The mysterious Count Orlok summons Thomas Hutter to his remote Transylvanian castle in the mountains. The eerie Orlok seeks to buy a house near Hutter and his wife, Ellen. After Orlok reveals his vampire nature, Hutter struggles to escape the castle, knowing that Ellen is in grave danger. Meanwhile Orlok's servant, Knock, prepares for his master to arrive at his new home.

Прича о Теодору и Виолет који се упознају и заувек мењају животе једно другом. Док се боре са својим емоционалним и психичким ожиљцима из прошлости, они схватају да и најмања места и тренуци могу да буду важни …

Кевин Ломакс је млади, успешни адвокат, у срећном браку са Мери Ен. Одличну адвокатску каријеру и репутацију стиче у малом граду Гејнсвилу на Флориди, а познат је по томе што никад није изгубио ни један једини случај. Након још једног изванредног успеха Кевин прима нестварно добру пословну понуду адвокатске куће из Њујорка. Његова мајка противи се синовљевом одласку у „ђавољи град“, али жеља за успехом је јача и он са Мери Ен одлази. У Њујорку упознаје свог послодавца, харизматичног Милтона, који му нуди све благодети живота на високој нози. Али, првобитни занос се губи када Мери Ен све дубље тоне у депресију...

In 1979, a group of college students find a Sumerian Book of the Dead in an old wilderness cabin they've rented for a weekend getaway.

Barbie and her sisters, Skipper, Stacie and Chelsea, and their adorable new puppy friends find unexpected mystery and adventure when they return to their hometown of Willows. While going through mementos in Grandma's attic, the sisters discover an old map, believed to lead to a long-lost treasure buried somewhere in the town. With their puppy pals in tow, the four girls go on an exciting treasure hunt, along the way discovering that the greatest treasure of all is the love and laughter they share as sisters!

Епски спектакл о бици за Мидвеј, главној прекретници на пацифичком фронту током Другог светског рата с богатом глумачком екипом и редитељем Дана независности. Битка код Мидвеја започела је 4. априла 1942. године. Била је то одлучујућа победа САД-а против Јапана за време Другог светског рата. Током четвородневне борбе у ваздуху и на мору, бројчано надјачана војска САД-а успела је да уништи и четири јапанска носача авиона и изгуби само један свој, Јорктаун. Јапанска морнарица до тада била је непобедива.

A documentary filmmaker explores seemingly unrelated paranormal incidents connected by the legend of an ancient demon called the "kagutaba."

Петеро двадесетогодишњака заробљени су у осамљеној колиби. Они проналазе древну књигу мртвих којом привлаче скривене демоне из оближње шуме који их редом опседају док један од њих остаје нетакнут борећи се за живот.

A timid and socially alienated 17-year-old high school student's life is turned upside down when she switches places with her sinister mirror image.

У блиској будућности, нормалан живот на Земљи је десеткован. Пол и његова два сина, Томас и Џозеф, живе полуживот – спокој дању и муке ноћу. Сваке ноћи, након заласка сунца, суочавају се са немилосрдним нападима мистериозног и насилног зла. Једног дана, када се Томас не врати кући пре заласка сунца, Пол мора да напусти сигурност њихове утврђене фарме да би га пронашао. Следи кошмарна битка која приморава породицу да изврши очајнички план да преживи.

When four generations of the Cooper clan come together for their annual Christmas Eve celebration, a series of unexpected visitors and unlikely events turn the night upside down, leading them all toward a surprising rediscovery of family bonds and the spirit of the holiday.

An evil, high-fashion designer plots to steal Dalmatian puppies in order to make an extravagant fur coat, but instead creates an extravagant mess.

A recently divorced young man discovers a mint condition Blade doll in his deceased brother's closet and plans to sell the toy at a convention in Oregon celebrating the 30th anniversary of the infamous Toulon Murders. All hell breaks loose during the auction when a strange force animates all of the puppets throughout the convention, setting them on a bloody killing spree.

Newlywed Jennifer is brutally attacked at a dark rest stop. While healing from her injuries, she can’t recall anything from her past, including the ordeal. Her husband, Russell , is just thankful she’s alive and eager to get her home. As he reintroduces her to their secluded mountain estate, Detective Page pursues Jennifer’s assailant — his own daughter went missing and was never found. The same fate now awaits Jennifer, unless someone realizes that her loving caretaker is actually her captor.

A Heffley family road trip to attend Meemaw's 90th birthday party goes hilariously off course thanks to Greg's newest scheme to get to a video gaming convention.

Deuce Bigalow goes to Amsterdam after a little accident including two irritating kids and a bunch of aggressive dolphins. There he meets up with his old friend T.J. Hicks. But a mysterious killer starts killing some of Amsterdam's finest gigolos and T.J. is mistaken for the extremely gay murderer. Deuce must enter the gigolo industry again to find the real murderer and clear T.J.'s name.

Newlyweds Claire and Ryan have just moved into a new house. Both are hoping Claire’s pregnancy will be the cement needed to hold their already fraying relationship together. Little do they know their marital issues are the least of their problems. For unbeknownst to them, their scruffy, sleazy and lascivious landlord has installed numerous miniature cameras all over their home and has been spying on them from Day One. Then Ryan begins an office affair, and the landlord kits out the secret basement with chains and soundproofing. Something is going to give in this suburban shocker packed with nasty surprises.

When a party bus on it's way to the Burning Man music festival breaks down in the desert and in the middle of a group of Satanic devil worshippers, all hell literally breaks loose. A massacre leaves seven survivors trapped in the bus, fighting for their lives while wondering if someone or others are not who they seem.

Francesca always attracted weirdos. When one of her stalkers is found dead, she looks for comfort from her best friend, Maxi. Meanwhile, Maxi’s grandfather, Jack, a disgraced Rabbi, comes across a reclining chair containing a Dybbuk inside. Jack and his voodoo sorceress partner try to find out where the recliner has been delivered while exploring Jack’s newfound gift for communicating with the other world. Meanwhile the reclining chair becomes enchanted by Francesca and starts committing crimes of passion.

Two filmmakers attempt to make the perfect sequel to "To Jennifer," however a dark secret threatens the lives of everyone involved. Jennifer, a beautiful actress, now has two options: become the heroine of the film, or face a brutal death.