mestečka na poslednú rozlúčku s otcom. Plánované krátke zastavenie sa trochu natiahne, Aaron sa totiž rozhodne zostať na chvíľku so svojou smútiacou mamou. Vyzerá to, že je úplne na dne, keď sa mu začne z ničoho nič dariť. Nie je v však žiadna náhoda, mladík onedlho pochopí, že za naplnenie svojich prianí bude musieť zaplatiť...