Documentary about the role of Native Americans in popular music history, a little-known story built around the incredible lives and careers of the some of the greatest music legends.

Pearl Jam perform live at Madison Square Garden on 8 July 2003 as part of the Riot Act Tour, the band's first with organist Boom Gaspar.

When best friends, Ray and Kenneth, drunkenly foil a robbery, Philadelphia becomes abuzz with the antics of these local heroes.

The story of a tiny Egg-girl who is forced to serve the evil Boar-like witch Baba Yaga. But after a blob of Dough comes to life, she befriends him and both escape from the witch's home at a Water mill on a cliff and set off to see the world. The soundtrack is Joe Hisaishi's arrangement of Vivaldi's La Folia

Overwhelmed by a "phantom itch" from his missing pinky toe, a man must come to terms with his situation or succumb completely to his obsession.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

Sachiko lost her parents at an early age and lived together with her only sister Nobuko who worked for a newspaper. Out of the blue, she is told that Nobuko is killed in an accident, but she simply cannot believe it because her sister had told her she was going to an entirely different place. She begins her investigations on her sister’s mysterious death with the help of Nobuko’s colleague and journalist Ryoichi. And when another colleague, Tomoe commits suicide, Sachiko has a gut feeling that a well-known figure is involved in the death of her sister...

The stooges are firemen at a station that still uses horses to pull the engines. A salesman who wants to sell the chief some modern equipment plants gun powder in one of the engines. The chiefs daughter catches him and after a chase both are knocked unconscious. When a fire starts, the stooges respond to the alarm, but don't realize its their firehouse that's burning! Somehow they manage to arrive in time to save the girl, and the villain gets his just desserts.

Goofy dons scuba gear and an anti-shark cage to go underwater and feed the sharks.

Yeong-jae (Sin Joo-ah), Ha-eun (Koo Ji-sung) and Chun-hee (Yoon Chae-i) have been friends for 15 years since high school. Yeon-jae is the youngest of a fine hotel owner and she aims to sleep with 1203 men throughout her life. On the other hand, Chun-hee is an old-school minded high school teacher who has never had sex before in her thirty-something life. Wedding planner Ha-eun was in love with one man for 10 years but recently experienced the pain of losing both her man and work. Then one day, to celebrate their 10th year majority, they have a party of their own in room 1203 of Yeon-jae's hotel. They say the house breaks down if three girls get together.

The film is a personal statement of the director and his wife, who have to deal with a very rare and incurable disease of their newborn child – the Ondine’s Curse (also known as CCHS, congenital central hypoventilation syndrome). People affected with this disease stop breathing during sleep and require a lifetime mechanical ventilation on a ventilator. The film shows the process of taming fear associated with the disease.

Take a wonder-filled journey through the pages of scripture. Share the joy and wonder of God's Word with the children in your life. Fifty-two essential lessons of scripture starring the Bible's best-known characters. The Read And Share® Bible on DVD combines an enchanting art style with a warm narrator and gentle musical underscore to transport kids back to Biblical times. The bite-size vignettes are perfect for the attention span of little ones, and give parents maximum flexibility to fit any time-frame. Stories include... Creation, Adam & Eve, Noah, Moses, David & Goliath, Elijah, Jesus Birth, Parables, Resurrection, Paul's Travels, Heaven, plus many, many more!

Ryutaro Ninomiya, 27 years old, lives a fairly simple life. He works at an auto-repair shop, reads books and drinks a few beers. One day, he receives a phone call from Yusuke, his childhood friend whose mother, Ryuko, is dying from Hepatitis C. Despite knowing for a while that Ryuko was sick, Ryutaro hasn’t visited her, but today he decides to go.

Uncle Ying is a fortune teller / Taoism Priest with a failing business and five apprentices. He takes a janitor/nightwatchmen job at a soon-to-be remodeled house, only to find its haunted!

Сестры — близнецы Кэтлин и Шона живут такой разной жизнью. Муж Кэтлин — влиятельный политик, он держит ее под постоянным контролем. А Шона, страстная и необузданная, живет в свое удовольствие, одновременно встречаясь с несколькими любовниками. Когда Шона обращается к сестре с просьбой о помощи, Кэтлин хватается за этот шанс изменить свою жизнь. Но выясняется, что полный соблазнов мир Шоны — это не только воплощение самых откровенных эротических фантазий. Кэтлин сталкивается с маньяком — убийцей в маске, и должна любой ценой разгадать его тайну, чтобы спасти себя и Шону.

Two filmmakers searching for the perfect documentary subject stumble across a story that even they don't want to believe.