The special is hosted by Tony Danza and Annie Potts celebrating 50 years of William Hanna and Joseph Barbera's partnership in animation. This is the first animated project to be broadcast in Dolby Surround sound system.

SCOOBY-DOO fans have spoken! 4 of SCOOBY-DOO'S most popular mysteries - selected by the fans themselves - are now available in this fun DVD. Watch as Scooby-Doo gets into a mixed-up mystery when he unexpectedly meets the seaweed-covered ghost of Captain Cutler in "A Clue for Scooby-Doo!" Next, see the seafaring sleuths collide with a mystery ship and try to uncover clues to a vanished crew in "Hassle in the Castle!" Then, follow Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. gang as they outwit a bank robber in "Jeepers, It's the Creeper!" And finally, see them take to the stage to crack some crazy capers in "The Backstage Rage."

Inuyasha and his brother, Sesshomaru, each inherited a sword from their father after his death. However, their father had a third sword, named Sounga, that he sealed away. Seven hundreds years after his death, Sounga awakens and threatens mankind's very existence. How will the children of the Great Dog Demon stop this unimaginable power?

Due to a female passenger falling out of her top whilst running for the bus Stan is distracted and crashes the bus resulting in the depot managers car being written off. As a result Stan, Jack and Blakey are fired. Stan and Jack soon get new jobs as a bus crew at a Pontins holiday resort but discover that Blakey has also gotten a job there as the chief security guard.

Bus driver Stan Butler agrees to marry Suzy, much to the anguish of Mum, her son-in-law, Arthur, and daughter Olive. How, they wonder, will they ever manage without Stan's money coming in? Then Arthur is sacked, and Stan agrees to delay the wedding. Meanwhile, he hits on an idea: Arthur should learn to drive a bus. Somehow he does just that, and even gets a job. Stan then blackmails the Depot Manager into giving him the job of driver on the new money-making Special Tours Bus. A great idea ...if only the inspector hadn't taken Stan on his trial run to the Windsor Safari Park

Ran’s secret past revealed! Ten years ago, something happened between her mom and dad. Now, plagued by nightmares, Ran is starting to remember… Meanwhile, a murderous card dealer breaks out of jail to seek revenge. His target: Ran’s father. Can Conan stop him in time and save his girlfriend’s family?

The soldier king Qin Yang's fiancée Ye Qin met with an unknown beast and died tragically. Gu Ping invites him to participate in Ye Qin's scientific research before her death. But Gu Ping is using Ye Qin's research results to combine the genes of unknown beasts to create the "Zero" dragon creature. The intelligent dragon creature, coupled with the extra-terrestrial beast evolved by devouring, an imminent city war is coming...

After a tense few months following a miscarriage and an unemployment spell, things are finally looking up for Sean and Lisa Miller when Sean lands his dream job at an advertising firm. But when Sean’s assistant, Jen, his self-proclaimed “Work Wife,” begins vying for his affection, it soon becomes clear that she will stop at nothing to rip their marriage apart and claim him as her own.

Balto a jeho potomok Kodi, sa obávajú o budúcnosť psích záprahov. Technický pokrok sa totiž nezadržateľne rúti dopredu a ľudia používajú na prepravu zásob a pošty stále častejšie lietadla. Vo fascinujúcom závode tradície proti technológii sa spolu stretne psie záprahy vedenej Baltom a lietadlo.Keď pilot Duke nedoletí do cieľa, väčšina psov až do rána oslavuje dôkaz svojej nadradenosti nad ľudským pokrokom, avšak Balto má divné tušenie. So svojimi priateľmi Mucem a Lucom sa vydáva do pustatiny hľadať posádku lietadla.

Four friends head off to Bombay and get involved in the mother and father of all gang wars.

Pokračovanie talianskej filmovej rozprávky o večnom boji dobra a zla, ktorej hlavnou hrdinkou je krásna, tvrdohlavá ale predovšetkým odvážna a múdra princezná Fantaghiro. Keď sa do osudov kráľovskej rodiny i celého kráľovstva zamiešala Čierna Kráľovná, bola to práve odvaha a láska, ktorá pomáhala princeznej v nerovnom boji...

Emilia arrives at her Aunt Inés' hostel located on the Argentina-Brazil border, looking for her missing brother. In this lush jungle a dangerous beast which takes the form of different animals seems to be roaming around.

Naše obľúbené dinosaury z Veľkého údolia sú zase tu, aby vám vyrozprávali najčerstvejšie dobrodružstvo o snehu, ktorý u nich prvýkrát napadol a každého milo prekvapil. Potom ale naši kamaráti zistia, že aj malé snehové vločky môžu ohroziť ich prežitie. Čaká vás dojemný príbeh o priateľstve a rodine, čarovná animácia a krásne pesničky v podarenom filme, ktorý okrem snehových lavín prinesie aj prívaly zábavy.

Jesse, ktorý sa s pestúnsku rodinou Greenwoodových celkom dobre zžil, sa musí vysporiadať s existenciou náhle objaveného nevlastného brata Elvisa. Greenwoodovci vezmú oboch rozhádaných bratov na prázdniny k moru, kde sa Jesse opäť stretáva s Willym. Radosť zo stretnutia však netrvá dlho, lebo neďaleko pobrežia došlo k havárii tankera, ktorá ohrozuje nielen Willyho, ale aj celú jeho rodinu ... V okamihu, keď sa nebezpečenstvo maximálne vyhrotí, musí Jesse zmobilizovať všetku dôveru, priateľstvo a vieru, aby sa pokúsil Willyho aj jeho súrodencov vrátiť späť do otvoreného oceánu.

When Puppy Paws, the fun-loving son of Santa Paws, gets bored, he finds Budderball on Santa's naughty list and figures he's just the dog to show him how to be an ordinary pup. When the magical Christmas Icicle starts to melt however, and the world begins to forget the true meaning of the season, it's up to Puppy Paws and his newfound Buddies to journey back to the North Pole and save Christmas.

Boog, Elliot a všetci ich priatelia z lesa sa vracajú v novom, doteraz najdivokejšom a najchlpatejšom dobrodružstve, ktoré ich zavedie do veľkého špičkového cirkusu! Nadišla doba pre každoročnú pánsku dovolenku, ale ani jeden z Boogových priateľov si nenašiel čas, preto sa Boog rozhodol vyraziť sám. Pri náhodnej návšteve cirkusu si Boog vymení miesto s cirkusovým grizlym, ktorý je mu k nerozoznaniu podobný. Keď sa ale cirkus začne chystať na návrat do Ruska, pre Elliota, veveričku McSquizzyho, Klobásku a zvyšok bandy začínajú preteky s časom, aby zachránili Booga skôr, než bude neskoro!

An old Finnish athlete travels alone through eastern Europe with his van.

Picking up right where the original ended, Marybeth escapes the clutches of the swamp-dwelling killer Victor Crowley. After learning the truth about her family’s connection to the hatchet-wielding madman, Marybeth returns to the Louisiana swamps along with an army of hunters to recover the bodies of her family and exact the bloodiest revenge against the bayou butcher.

Sebastian Valmont sa zamiluje do naivnej Danielle Shermanovej - a aby získal jej srdce, rozhodne sa skončiť so svojím nezáväzným životom. Jeho zhýralej nevlastnej sestre Kathryn Merteuilovej sa ale vôbec nepozdáva, že dal prednosť naivnému dievčaťu. - dúfa, že všetko prekazí, keď Sebastianovi ponúkne dvakrát toľko vášne a sexu...