A brilliant plastic surgeon creates a synthetic skin that withstands any kind of damage. His guinea pig: a mysterious and volatile woman who holds the key to his obsession.

Preklicano Zlo 3 razkriva grozljivo zgodbo terorja, umora in neznanega zla, ki je šokiralo celo izkušena paranormalna preiskovalca Eda in Lorraine Warren. Eden njunih bolj senzacionalnih primerov se začne z bojem za mlado dušo in ju popelje daleč od vsega, kar sta kadarkoli doživela in videla, prvič v zgodovini ZDA pa se bodo morali tudi obtoženi umorov boriti proti zli demonom. Patrick Wilson in Vera Farmiga se vračata kot Ed in Lorraine Warren, tokrat pod vodstvom režiserja Michaela Chavesa.

The biggest party of the Summer is not only back, but for the first time ever, will be taking place in an NFL arena at the Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas. Witness "The Head of the Table" Roman Reigns take on John Cena for the WWE Universal Championship, Nikki A.S.H. facing off against Charlotte Flair & Rhea Ripley in a Triple Threat Match for the WWE Raw Women's Championship, and The All Mighty WWE Champion Bobby Lashley defending his title against the unstoppable Goldberg.

Louis, a terminally ill writer, returns home after a long absence to tell his family that he is dying.

For a year, acclaimed British filmmaker Jeanie Finlay was embedded on the set of the hit HBO series “Game of Thrones,” chronicling the creation of the show’s most ambitious and complicated season. Debuting one week after the series 8 finale, GAME OF THRONES: THE LAST WATCH delves deep into the mud and blood to reveal the tears and triumphs involved in the challenge of bringing the fantasy world of Westeros to life in the very real studios, fields and car-parks of Northern Ireland. Made with unprecedented access, GAME OF THRONES: THE LAST WATCH is an up-close and personal portrait from the trenches of production, following the crew and the cast as they contend with extreme weather, punishing deadlines and an ever-excited fandom hungry for spoilers. Much more than a “making of” documentary, this is a funny, heartbreaking story, told with wit and intimacy, about the bittersweet pleasures of what it means to create a world – and then have to say goodbye to it.

Po smrti svojega očeta Mufase želi mladi Simba prevzeti prestol, čemur nasprotuje zlobni Scar, ki ima povsem svoje načrte. Začne se borba z že znanim izdajstvom, dramo in strašno tragedijo. S pomočjo prijateljev mora Simba hitro odrasti in si priboriti tisto, kar mu pripada.

Po več kot desetletju od zadnjega dela končno prihaja Krik VI, ki s seboj prinaša novo generacijo preživelih in svež pogled na ikonično franšizo grozljivk. Film sledi zgodbi štirih preživelih pokola v Woodsboru, ki poskušajo nadaljevati s svojim življenjem v New Yorku. Začne se z umorom filmskega profesorja in se hitro stopnjuje, ko Ghostface nadaljuje svoj morilski pohod. Osrednji štirje liki, Samantha, Tara, Mindy in Chad se združijo s povratnikoma Gale Weathers in Kirby Reedom z namenom, da se spopadejo z zloglasnim morilcem.

Zgodba govori o Madison in njenih šokantnih vizijah umorov, ki jo dobesedno paralizirajo. Muke pa se še poslabšajo, ko odkrije, da so te vizije pravzaprav grozljiva resničnost in da vidi dejanske umore med tem, ko se dogajajo.

A teenage girl is raised underground by a robot "Mother", designed to repopulate the earth following an extinction event. But their unique bond is threatened when an inexplicable stranger arrives with alarming news.

Konec avgusta v kinematografe prihaja kriminalna drama, v kateri v glavni vlogi zaigra Matt Damon kot oče, ki skuša hčerki pomagati iz zapora, potem ko so jo obtožili umora. Dramo je režiral in tudi napisal scenarij Tom McCarthy, scenaristi so še Marcus Hinchey, Thomas Bidegain in Noé Debré. Poleg Damona v filmu zaigrajo še Abigail Breslin, Camille Cottin in Lilou Siauvaud.

Laurie Strode comes to her final confrontation with Michael Myers, the masked figure who has haunted her since she narrowly escaped his killing spree on Halloween night four decades ago.

A mystical, ancient dagger causes a notorious serial killer to magically switch bodies with a 17-year-old girl.

Sister Maria is known in the convent for her good works and charity, but, in the secret depths of her sexual fantasies, she is tormented by visions of another world - a world where her forbidden passions are allowed to run free. In this world Satan is her master. As her acts of violence and blasphemy mount, Maria realizes that she has been chosen by the Devil to destroy the convent and lead her sister nuns into hell!

Michael Woolrich (Liam Neeson) je zavarovalni agent, ki se že desetletje vsak dan z dela vrača z istim vlakom. Njegova pot domov pa se na eni od voženj v trenutku spremeni v nesluteno nočno moro, katere posledice so lahko usodne. Potem ko ga ogovori skrivnostna neznanka Joanna (Vera Farmiga), je primoran, še preden se vlak ustavi na svoji zadnji postaji, odkriti identiteto skritega sopotnika in rešiti uganko. Kmalu se znajde v divjem vrtincu kriminalne zarote, ki ima lahko usodne posledice tako zanj kot za ostale potnike, ki so se po naključju skupaj z njim znašli na vlaku.

After civilization succumbs to a deadly pandemic and his wife is murdered, a special forces soldier abandons his duty and becomes a hermit in the Nordic wilderness. Years later, a wounded woman appears on his doorstep. She's escaped from a lab and her pursuers believe her blood is the key to a worldwide cure. He's hesitant to get involved, but all doubts are cast aside when he discovers her pursuer is none other than Commander Stone, the man that murdered his wife some years ago.

Honeymooning in Bavaria, a young couple becomes stranded and is forced to stay the night in the area. Doctor Ravna, owner of the impressive chateau that sits imposingly above the village, invites them to dinner that evening. Their association with Ravna and his charming, beautiful family is to prove disastrous.

The daughter of jazz pianist Joe Albany witnesses her beloved father's struggle -- and failure -- to kick his heroin habit.

A mother and her 10-year old daughter are trapped in a forest. There is something in this forest. Something unlike anything they have heard before. Something that lurks in the darkness and it’s coming after them.

A down-on-his-luck PI is hired by his old flame to investigate a murder. But while the case at first appears routine, it slowly reveals itself to be a complex interwoven web of crimes, suspects and dead bodies.

A shy co-ed and her classmates travel to Europe to see a ritual. With a satanist/professor with them, he lures them into deadly traps to become sacrifices to Satan. One co-ed is a virgin, the main key to bring Satan back to life. But can the co-ed lose her virginity before Satan controls the world?