All unemployed, Ki-taek's family takes peculiar interest in the wealthy and glamorous Parks for their livelihood until they get entangled in an unexpected incident.

The adventures of a group of explorers who make use of a newly discovered wormhole to surpass the limitations on human space travel and conquer the vast distances involved in an interstellar voyage.

სულით ავადმყოფთა დაწესებულებაში, დაუმორჩილებელი პატრიკ მაკმერფი მის მეგობარ პაციენტებს, მთავარი მედდის- მილდრედ რეტჩიდის ავტორიტარული რეჟიმის წინააღმდეგ ააამხედრებს.

უძილობით შეპყრობილი მამაკაცი და საპნების გაყიდვების მენეჯერი, მამაკაცურ აგრესიას ახალ, შოკურ თერაპიად გარდაქმნიან. ეს კონცეფცია პოპულარობას იხვეჭს. იატაკქვეშა "მებრძოლთა კლუბები" ყველა ქალაქში ყალიბდება.

A tramp cares for a boy after he's abandoned as a newborn by his mother. Later the mother has a change of heart and aches to be reunited with her son.

In the year 180, the death of emperor Marcus Aurelius throws the Roman Empire into chaos. Maximus is one of the Roman army's most capable and trusted generals and a key advisor to the emperor. As Marcus' devious son Commodus ascends to the throne, Maximus is set to be executed. He escapes, but is captured by slave traders. Renamed Spaniard and forced to become a gladiator, Maximus must battle to the death with other men for the amusement of paying audiences.

ლეგენდარული როკ ჯგუფის ქვინის ისტორია და წამყვანი მომღერალი ფრედი მერკურის ცხოვრება.

A fading music hall comedian tries to help a despondent ballet dancer learn to walk and to again feel confident about life.

ფილმის მოქმედება მაყურებელს 50-იან წლებში მიჰყავს. ზაფხული დასასრულს უახლოვდება, მაგრამ გართობის სეზონი დაჩრდილა ბიჭის იდუმალი გაუჩინარებამ. ოთხი თინეიჯერი მეგობარი მის საძებნელად მიდის. ბავშვებმა აიღეს რთული დავალება, რადგან სურთ რაც შეიძლება მალე დაბერდნენ.

Marty and Doc are at it again in this wacky sequel to the 1985 blockbuster as the time-traveling duo head to 2015 to nip some McFly family woes in the bud. But things go awry thanks to bully Biff Tannen and a pesky sports almanac. In a last-ditch attempt to set things straight, Marty finds himself bound for 1955 and face to face with his teenage parents -- again.

Dr. Mabuse and his organization of criminals are in the process of completing their latest scheme, a theft of information that will allow Mabuse to make huge profits on the stock exchange. Afterwards, Mabuse disguises himself and attends the Folies Bergères show, where Cara Carozza, the main attraction of the show, passes him information on Mabuse's next intended victim, the young millionaire Edgar Hull. Mabuse then uses psychic manipulation to lure Hull into a card game where he loses heavily. When Police Commissioner von Wenk begins an investigation of this mysterious crime spree, he has little to go on, and he needs to find someone who can help him.

Fifteen years after murdering his sister on Halloween Night 1963, Michael Myers escapes from a mental hospital and returns to the small town of Haddonfield, Illinois to kill again.

When a Sumatran rat-monkey bites Lionel Cosgrove's mother, she's transformed into a zombie and begins killing (and transforming) the entire town while Lionel races to keep things under control.

An European immigrant endures a challenging voyage only to get into trouble as soon as he arrives in New York.

გმირს კვლავაც სურს პირველობა შეინარჩუნოს ტრასაზე, მაგრამ ამ გამარჯვების მისაღწევად გაცილებით მეტი ძალისხმევა სჭირდება. მას ახალი თავგადასავლები ელის.

The Tramp is an escaped convict who is mistaken as a pastor in a small town church.

An American doughboy, stationed in France during the Great War, goes on a daring mission behind enemy lines and becomes a hero.

After amusements working in a restaurant, a waiter uses his lunch break to go roller skating.

A king hides an embarrassing secret - and it causes him to execute every barber who cuts his hair.

In close-ups and extreme close-ups, we watch two small species of marine crustaceans, the slender long-legged stenorhynchus and the clumsy, short-legged hyas. To blend in, both cover themselves with found objects, such as algae and sponges. We watch them move, eat, greet each other, and fight. They have small mandibles and large claws. Near them are spirograph worms, 6 inches long, with a plume of branchiae that fan out like exploding fireworks. We see vibrating cilia, 0.001 mm long, on the branchiae, sending food toward the mouth at the plume's center. Chopin's music and an off-screen narrator suggest we're watching a ballet.