Dej filmu sa odohráva v psychiatrickej liečebni, do ktorej prichádza profesionálny kartár a bitkár Randle Patrick McMurphy, ktorý má súdne nariadenú liečbu. McMurphy hrá pomäteného, aby sa vyhol väzenskému trestu za sexuálne zneužitie a násilné prepadnutie. Jeho predstava pokojného života v ústave je od začiatku konfrontovaná s praktikami despotickej vrchnej sestry Mildred Ratched, ktorá v ústave neobmedzene panuje.

Keď posádka vesmírnej lode Nostromo odpovie na núdzový signál z pustej planéty, objaví smrteľnú formu života, ktorá sa rozmnožuje v ľudskom hostiteľovi. Posádka musí bojovať o život a zabrániť, aby sa tento tvor dostal na Zem. V réžii Ridleyho Scotta sa predstaví začínajúca Sigourney Weaver. Tento legendárny prvý film v ságe Votrelec vám vyrazí dych!

The cruel and abusive headmaster of a boarding school, Michel Delassalle, is murdered by an unlikely duo -- his meek wife and the mistress he brazenly flaunts. The women become increasingly unhinged by a series of odd occurrences after Delassalle's corpse mysteriously disappears.

After running away from home, a young man from the slums falls in with a gang and slowly rises through the ranks of the criminal underworld, transforming into a ruthless gangster as he navigates love, power and betrayal.

A young, nonconforming woman named Tessa gets entangled in a cat-and-mouse chase in the by-lanes of Kerala, hunting for a mysterious artist who previously lived in her apartment.

Warrenovci, známi vyšetrovatelia paranormálnych javov, budú v najnovšom filme známej hororovej série čeliť jednej z najdesivejších záhad vo svojej kariére! Horor V ZAJATÍ DÉMONOV 3: PRINÚTIL MA K TOMU DIABOL prinesie na plátna kín prípad, v ktorom bola prvýkrát v americkej histórii použitá posadnutosť diablom pri obhajobe zločinu...

A dynamic young entrepreneur finds herself locked in a hotel room with the corpse of her dead lover. She hires a prestigious lawyer to defend her and they work together to figure out what actually happened.

Sanju explores some of the most crucial chapters from movie star Sanjay Dutt’s dramatic and controversial real life. It gives a lowdown on his tryst with drugs and his trials and tribulations in the Arms Acts case and the 1993 Mumbai blasts.

Mauji stays in a village near Delhi with his wife Mamta, father and mother. Varun works at a shop that sells sewing machines, owned by Bansal and his son Prashant. Both have a habit of ill-treating Mauji and make him do fun antics. When Prashant gets married, Bansal invites Mauji and his entire family. Mamta feels humiliated when she sees Mauji being asked to imitate a dog by the Bansals.

Píše sa polovica deväťdesiatych rokov a Himaláje sa stávajú obľúbenou turistickou destináciou. Na osemtisícovky už nešplhajú len skúsení horolezci, ale tiahnu sa tam celé zástupy dobrodruhov z celého sveta. Horskí vodcovia Rob Hall (Jason Clarke) a Scott Fischer (Jake Gyllenhaal) napriek tomu nič nepodceňujú a do svojej expedície na najvyšší bod našej Zeme berú len ľudí, ktorí majú niečo za sebou. Všetci sú skvele pripravení a vybavení, splneniu snov ich klientov by nič nemalo stáť v ceste. Stačí však drobná odchýlka od plánu, náhla zmena počasia a kľúčovú otázku "Podarí sa nám horu zdolať?" vystrieda otázka oveľa zásadnejšia: "Dokážeme prežiť?"

An experimental romantic thriller, Solo is the story of four different men, their love, rage and afterlife. Through four elements - water, air, fire and earth, they also represent different facets of Lord Siva.

Raju, Shyam and Baburao are living happily after having risen from rags to riches. However, they lose it all after falling victim to a chit fund scam due to their greed for more money. Soon, they find themselves in new mess and encounter eccentric and dangerous characters in their quest for a shortcut to riches again.

After years of caring exclusively for the needs of her husband and children, Agnes, a devoted housewife living in a small town near New York, has found something she really enjoys doing: solving puzzles.

Mina, 28-ročná umelkyňa, uviazne v rozľahlom, nedotknutom lese v západnom Írsku. Keď nájde úkryt, nevedomky sa dostane do pasce po boku troch cudzincov, ktorých každú noc prenasledujú tajomné tvory.

Eela, an aspiring playback singer, and single mother has given up all her dreams to raise her only son, who backlashes her for invading his privacy.

A couple checks into a beach resort in Mauritius late night with their three-year-old daughter Titli who in the next morning goes missing.

An ornithologist who commits suicide returns as fifth force to wreack vengeance on mankind for harming birds with mobile phone radiation. The only thing that is standing in his way is 2.0, the upgraded version of Chitti, the robot.

Jailed under a tough cop, an uneducated politician decides to spend his time studying for high school while his scheming wife has plans of her own.

When a city-bred girl comes home to her village, she falls for the macho village boy and asks him out. As a passionate romance brews, the guy falls madly in love with her, but does she feel the same way? Or is it just a passionate summer fling?

Zdá sa, že Regan MacNeilová unikla moci démona, ktorý ju ako malé dievča premenil na agresívne monštrum. Počas psychoanalytickej liečby u doktora Tuskina však dievča svoje zvláštne sny popiera. Všetko sa zmení s príchodom otca Lamonta. Kňaz nadviaže spojenie s Reganiným podvedomím prostredníctvom prístroja a nečakane sa stane svedkom vražedného útoku na doktora Tuskina práve vo chvíli, keď sa prejavia Reganine zlé sily. Lemont a Tuskin sa spoločne snažia nájsť korene duševnej poruchy, aby zbavili Regan jej utrpenia. Pritom podstupujú najvyššie riziko.