Purple colors the city of Los Angeles, as BTS brings their "Permission to Dance" concert to SoFi Stadium for the first time in two years. In a stadium radiating anticipation and cheer, splendid performances from "On" to "Permission to Dance" glorify the stage that now comes to life on screen. Be united once again by the power of music.

Two extremely nerdy brothers are hell-bent on winning the laptop of their dreams, but in order to do so they must, in only 48 hours, get a kiss from two gorgeous girls who are completely out of their league.

With help from Meme Oshino, the apparition specialist, Koyomi defeats the three powerful vampire hunters: Dramaturgy, Episode and Guillotinecutter. Koyomi takes back all the limbs of Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade in order to become a human again.

V najnovšom pokračovaní série Hotel Transylvánia sa Drakula, Mavis, Jonny a zvyšok partie vydávajú na dovolenkovú plavbu na výletnej lodi. Všetko nasvedčuje tomu, že si od zvyčajných problémov na chvíľu oddýchnu, až do momentu, kedy sa Drakula nezamiluje do šarmantej kapitánky lode, Eriky. Hlava upírskej rodiny však netuší, že jeho nová láska je v skutočnosti potomkom legendárneho lovca upírov…

Teenegerka Willowdean Dickinson je dospievajúce dievča s nadváhou a najlepšie sa cíti v pohodlí domova. Matka, bývalá kráľovná krásy, ju prezýva knedľa a nedokáže sa zmieriť s tým, že z nej nebude modelka. Voľný čas trávi so svojou najlepšou kamarátkou, krásnou Ellen, s ktorou ju spája láska k pesničkám Dolly Parton. Willow je so sebou spokojná až do chvíle, než nezačne pracovať v miestnom fastfoode, kde ju zaujme príťažlivý študent Bo. K jej prekvapeniu, Bo prejaví sympatie, avšak vo vzťahu s ním začne o sebe pochybovať. Rozhodne sa prihlásiť do súťaže krásy, aby dokázala, že aj dievčatá s nadváhou si zaslúžia byť súčasťou takejto súťaže. Šokuje tým nielen celé mesto, ale aj seba.

Hüseyin Al Baldawi arrives in Brussels in August 2015. He has traveled thousands of kilometers until he got there from Iraq. A year after his arrival, he receives his residence permit and decides to go to Greece. This journey from Brussels to Athens involves the viewers on the difficulties faced by Hüseyin and thousands of other immigrants. While the story of Hüseyin is taking shape through the countries he travels, the forgotten people he meets and the selfish society of Europe give us many messages, as well.

Elizabeth je reportérka športových novín, ktorá nedávno pokazila dôležitý rozhovor s basketbalovou hviezdou Jimmym. Nanešťastie mala práve táto epizóda obrovskú sledovanosť, a tak jej šéf prijal Jimmyho ako Elizabethinho kolegu. Tara pracuje ako servírka v kaviarni a svoj čas trávi s kamarátkou Daisy na prechádzkach s jej psom. Jedného dňa spoznáva excentrického Garretta, ktorý vlastní malý útulok pre zvieratá. Grace a Kurt sú manželia a čakajú príchod svojej dcéry, ktorú si adoptovali. Od prvého okamihu sa im ale zdá, že Amelia je smutná a napriek veľkej snahe ju nevedia rozveseliť. Dax je tínedžer v tele dospelého muža. Jeho sestra s manželom ho požiadajú, aby sa im postaral o psa, kým budú preč. No a Walter je osamelý vdovec, ktorému sa na prechádzke stratí psík. Našťastie ho pri roznáške pizze nájde mladý chlapec Tyler. Aj keď sa zdá, že každému z nich sa súkromné problémy stále viac komplikujú, nikto z nich netuší, že už čochvíľa pocítia úľavu.

Naruto, Shikamaru, and Sakura are executing their mission of delivering a lost pet to a certain village. However, right in the midst of things, troops led by the mysterious knight, Temujin, attack them. In the violent battle, the three become separated. Temujin challenges Naruto to a fight and at the end of the fierce battle, both fall together from a high cliff...

A day in the life of John Lennon, alive and well in modern-day New York City. The former Beatle squabbles with a security guard, commiserates with his best friend over lunch, and upsets a bully.

Po and the Furious Five uncover the legend of three of kung fu's greatest heroes: Master Thundering Rhino, Master Storming Ox, and Master Croc.

A year after Amber helped Richard secure the crown. The two are set to tie the knot in a royal Christmas wedding — but their plans are jeopardized when Amber finds herself second-guessing whether or not she's cut out to be queen, and Richard is faced with a political crisis that threatens to tarnish not only the holiday season but the future of the kingdom.

Paul is a down-on-his-luck screenwriter who picks up a drifter and offers him a place to stay. However, when the deranged stranger takes Paul hostage and forces him to write, their unhinged relationship brings buried secrets to light.

After the death of their abusive father, two estranged twin brothers must reunite and sell off his property.

Following the excitement of first Bangkok and then New York, a big murder case takes place in Tokyo. Chinatown master detectives Tangren and Qinfeng are invited to take up the mystery. Adding to the excitement are the other detectives on the CRIMASTER international detective list as well as the current top rank, Q. Yet another hilarious battle of wits is set to take place...

An attention-craving mother nearing 50, unemployed and living with her pregnant daughter and son-in-law, suddenly finds herself with child, too...

Zu, a free spirit estranged from her family, suddenly finds herself the sole guardian of her half-sister, Music, a teenager on the autism spectrum whose whole world order has been beautifully crafted by her late grandmother. The film soon challenges whether it is Zu or Music who has a better view of the world, and that love, trust, and being able to be there for each other is everything.

A desperate father tries to return home to his pregnant wife after a mysterious apocalyptic event turns everything to chaos.

When Fred suspects that his new music teacher is a vampire, he and his friend Bertha set out to save the town from this garlic-hating fiend.

Schools out, and Fred Figglehorn's dream of water slides, horseback riding and monkey butlers during the summer turns into a nightmare of gruel and poisonous berries when his mom signs him up to an unsanitary camp.