The magical epos of Friesland's biggest hero.

Летом 1999 года в одном из городов на юге России происходит террористический акт - взрыв жилого дома. Расследование этого дела возглавляет оперативный сотрудник ФСБ - капитан Андрей Верещагин, по прозвищу "Капитан Голливуд".

The fortunes of a small theatrical company based in the Paris suburbs.

This documentary is very much in the style of Pumping Iron, but like Arnold Schwarzenegger's Total Rebuild it is centered around its "Star", Lou Ferrigno. It charts his early years as a kid from Brooklyn, New York who had to deal with having 85% hearing loss due to ear infections in his infancy. He fought against low self esteem by working out with weights in his father's garage, and boy did he win that battle with Mr. Universe (twice), and Mr. World among his physique title wins. Internationally known as a world class bodybuilder and star of The Incredible Hulk, we see him once again step up to the challenge of trying to win the Master's Olympia title in his '40's!

What would happen if the boys were girls and the girls were boys? Kim is still a virgin and unhappily in love with a girl. After the gym class he talks to his friend Robin to get some support and ask for advice.

A documentary overview of the career of silent cinema pioneer Edwin S. Porter.

The American composer and author Paul Bowles was a man with a great deal of charisma and influence. When he moved to Tangier, Morocco, in 1949, half the world followed him to the enigmatic city. His marriage with author Jane Bowles was a loving relationship of opposites, even though both were homosexual. Based on exclusive interviews with Bowles shortly before his death interwoven with anecdotes recounted by his friends and co-workers, the film portrays a daring and visionary life as well as a relationship shaped by an interdependency that encompassed much more than sexuality.

Laura and Micha travel the Danish countryside performing their off-beat cabaret show. Their personal lives suffer as a result of their dedication to their craft, yet the chaos that ensues becomes the grist for their revue.

What it's like to drive the once vandalized now famous, 'Fagbug' to all 50 states in the USA.

Dr. Stone's mysterious mining outpost just got a new employee. Ian is finally making something of himself, but will he become a hero or dinosaur food?

Первая Мировая Война. В траншеях высоко в горах встречаются скромный шахтер с сержантским званием и молодая медсестра Красного Креста по имени Альбертина, дочь генерала армии. Любовь, которая возникает между ними, должна не только преодолеть препятствия войны с ее страданиями и ужасами, но и опасность, которую сеет вокруг себя вероломный капитан Авогадро. Коварный мужчина во что бы то ни стало стремится вступить в брак с Альбертиной, лишь бы спасти свое экономическое положение. Марио и Альбертина будут бороться, не теряя своей человечности, которую война безжалостно стирает из сердец всех людей. Но Марио пропадает без вести после рискованной миссии. Судьбы влюбленных, кажется, разделились навсегда…

Самые обычные люди. Самая обычная ситуация. Илья живет в Москве, а Нина в Петербурге. У обоих из них семьи, дети, у Ильи - дочь лет двенадцати, у Нины - сын во втором классе. Вроде бы все хорошо: жена Ильи, Маша, красивая, спокойная женщина, у них прекрасная квартира, Илья - владелец двух охотничьих магазинов, и дом что называется полная чаша. Да и Нине не на что жаловаться: ее муж Никита хоть и испытывает некоторые трудности с работой (он художник), но зато взял на себя кучу семейных забот, пока Нина бегает в поисках рекламных контрактов для журнала; он интеллигентный и очень любящий человек. И, тем не менее, у Ильи и Нины роман...

Down-on-his-luck gambler Kan Au (Sam Lee) owes a big sum of money, and needs to go on a winning streak soon or the loan sharks will take the interest from his hide. Luckily, Kan finds a blessed coin that allows him to draws the unbeatable "13 Unique Wonders" hand of mahjong on 13 consecutive nights, which should be enough for him to pay his debts. The problem: every time he uses the coin to win,somebody dies a gruesome, gory death. Meanwhile, fetching Luk Wing (Elanne Kwong) wakes up one morning to discover her family being eaten! Everyone around her has become a zombie, and Wing has to pick up an axe and fight back, or her heart will be come lunch for the living dead.

The crew from Outkast Paranormal dive deep into Myakka City, Florida, to investigate the mystery of the skunk ape like no one has before.

Legendary songwriter and entertainer Barry Manilow celebrates the 100th performance of his hit Las Vegas show, "Manilow: Music and Passion," at the Las Vegas Hilton. Barry gives his audience the show of a lifetime, delivering favorites such as "Mandy," "Copacabana," and "Can't Smile Without You" in a high-energy party Vegas style! Plus Barry sings songs from his album "The Greatest Songs Of The Fifties."

Alex and Maria, two young corporate people, are planning a baby. But this is not simple, because the two are crushed by jobs and daily stress. Three years in a row they try to procreate on "organized" weekends, but fail miserably. Desperate, hire a surrogate mother.