Необразовани, али довитљив избацивач, итало-америчког порекла, постаје возач афро-америчког класичног пијанисте на турнеји по концертним дворанама широм америчког југа, 1960-их година. На том путу, двојица потпуно различитих манира, суочавају се са неправедношћу америчког система и стичу поштовање према талентима оног другог, као и снагу да се заједно одупру невољама. Рађа се пријатељство и разумевање које ће променити њихове животе.

Упркос деценијској забрани музике у његовој породици, Мигел сања да постане успешни музичар попут његовог идола, Ернеста де ла Круза. У очајничким настојањима да докаже свој таленат, Мигел ће се наћи у задивљујућој и шареној Земљи мртвих услед низа мистериозних догађаја. Успут ће упознати шармантног преваранта и заједно ће кренути на узбудљиво путовање не би ли сазнали праву истину која стоји иза Мигелове породичне историје.

Two rival realtors are forced to work together to sell one special house before Christmas.

A drama centered on a rebellious girl who is sent to a Southern beach town for the summer to stay with her father. Through their mutual love of music, the estranged duo learn to reconnect.

Гру и Луси и њихове девојчице — Марго, Едит и Агнес — поздрављају новог члана породице Гру, Гру млађег, који намерава да мучи свог оца. Гру се суочава са новим непријатељем у Максиму Ле Малу и његовој фаталној девојци Валентини, а породица је приморана да бежи.

Филм доноси причу о сестри и брату, чији је божићни план да камером сниме Деда Мраза. Њихов се план претвара у авантуру о којој сањају многа деца. Након што га дочекају на доласку, сакривају се у његове санке, због чега долази до незгоде па ће заједничким снагама бити принуђени да спашавају Божић…

Сви имамо суперјунаке у себи, потребно је само мало магије да они изађу. У случају 14-годишњег дечака Билија Бетсона потребно је рећи ШАЗАМ! Њему је древни чаробњак дао моћ да се по потреби претвара у одраслог суперхероја. Још увек дечак у души, Шазам открива своју одраслу верзију чинећи оно што би сваки тинејџер учинио са супермоћима – забавља! Може ли летети? Има ли X-реј вид? Може ли да испаљује муње? Шазам испробава границе својих моћи, али мораће брзо да овлада њима како би се борио против смртоносних сила зла које контролише др. Тадеус Сивана.

To prove a point about measuring up and fitting in, Texas teen Willowdean “Dumplin’” Dickson enters a local pageant run by her ex-beauty queen mom.

A helicopter mom follows her daughter to college and lands a job on campus. When she meets a charismatic professor, she learns more about herself and discovers a life of her own.

It’s Jolie’s first time going back home to Louisiana since her devastating break-up with Foster Burke. Seeing him is inevitable as their parents run the town’s annual Christmas Market together, but when she discovers Foster is bringing home a new girlfriend, Jolie cannot bear the thought of going home alone and seeing them together. Her best friend Naomi suggests that Jolie bring her flaky brother, Jack, home for Christmas as he has no plans this year. Jolie, a professional web designer, is hesitant; so, Naomi, a lawyer, creates a Christmas contract to give them both something they want—a buffer for those awkward moments around Jolie’s ex and a website to help sell Jack’s upcoming novel. Unbeknownst to them, the Christmas contract proves to be so much more than what they signed up for.

After the recent loss of her son Sean, Patty Addison devotes herself to finding homes for needy children. The loss of their son has strained Patty's relationship with her husband Mark, but they reconnect emotionally when they take in Emily, a 9-year-old orphaned in a car accident similar to the one that killed Sean. At the same time Dr. Nathan Andrews is trying to find the parents of a boy who died in the ER, and Mark is trying to help one of his son's friends.

Cara, a women’s magazine writer, who gets burned by her boyfriend on New Years’ Eve, decides to go on a dating detox. Challenged by her employer to write about it, she hopes a spontaneous ski getaway with her best friend will spark inspiration. Complicating matters, they discover they’ve double booked their chalet with two eligible men, including Ben, an entrepreneur. When the share-mates get snowed in, Cara and Ben are thrown together.

To inherit her father's company, socialite Ellen must first visit his small hometown, where she learns the value of hard work and helping others.

Darcy has always worked hard to prove herself and be successful on her own terms, even choosing to start her own company, rather than work with her father. Returning to her hometown for Christmas, Darcy reconnects with an old rival, restaurant owner Luke, and they are forced to plan a charity event together. As Darcy spends time with her family and Luke, she starts to realize what matters most in life and sets out to mend her relationship with her father, and possibly fall in love.

Checco is a young Apulian entrepreneur dreamer who has opened a sushi restaurant in his Apulia. However, after one month, the restaurant went bankrupt and he chose to emigrate to Africa to escape from debt. Here he adapts to being a waiter in a resort in Kenya, but at the outbreak of a civil war he decides to embark on a stowaway trip on a boat for migrants to Europe and chooses to do it with his African friends. However, he would not like to return to Italy, but rather to go to Liechtenstein where banking secrecy is in force and there is a lower tax burden than in Italy.

Aunt Sally's Christmas Cookie Company is sold to a large conglomerate and executive Hannah must seal the deal and shut down the factory, which is the small town of Cookie Jar's lifeblood. What was supposed to be a simple assignment for Hannah becomes complicated when she meets Jake, the factory owner who's determined to keep the factory in town. Despite not being a fan of the holiday, the Christmas spirit in this small town is infectious and she gets swept up in the joy of the season while also falling in love with Jake.

When marketing executive Elise MacKenzie decides to help sell Christmas trees at her family’s Christmas tree lot, she discovers a newfound fondness for the holidays. But all could be lost when the store owner who hosts the tree lot on his block wants to shut it down, and it’s up to Elise to find a way to rekindle his Christmas Cheer.

After losing her husband Bradley three years ago on Christmas Day, Celia Banks never thought she’d fall in love again. Now, her entire world revolves around taking care of her daughter, Lilly. Lilly writes a letter to Santa with one wish – for her mommy to be happy and find love again.

A successful wedding planner is trying to make dreams come true for brides by organizing fairy tale weddings. But when she is paired with a financial advisor at a wedding expo, she soon realizes that he is giving the exact opposite advice to their audience by telling them to save their money. When they are forced to spend a lot of time together, they find out that they have more in common than they think.

After a series of bad experiences with men, Shae teams up with her co-worker, Lu, who has a simple, deadly way of dealing with the opposite sex.