Chico Buarque is a constant presence in Brazil's art scene and makes up its citizen's popular culture. This wealth in music, poems, theater and novels has been created over the last 50 years and in this film Chico Buarque converses about his memories, shows, daily life, work methods, creative process, in summary all his trajectory. The musician’s search for his German brother, whom he never got to meet, serves as one of the axis for the narrative.

1965: Paris, London and Milan all move at the same fast pace, fueled by a fresh creative and rebellious impetus. Guido Crepax picks up on this energy and transfers it to a comic strip in which art, music, design, film and fashion all blend together, breaking with traditional narrative structure. The dreamy photographer Valentina becomes Crepax' alter ego: as lovely as Louise Brooks, as disturbing as one of Lucio Fontana's slashed canvases, as knowing as Bob Dylan's lyrics, and as freewheeling as Charlie Parker's compositions.

Take the Ball, Pass the Ball je definitivní příběh největšího fotbalového týmu, jaký byl kdy sestaven. Po čtyři výbušné roky produkovala Barça Pepa Guardiolu nejlepší fotbal v historii a sváděla fanoušky po celém světě. V tomto exkluzivním líčení událostí mezi lety 2008 a 2012 z první ruky samotní hráči odhalují napětí hořké rivality Guardiola-Mourinho, emoce Abidalova boje s rakovinou, aby mohl pozvednout evropský pohár, a jak Messi, nejlepší fotbalista co svět kdy viděl, byl Barçou téměř odmítnut jako 13letý.

Americký tenista Mardy Fish měl být nový šampion. Pod silným tlakem ale začal mít vážné psychické problémy, které poznamenaly jeho sportovní i osobní život.

Darkness and light, as seen by VIFF’s favourite Buddhist erotist. Part of the TOKYO LOOP animation anthology produced by ImageForum Japan.

In Chile's Atacama Desert, astronomers peer deep into the cosmos in search for answers concerning the origins of life. Nearby, a group of women sift through the sand searching for body parts of loved ones, dumped unceremoniously by Pinochet's regime.

The story of the Italian national tennis team that won the Davis Cup in ’76 and reached the final three more times in the following years.

Příběh Michelle Payne, první ženské žokejky, která vyhrála Melbourne Cup.

As a blind librarian, dispirited cricketer and desolate psychiatrist each seek retribution and release, their lives overlap under eerie influences.

Based on life of Patna-based mathematician Anand Kumar who runs the famed Super 30 program for financially weak IIT aspirants in Patna.

With stunning views of eruptions and lava flows, Werner Herzog captures the raw power of volcanoes and their ties to indigenous spiritual practices.

In the early 1960s, Henry Ford II and Enzo Ferrari went to war on the battlefield of Le Mans. This epic battle saw drivers lose their lives, family dynasties nearly collapse, and the development of a new car that changed racing.

In 1930 in Moscow, USSR. the Soviet government puts a group of top rank economists and engineers on trial, accusing them of plotting a coup d'état. The charges are fabricated and the punishment, if convicted, is death.

A documentary that profiles the life and work of artist Shepard Fairey. We follow his roots through punk rock and skateboarding to his creation of the iconic Obama HOPE poster, and the controversy that surrounds it.

Mike Todd is a Broadway producer struggling to produce the film. Around the World in 80 Days. In Mexico, Mario Moreno, a young entertainer is struggling to get some respect, and he manages to become a star. A twist of faith makes them partners. Together they won the Oscar for Best Picture.

Jeho syn zmizel, rodina se mu rozpadla, ale cit pro módu má stále vytříbený. Alan (Bill Nighy) je stylový krejčí, jehož pohyby jsou stejně elegantní jako jeho obleky. Léta strávil neúnavným hledáním pohřešovaného syna Michaela, který se po jedné obzvláště vypjaté partičce hry Scrabble rozlíceně vyřítil z domu a nikdy už se nevrátil. Nyní je potřeba identifikovat tělo, ale rodina je s Alanem na nože. A tak se musí pokusit napravit svůj vztah s nejmladším synem Peterem (Sam Riley) a podívat se na hřebínek tajemnému online hráči, neboť má podezření, že by to mohl být Michael. Pak by snad konečně mohl jít v životě dál a znovu se shledat se svou rodinou.

A documentary on Argentinean soccer star Diego Maradona, regarded by many as the world's greatest modern player.

Rome, 1990. The night Italy's national football team is eliminated from the World Cup by Argentina on penalty kicks, a well-known film producer is found dead in the Tiber river. The main suspects for the murder are three young aspiring screenwriters, who–promptly taken to the police–start to tell their version of the story.

The fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks, an event that marked the end of the Byzantine Empire.