Based on the true story of IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma, 12th Fail sheds limelight on fearlessly embracing the idea of restarting the academic journey despite the setbacks and challenges and reclaiming one's destiny at a place where millions of students attempt the world's toughest competitive exam: UPSC.

The Monstruitas of Monster High are obsessed with going to Scaris, The City of Frights for Fashion international competition where the winner will become the apprentice of the world famous Madame Ghostier designer.

Obyvatelé malého venkovského městečka zjistí, že se mezi nimi má narodit démon. Zoufale se snaží uniknout, než se zlo zrodí, ale možná už je pozdě.

Returning wounded from the war Maksym was overcome by self-doubt, in his physiological state. He is undergoing rehabilitation. He loses contact with his wife. He is tormented by dreams. In one of his dreams Maksym goes to the island to catch a lot of fish, as the paramedic advised him. Maksym takes a boat, net, dynamite from the best man and sails to the island.

Po Charově povstání se Hathaway Noa postaví do čela vzpoury proti Zemské federaci. Osud mu ale změní setkání s nepřátelským důstojníkem a tajemnou ženou.

Jednoho dne v nepříliš vzdálené budoucnosti si Cameron Turner vyslechne zdrcující diagnózu. Poté co dostane nabídku experimentálního řešení, kterým by svou ženu a syna ochránil před bolestí ze ztráty, Cameron zápasí s tíhou rozhodování o osudu celé rodiny v podnětném příběhu o lásce, ztrátě a sebeobětování.

Court huntsman, Søtoft, is courting his daughter Else’s lady-in-waiting, Miss Engelke. That’s why it’s a bit of a punch in the stomach when, late one evening, he discovers his son Ove in close contact with her. Chamberlain von Plessen, who had been gossiping to Søtoft and is himself spying on the young couple, is going to set fire to the room they’re in. The hurt Søtoft wants to leave the young couple to their cruel fate – that is until he discovers that it’s not Engelke, but his daughter Else, who is trapped in the flames with her brother. (

Měsíc po premiéře svého filmu AVATAR vypustil James Cameron do světa dokument, který, nejen fanouškům, přibližuje složitý proces natáčení. V několika kapitolách můžeme například vidět převádění hereckých pohybů do počítače skrz motion-capture, tvorbu speciálních efektů, trénink a choreografii soubojů, skládání hudby, nebo vymýšlení pandorského jazyka. Vznik snímku AVATAR byl možný jen s tou nejmodernější technikou

Joel, a caustic 1980s film critic for a national horror magazine, finds himself unwittingly trapped in a self-help group for serial killers. With no other choice, Joel attempts to blend in with his homicidal surroundings or risk becoming the next victim.

A fledgling caterer, Molly Frost, is hired by Jean Harrison, the perfectionistic director of the renowned Harrison Foundation, to cater this year’s annual Christmas Gala dinner. Things get complicated when Molly falls for Jean’s nephew, Carson, 30s, a travel photographer with no desire to take over the family’s foundation… until his aunt assigns him to the task of making sure the catered dinner goes perfectly.

Pětadvacetiletá Francouzka Freddie se poprvé po adopci vydává do Jižní Koreje, kde se snaží najít svou identitu a původ.

Despite their differences, Celeste and Sihem quickly become inseparable. The common will to get out of drugs seals their fusional friendship. This will be as much a force as an obstacle when, transferred from the center that welcomes them, they find themselves left to themselves, to the test of the real world and its temptations. They will have to fight to finally live.

Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.

A quartet of stories unfold across four holidays as family members, friends and colleagues face hard decisions, career setbacks and life-changing events.

In an attempt to help his friend with his impotence, Jaime sets up two friends together. But after the failure, he comes in to help. What first appeared to be just a sexual experience evolves to a full romantic relationship of three people.

Down a seedy city street in her neighborhood, young Enola Penny is obsessed with what appears to be a long abandoned theatre. One night, she sees that the front door is slightly ajar and impulsively decides to sneak inside. But there in the dark, decrepit auditorium, a show unlike any other unfolds before her eyes. Its host is an eerie human puppet named Peg Poett who will introduce Penny to six tales of the bizarre: A couple traveling in a remote part of the French Pyrenees cross paths with a lustful witch; A paranoid lover faces the wrath of a partner who has been pushed to her limit; The Freudian dreams of an unfaithful husband blur the lines between fantasy and reality; The horrors of the real world are interpreted through the mind of a child; A woman addicted to other people's memories gets her fix through the vitreous fluid of her victims' eyeballs; And a perverse obsession with sweets turns sour for a couple in too deep.

V blízké budoucnosti je soukromý detektiv David Carmichael, kterého najal Marlon Veidt, excentrický obchodník, aby vypátral jeho pohřešovanou dceru. David se spojí s Jane, vysoce pokročilou UI, aby vyřešili záhadu.

Rodina z předměstí, přivádí svého nového robota, Alpha Home Assistant, k vražednému řádění poté, co s ním špatně zacházela a zneužívala jej, což vede k úplnému povstání této umělé inteligence…

Stuck all night on a yacht with a damsel in distress, Gopal lies to his soap opera junkie wife to avoid drama. This sets off a chain of chaotic events that ultimately land him smack dab in the middle of a police case.