After leaving her daughter Jessica in a small town in Pernambuco to be raised by relatives, Val spends the next 13 years working as a nanny to Fabinho in São Paulo. She has financial stability but has to live with the guilt of having not raised Jessica herself. As Fabinho’s university entrance exams approach, Jessica reappears in her life and seems to want to give her mother a second chance. However, Jessica has not been raised to be a servant and her very existence will turn Val’s routine on its head. With precision and humour, the subtle and powerful forces that keep rigid class structures in place and how the youth may just be the ones to shake it all up.

A fascinating character. Exquisite sets. A wig for every era. The stars, creators and crew reveal how the hit series about a chess prodigy came to life.

დაქვრივებული ახალი მამა გაუმკლავდება ეჭვებს, შიშებს, გულისტკივილს და ბინძურ საფენებს, რადგან ის აპირებს საკუთარი ქალიშვილის აღზრდას. ფილმი დაფუძნებულია რეალურ ამბავზე.

"Pureza" tells a story of a mother, Pureza, who goes in search of her son, Abel, disappeared after leaving for the mining in the Amazon.

The Martins family are optimistic dreamers, quietly leading their lives in the margins of a major Brazilian city following the disappointing inauguration of a far-right extremist president. A lower-middle-class Black family, they feel the strain of their new reality as the political dust settles. Tércia, the mother, reinterprets her world after an unexpected encounter leaves her wondering if she’s cursed. Her husband, Wellington, puts all of his hopes into the soccer career of their son, Deivinho, who reluctantly follows his father’s ambitions despite secretly aspiring to study astrophysics and colonize Mars. Meanwhile, their older daughter, Eunice, falls in love with a free-spirited young woman and ponders whether it’s time to leave home.

Residents of a small rural town discover that a demon is about to be born among them. They desperately try to escape before the evil is born, but it may be too late.

A young girl, passionate about fashion design, is mysteriously able to enter the 1960s where she encounters her idol, a dazzling wannabe singer. But 1960s London is not what it seems, and time seems to be falling apart with shady consequences.

Captivated by the lure of sudden wealth, the quiet rural lives of two brothers erupt into conflicts of greed, paranoia and distrust when over $4 million in cash is discovered at the remote site of a downed small airplane. Their simple plan to retain the money while avoiding detection opens a Pandora's box when the fear of getting caught triggers panicked behavior and leads to virulent consequences.

ვინ არ ოცნებობს ვილის მემკვიდრეობაზე საფრანგეთის სამხრეთში? დაუნტონის სააბატოს მკვიდრნი ეპიკურ მოგზაურობას იწყებენ, რათა ამოიცნონ გრაფინიას ახალი მამულის საიდუმლოებები.

სტარლორდი, დრაქსი, როკეტი, მანტისი და გრუტი "დისნეი+"-ის სპეციალურ ეპიზოდში ახალ, გაბედულ თავგადასავლებში ეხვევიან...

A girl who's sick of the social strictures of junior high is transformed into a grownup overnight. In this feel-good fairy tale, teenager Jenna wants a boyfriend, and when she's unable to find one, she fantasizes about being a well-adjusted adult. Suddenly, her secret desire becomes a reality, and she is transformed into a 30-year-old, but adulthood, with its own set of male-female challenges, isn't as easy as it looks.

ნიუ-იორკელი პარიკმახერი იზი იღებს შესაძლებლობას იმუშაოს პრინც ჩარმინგის ქორწილში, მაგრამ გმირები შეუყვარდებათ. რას აირჩევენ ისინი: სიყვარულს თუ მოვალეობას?

The fearless one-eyed weasel Buck teams up with mischievous possum brothers Crash & Eddie as they head off on a new adventure into Buck's home: The Dinosaur World.

A rock climbing adventure between two friends turns into a terrifying nightmare. After Kelly captures the murder of her best friend on camera, she becomes the next target of a tight knit group of friends who will stop at nothing to destroy the evidence and anyone in their way.

CIA-ს ფარული დაქირავებული მიჩ რაპი ტერორისტულ თავდასხმაში მისი საცოლის დაკარგვით განადგურებულია. CIA-ს დირექტორის მოადგილე სტენ ჰარლის ავალებს გაწვრთნას გულგატეხილი, მაგრამ სერიოზული მიჩი ტერორისტული ოპერაციების თავიდან ასაცილებლად და კრიმინალების დასადევნად. ისინი ერთად იკვლევენ ერთი შეხედვით შემთხვევითი თავდასხმების ტალღას სამხედრო და სამოქალაქო ობიექტებზე. მაგრამ მოგვიანებით, პარტნიორებს მოუწევთ გაერთიანდნენ თურქ აგენტთან, რათა თავიდან აიცილონ მესამე მსოფლიო ომის დაწყება ახლო აღმოსავლეთში.

After a whirlwind romance with a wealthy widower, a naïve bride moves to his family estate but can't escape the haunting shadow of his late wife.

Having moved to Paris for university, Leevi returns to his native Finland for the summer to help his estranged father renovate the family lake house so it can be sold. Tareq, a recent asylum seeker from Syria, has been hired to help with the work, and when Leevi's father has to return to town on business, the two young men establish a connection and embark on a romance set against the idyllic Finnish summer. However, looming over this chance encounter, is the father's imminent return to the lake house, the continuation of Leevi's studies abroad as well as Tareq's complex relationship with his family in Syria.

In 1970s London, a teenage outsider named Enn falls in love with a rebellious alien girl named Zan, who has come to Earth for a party. Together, they navigate the complexities of intergalactic culture and the trials of first love.

It's Ted the Bellhop's first night on the job...and the hotel's very unusual guests are about to place him in some outrageous predicaments. It seems that this evening's room service is serving up one unbelievable happening after another.

A woman who's returned home with her two kids to attend her sister's wedding must suddenly defend their lives against older people on a killing spree.