为了在上海加入Adrien,Marinette将会去拜访她的叔叔王,后者正在庆祝他的周年纪念日。但是,一到中国,她的钱包就被Tikki偷走了,她需要秘密地变身为Ladybug!玛丽娜(Marinette)在这个庞大的城市里没有钱,一个人,只接受了一个年轻而机智的女孩费(Fei)的帮助。这两个女孩将结盟,并发现一种新的神奇宝石,即奇异宝石的存在。长期存在于上海的Hawk Moth一直在寻找它。

Aurora's high school reunion turns deadly when a body is found in the hotel pool. Aurora and her Real Murders Club help investigate which classmate was most likely to kill.

A woman is taking an old elevator up to her new apartment that she has just moved into. The oddly old and ringing phone inside the cabin is freaking her out. Over the line she is told about nightmares that are about to become true.

8mm work directed by Norihiko Morinaga.


A day in the life of John Lennon, alive and well in modern-day New York City. The former Beatle squabbles with a security guard, commiserates with his best friend over lunch, and upsets a bully.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

Eyüp decides to cross mount Ararat looking for his aunt in Yerevan after following a madman's words. His aunt has also been expecting someone to come from behind this mount for many years. Eyüp cannot be sure about the woman he finds behind the blue door, whether it is his aunt or not because they can't understand each other.

Owen, a young man is dissatisfied with his life. He heads into the forest to escape and learns a lot during his time there.

圣诞节又快到了,家住北极的圣诞老人(Richard Riehle 饰)又将远赴纽约,给小朋友们发送圣诞礼包。然而今年却有些不寻常,圣诞老人发现纽约的圣诞精神日渐稀薄,他决定和自己忠实的狗狗Paws(扎克瑞·戈登 Zachary Gordon 配音)先行下地考察一番。然而不幸的是,圣诞老人在街上被一辆的士撞倒,用来维持活力的晶体吊坠和钱一并被偷走,醒来后便丧失了记忆。他阴差阳错地来到已故老友哈克巴克先生的玩具店,并被新店主夫妇雇用为店里的"圣诞老人"扮演者。与此同时,一个小女孩奎因(Kaitlyn Maher 饰)正被送到一个孤儿寄养家庭,受尽女主人苛刻的对待,一天夜里,她偶然发现了正在纽约街头焦急地寻找圣诞老人的小狗Paws,并小心收留了它。圣诞节眼看将至,失去了晶体吊坠的圣诞老人身体却一天天迅速衰退,Paws和它的伙伴们能否在偌大的纽约找回圣诞老人,拯救今年的圣诞呢?

The only one survivor of a mysterious murderer that killed his wife, friends and the tourism guide who leaded them through a interdicted grotto, a boy become the only suspect to make the crime. He, however, claim for his innocence saying that your wife killed those people as she was possessed by an evil force. Refusing to talk to police officers who are in charge for the crime investigation, he asks for help to a nun.

喧哗东京,同年出生的大崎娜娜(中岛美嘉 饰)和小松奈奈(市川由衣 饰)同住一起,各自经历着激荡绚烂的青春。娜娜和乐队BlackStone同心协力,携手朝着目标奋勇前进。虽然娜娜曾经发出警告,但是因失业而烦闷的奈奈还是未能抵挡Trapnest的队长一之濑巧(玉山铁二 饰)的诱惑,而与之陷入热恋。一向将工作放在首位而在男女之事上表现随便的巧,其作为自然引起周围人的不满,尤其是对奈奈心存爱恋的寺岛伸夫(市川由衣 饰)。伸夫的赤诚与执着,对比巧的冷漠轻浮,终于让痛苦的奈奈做出了决定。全新的恋情,全新的道路,这群年轻人还将经历更多的考验……

After reading an article about hypnotic regression, a woman whose maternal grandfather died when she was only three years old contacts the hypnotic subject named in the article believing that he is the reincarnation of her grandfather, and hoping that she can learn the truth about how he died.

When the mysterious Toy Taker grabs all of Santa's toys, it looks like the children will miss out on Christmas. But everyone's favorite reindeer, Rudolph, comes to the rescue with his lovable friends: Hermey the elf, Yukon Cornelius the grizzly prospector, the abominable snow monster Bumbles and Rudolph's very special friend Clarice. Together, they promise Santa they'll track down Toy Taker and rescue Santa's toy. Their incredible quest takes them on a wild adventure with Rudolph's red nose leading the way!

The relationships of three men are examined through their use of technology.

外出就餐 5 剧情紧承上一部“戏剧营”,讲述了扎克和和新男友本奇前往同志度假村享受二人世界。饱览各色男体的本奇食指大动,向扎克提出各有各玩的开放性周末提议……

Sweethearts Brad and Janet, stuck with a flat tire during a storm, discover the eerie mansion of Dr. Frank-N-Furter, a gender ambiguous scientist. As their innocence is lost, Brad and Janet meet a houseful of wild characters, including a rocking biker and a creepy butler. Through elaborate dances and rock songs, Frank-N-Furter unveils her latest creation: a muscular man named 'Rocky'.

  故事接续第一集,当初在篮球场上风光驰骋的神犬Buddy,如今来到了足球场!男孩Josh如今上了中学,由于他的单亲妈妈爱上了镇上新来的兽医Patrick Sullivan,无法接受的Josh不想一直待在家里面对妈妈,便和好朋友Tom 加入学校的足球队,后来就连他的爱犬Buddy也成为球队的一员,让原本逊到爆的球队起死回生。但是心怀不轨的坏蛋 Natalya 和Popov却想伺机偷走Buddy,带到他们位在莫斯科的马戏团赚大钱。当兽医Patrick Sullivan 向 Josh 的妈妈求婚时,生气的Josh离家跑走,没想到却给坏人好机会趁机带走了Buddy,后来球队教练在车站找到Josh,但却发现Buddy失踪了,眼见比赛就要开始,没有Buddy 的球队只好硬着头皮上场,另一方面,兽医Patrick Sullivan发现了Buddy 的行踪,带警方逮捕了坏蛋,还必须带着Buddy赶往比赛现场,让球队顺利获胜。


Young professional lady realizes her fiance is missing. When the day coming that the truth being discovered, all the love of the mementos's gone with the end of phone call. What will happen after the short paragraph? And what happened before the micro short film? The story will be extent to middle short film.