To inform each personally about her impending death, Mies summons her three daughters home. The three half-sisters April, May and June, each of whom has a different father, start to question their lives: "Where are we at in life? What do we still have in common? What will happen to our autistic brother Jan?"

Ali svajoja apie skyrybas su savo keturių vaikų motina Soraja, kadangi be galo trokšta vesti turtingo vyro keturiolikmetę dukterį. Soraja, bijodama likti gatvėje be pajamų šaltinio, griežtai atsisako skirtis, tad Ali nelieka nieko kito kaip bandyti pašalinti žmoną iš savo gyvenimo. Sugalvojęs žmoną apkaltinti neištikimybe, už ką Irane moterys užmėtomos akmenimis, vyras randa niekšingų bendraminčių ir užtarėjų, tad nekalta ir geraširdė moteris apkaltinama baisiausiu nusikaltimu, o štai čia įsigalioja Šariato teisė, kelianti šiurpą daugeliui ne islamą išpažįstančių žmonių.

The daughter of a man on death row falls in love with a woman on the opposing side of her family's political cause.

Down the road from Woodstock in the early 1970s, a revolution blossomed in a ramshackle summer camp for disabled teenagers, transforming their young lives and igniting a landmark movement.

Province of Burgos, northern Spain, October 2015. A group of fans undertake the titanic task of restoring the location of the last scene of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, the mythical spaghetti western directed by Italian filmmaker Sergio Leone in 1966.

Kriminalinis trileris „Blogasis Samarietis“ pasakoja apie du pralobti troškusius vyrukus, kurių eilinė, sukta diena tapo pavojingų nesusipratimų virtine. Du jauni vaikinai, automobilių prižiūrėtojai, gavę iškvietimą atvyksta tiesiai į kliento namus ir kruopščiai iššveičia bet kokį automobilį. Tiesa, bet kokie automobiliai jų nedomina. Vaikinų klientai tik itin pasiturintys ir pinigų neskaičiuojantys turtuoliai. Ne todėl, kad vaikinai nemėgtų pigesnių automobilių. Pagrindinis jų tikslas – turtuolių namai. Atvykę plauti automobilių jie nepastebėti įsmunka į klientų namus ir gerokai juos apšvarina. Ir niekas nė neįtaria, kad darbštūs vaikinai prie to prikišo nagus. Jų „verslas“ sekėsi puikiai, kol sykį jie pateko į nusikaltėlių namus: prabangioje viloje jie aptinka įkalintą moterį. Ir šis radinys pakeis jų gyvenimą amžiams.

In 1996 Scotland, a group of Catholic schoolgirls get an opportunity to go into Edinburgh for a choir competition, but they're more interested in drinking, partying and hooking up than winning the competition.

Filme pasakojama apie trenerio Melo treniruojamą futbolo komandą, kuri iš Londono į Romą keliauja dėl Benamių pasaulio taurės. Komanda pakviečia gabų puolėją Vinį, bet jis turi susitvarkyti su savo problemomis ir praeitimi, kad padėtų komandai.

The murder of 13-year-old Yara Gambirasio shocks the little town of Brembate di Sopra, Italy. To bring the culprit to justice, prosecutors have only scant DNA evidence and no database to compare them to. Based on a true story.

Po 12 kalėjime praleistų metų Maksui diagnozuojamas vėžys ir jis yra paleidžiamas į laisvę, su sąlyga, kad gyvens su savo dukra Maksina. Sunkiai galą su galu sudurianti ir viena sūnų Ezrą auginanti Maksina iš pradžių nesutinka su sąlygomis, bet galiausiai nusileidžia. Vėl gyvendamas su dukra Maksas bando pakeisti dukros nuomonę apie save, tačiau į paviršių vis iškyla įvairios praeities nuoskaudos.

Bea is a successful architect who lives in Barcelona (Catalonia, northeast to Spain) with her boyfriend and boss, Víctor, a CEO of an important company. During a night celebration of an important contract signed to make a skyscraper designed by Bea, in the bar appears the famous TV reporter and anchorwoman Rebecca Ramos, Victor's personal erotic fantasy. Not measuring the consequences of her actions due to the alcohol she drank, Bea makes a meeting between Víctor and Rebecca. When to the next day she wakes up, Víctor proposes to wed Bea and she accepts, but after she arrives to the job, Bea learns about a videotape where Víctor and Rebecca make the love in a car that it's in all TV channels. In front of all CEOs during a full meeting, Bea slaps Víctor and destroys her design, being fired from the job. Looking for a break, she travels her natal coastal town, Santa Clara, just to discover that her rest isn't so easy as it seems: her eccentric, free-spirited and eternal smiling mother ...

Mari is a talented but insecure chef who dreams of running her own restaurant. She goes through a challenging professional time, taking orders from an authoritarian boss who inhibits her talent. One day she meets Caio, a charming young man who provides the conditions for her to realize her dream. Caio shows Mari that she should trust herself and open her own restaurant. However, things are not always what they seem to be.

Passengers on a murder mystery train that crashes into a river must decide whether to risk waiting for help in the wreckage or take their chances in the murky depths below.

The neo-noir thriller EARLY BIRDS tells the story of the two wildly different women Annika and Caro, who become embroiled in a web of unpredictable events following a night out on the town. As the two flee together from the police, drug dealers and themselves, they're confronted by the collision of two worlds: their personal freedom and unrelenting violence.

When Anna Wyncomb is introduced to an underground, all-female fight club in order to turn the mess of her life around, she discovers she is much more personally connected to the history of the club than she could ever imagine.

In the late 1800s, legendary marshal Bass Reeves sets out on the trail of notorious outlaw Bob Dozier.

Zu, a free spirit estranged from her family, suddenly finds herself the sole guardian of her half-sister, Music, a teenager on the autism spectrum whose whole world order has been beautifully crafted by her late grandmother. The film soon challenges whether it is Zu or Music who has a better view of the world, and that love, trust, and being able to be there for each other is everything.

Silvestras Stalonė kviečia pasižiūrėti smagią istoriją apie šaunų Los Andželo policininką, kuris moka susidoroti su pačiais pavojingiausiais nusikaltėliais, tačiau kuriam sekasi dar geriau, kai į pagalbą atskuba mamytė. Ji ir taikliai pamoko, ir... pašaudo.

Meeting a man on the Internet, Julia decides to see him in person, only to get abducted and branded with the letter "x" by that guy. A game of cat and mouse follows, but the story has an unexpected twist.

When a African-American couple move into their new home, their 2 year-old daughter becomes a terrifying messenger from the other side