Četveročlana obitelj Ki-taeka je bliska, ali potpuno nezaposlena, pred njom je mračna budućnost. Sina Ki-wooa preporučuje njegov prijatelj, student na prestižnom sveučilištu, za dobro plaćeni posao podučavanja, te se nada da će tako imati redovite prihode. Sa svim očekivanjima svoje obitelji, Ki-woo odlazi u obiteljski dom na intervju. Stigavši u kuću gospodina Parka, vlasnika globalne IT tvrtke, Ki-woo susreće njegovu suprugu Yeon-kia, lijepu mladu damu. Ali nakon ovog prvog susreta između dviju obitelji, uslijediti će nezaustavljivi niz nezgoda.

Lisbela is a young woman who loves going to the movies. Leléu is a con man, going from town to town selling all sort of things and performing as master of ceremonies for some cheesy numbers, such as the woman who gets transformed into a gorilla. He gets involved with Linaura, a sexy and beautiful woman who happens to be the wife of the most frightening hitman of the place. The hitman finds out his wife's affair and goes after Leléu, who has to leave in a hurry. In another town, he meets and falls instantly in love with Lisbela, who is engaged to Douglas, a hillbilly who tries hard to pass for a cosmopolitan Rio de Janeiro dweller.

Private Investigator Philip Marlowe is hired by wealthy General Sternwood regarding a matter involving his youngest daughter Carmen. Before the complex case is over, Marlowe sees murder, blackmail, deception, and what might be love.

A husband and wife detective team takes on the search for a missing inventor and almost get killed for their efforts.

Melvin Udall, a cranky, bigoted, obsessive-compulsive writer of romantic fiction, is rude to everyone he meets, including his gay neighbor, Simon. After Simon is hospitalized, Melvin finds his life turned upside down when he has to look after Simon's dog. In addition, Carol, the only waitress at the local diner who will tolerate him, must leave work to care for her sick son, making it impossible for Melvin to eat breakfast.

A pair of Americans want to perform the greatest robbery: the treasure of San Genaro, in Napoli.

A shy high schooler in Kyoto meets a man claiming to be his future self, who tells him he’s hacked into the past to save their first love.

The Yowie Yahoo starts kidnapping musicians at a concert attended by Scooby and the gang in Vampire Rock, Australia.

French top secret agent, Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath, is sent to Rio to buy microfilms from a running nazi. To do so, he has to team up with Mossad secret services.

Međunarodna zločinačka organizacija Spectre, čiji je član bio i dr. No kojeg je ubio James Bond, želi se osvetiti tom najboljem britanskom tajnom agentu. Vođa Spectrea naredi Rosi Klebb, staroj okrutnoj ženi koja je donedavno radila za sovjetsku tajnu službu, a sad je jedna od glavnih u Spectreu, da preuzme taj zadatak. U svom konzulatu u Istanbulu Sovjeti imaju najnoviji stroj za dešifriranje tajnih poruka nazvan "Lektor", kojeg se Britanci žele domoći. Rosa će zbog toga narediti lijepoj Ruskinji Tatjani Romanovoj, koja u konzulatu radi na "Lektoru", da stupi u vezu s Jamesom Bondom.

Can Menahem Golan and Sam Lupowitz beat Hollywood to the screen with their ultra-low budget account of the Versace murder?

Mame Dennis, a progressive and independent woman of the 1920s, is left to care for her nephew Patrick after his wealthy father dies. Conflict ensues when the executor of the father's estate objects to the aunt's lifestyle and tries to force her to send Patrick to prep school.

Nakon suprugine smrti, Sam Baldwin (Tom Hanks) ne razmišlja o drugim ženama. Njegov osmogodišnji sin Jonah (Ross Malinger) smatra kako mu je žena potrebna da bi mu se život opet vratio u normalu. Stoga se Jonah javi se u radio show koji sluša cijela Amerika. Samov glas i njegovu priču slušaju stotine žena pa i Annie Reed (Meg Ryan), koja će se uskoro udati za svog zaručnika Waltera (Bill Pullman). No, Annie ne može mirovati sve dok ne dozna je li Sam Baldwin pravi čovjek za nju. Kada dođe u Seattle, gdje žive Sam i Jonah, otkriva da Sam nije taj. Međutim, njezina prijateljica pošalje Baldwinima pismo koje Annie nije htjela poslati. Jonah, koji je uvjeren da je Annie prava žena za njegovog tatu, rezervira let za New York. On se namjerava naći s Annie na krovu zgrade Empire State, baš kao u filmu 'Romansa koja se pamti'.

Zločinačka organizacija nabavila je dvije nuklearne bombe i traži otkupninu u obliku dijamanata od 100 milijuna funti u sedam dana ili će upotrijebiti oružje. Tajna služba šalje Jamesa Bonda na Bahame kako bi još jednom spasio svijet.

Nothing is as it seems when a woman experiencing misgivings about her new boyfriend joins him on a road trip to meet his parents at their remote farm.

An American couple drift toward emptiness in postwar North Africa.

James Bond poslan je u istragu nakon što je kolega agent "00" pronađen mrtav s neprocjenjivim Fabergéovim jajetom. Bond prati misterij i otkriva krijumčarski skandal i ruskog generala koji želi izazvati novi svjetski rat.

Attractive Manhattanite Allison Jones has it all: a handsome beau, a rent-controlled apartment, and a promising career as a fashion designer. When boyfriend Sam proves unfaithful, Allison strikes out on her own but must use the classifieds to seek out a roommate in order to keep her spacious digs.

Stranded at an airport at Christmastime, Ashley Harrison accepts a ride from Dash Sutherland, who has just rented the last car in town. As the pair heads north, their adventures include car trouble, adopting a puppy and being secretly tailed by federal agents, who believe Ashley is up to no good. With a hint of romance gradually filling the air will these two fall in love or will their journey bring about an unexpected road bump to romance?

Christmas brings the ultimate gift to Aldovia: a royal baby. But first, Queen Amber must help her family and kingdom by finding a missing peace treaty.