Franco Escamilla takes the stage in California for a comedy special filled with humorous observations on gossiping, the pandemic and airport experiences.

This is the story of a trip between Spain and Latin America with a unique protagonist: the last guitar designed by the genius from Algeciras, which he never had the chance to unveil to the world. From Mallorca, Jerez de la Frontera and Lisbon to the United States and Latin America, this musical instrument has been travelling, keeping alive the magic of its master, Paco de Lucía. "La Maestro" flew from hand to hand; from those of Carlinhos Brown to those of Alejandro Sanz, stopping off at Tomatito’s or those of Muñequitos de Matanzas, delivering anecdotes, nostalgia and a lot of art along the way.

Vincent, an artist with unresolved inner demons, meets a mysterious girl who helps him come to terms with his creative legacy… and eventual death.

300 years of a remarkable musical instrument. Crafted by the Italian master Bussotti (Cecchi) in 1681, the red violin has traveled through Austria, England, China, and Canada, leaving both beauty and tragedy in its wake. In Montreal, Samuel L Jackson plays an appraiser going over its complex history.

When Tragedy Strikes three Families, their Destiny forces them on a coverging path and mercy as the challenges of their fate could also resurrect their beliefs

Three friends are part of a fascist opposition group in the chaotic Chile of the early 70's and together commit a political crime that changes the history of the country and incidentally involves them in a betrayal that separates them forever.

When the clever but socially-awkward Tetê joins a new school, she'll do anything to fit in. But the queen bee among her classmates has other ideas.

Superman and Supergirl take on the cybernetic being known as Brainiac, who boasts that he possesses "the knowledge and strength of 10,000 worlds."

Ups! Noa je otišao… je klasična priča o bezvremenskoj Noinoj arci. Ovo je priča o životinjama koje nisu dospjele na arku među kojima su i svitodomci, grifoni i samopiri– izgledom neobične i simpatične životinje za koje nitko nikad nije čuo jer dosad nisu postojale. Bližio se kraj svijeta i postojala je opasnost da poplave unište sva bića na planeti. U Noinu arku redom su se ukrcale sve vrste životinja, od najveće do najmanje. Nespretni svitodomac Dado i njegov sin Fric ušli su u arku uz pomoć grifonki Vande i njezine kćeri Lole. U trenutku kada se Noina arka otisnula , Lola i Fric su se nesretnim slučajem našli izvan nje. Za te dvije životinjice to je bio početak avanture u kojoj su stekli nove prijatelje, upadali u nevolje i susretali razne neobične životinje dok su se pokušavali spasiti. Na samom kraju otkrili su da je ponekad potrebno suočiti se s krajem svijeta kako bi se pronašlo mjesto u njemu!

A tough nightclub bouncer struggling to raise his 8-year-old daughter is forced to go undercover after an unfortunate event.

U ovoj animiranoj komediji susrećemo se s likom simpatičnog gusana po imenu Peng. Peng je umišljen, svojevoljni neženja, kojeg ne zanima tradicija njegove vrste, ni obiteljske vrijednosti, a djeca su mu toliko odbojna da čak odbija predvoditi jato mlađih naraštaja u skoroj selidbi na jug. Voli svoju slobodu i živi u trenutku, bez brige i pameti. Uvjeren da o svemu zna najbolje te da je u svemu bolji od drugih, vrijeme provodi odvajajući se od jata i izvodeći lude akrobacije u letu. Prilikom jedna takve vratolomije, Peng se zanese, doživljava nezgodu te pada u jato pačića. Pritom nehotice razdvaja brata i sestru, 16 dana stare Chao i Chi, od ostalih njihove vrste. Ozlijeđenog krila, zaglavio je na tlu i u toplije krajeve mora pješice. Kao da to nije bilo dovoljno, na taj put sada mora s patkama. On, gusan, s patkama! Štoviše, djecom patkama! Vidno nezadovoljan razvojem situacije, ni ne sluti da se upušta u avanturu života. Krilo mu je već slomljeno, a moglo bi biti i srce.

A man involved in a horrific car crash is pronounced dead, only to come back to life an hour and a half later, claiming to have seen Heaven.

In 1950s Italy, a farmer's dream of improving workers’ living conditions collapses when he falls for a landowner's daughter. Based on true events.

During the reign of King Zhou, an official enters his bedchamber, and is devoured by the monstrous tails of Daji, his concubine. Outside their city, several warriors within a metal wagon discuss their strategies to free the Invisible People and their Chief, when Jiang Ziya appears to them. He tells them that when King Zhou was younger, he let himself become possessed by the Black Dragon for his quest for power.

Joe Dirt is a janitor with a mullet hairdo, acid-washed jeans and a dream to find the parents that he lost at the Grand Canyon when he was a belligerent, trailer park-raised eight-year-old. Now, blasting Van Halen in his jacked-up economy car, the irrepressibly optimistic Joe hits the road alone in search of his folks.

Two estranged brothers reunite at their missing father's video store to liquidate the property and sell off his assets. As they dig through the store, they find a VCR board game titled 'Beyond the Gates' that holds a connection to their father's disappearance and deadly consequences for anyone who plays it.

Following the passing of his father, Aaron Hammond returns to his hometown to help his devastated mother and to confront his past demons. Sifting through his father’s belongings, Aaron comes upon a mysterious item that is far more than it seems.

A dispossessed, violent man's life is a disastrous attempt to exist outside the social order. Successively deprived of parents and homes and with few other ties, he descends to the level of a cave dweller and falls deeper into crime and degradation.

Jagjinder Joginder, a wedding planner, brings together the dysfunctional family of businessman Bipin Arora while making arrangements for Bipin's daughter's destination wedding in London.

Police officer Jorge Capitão is a competent BOP captain and a Brazilian idol. But after he saved Argentina's greatest ace from a kidnapping, on the eve of the World Cup, he ended up becoming the nation's number 1 public enemy. Expelled from the corporation and discredited by the people, Captain must relearn how to work as a team to avoid an attempt on the Pope in the final of the tournament. That's when the sex shop manager Bia Alpinistinha, a medium and her very crazy mother, enters the scene.