Experimental, 16mm, Akihiko Morishita

On Friday July 29, 2016, singer/songwriter and pianist Regina Spektor performed at WTTW's Grainger Studio in Chicago to about 400 of her biggest fans. Spektor delivers an array of her compositions from past projects and her (then) latest album 'Remember us to life'.

Mr. An is almost 90 years old. He loves life, dance and the smiling young Xiao Wei, his daily life companion. His wife, secluded at home, is quite unhappy about this friendly and love relationship. Xiao Wei’s husband doesn’t seem to care. One morning Mr. An get sick and has to be hospitalized. Xiao Wei start to wonder if she shouldn’t end the relationship.

A social comedy that tells the life of the street in Cairo in 2007 and 2008 through a taxi driver. We see daily dilemmas for the taxi driver through the taxi customers from all segments of the society in comical paradoxical paradoxes that reflect the spirit and rhythm of the Egyptian street in all its manifestations to see the state of a society full of shyness and surprise. .

Virgil, the son of a director, fails to get into college and he is drafted in the army. This "forced" growing up is even more painful as he is followed by a "fata morgana", a lost love.

Documentarian Jean Rambeau introduces us to a group of real-life Cannibals who live in a steamy Brooklyn basement and don't know how to act around people.

Paty Members, along with her husband the great inventor and his assistant Fito Consonant American John Letters, are members of a solver agency mysteries and problems related to the sounds, words and languages.

Избалованный деньгами матери гонщик Скай не боится ничего и никого — он привык получать все, что хочет, не встречая при этом серьезного сопротивления. Получив вызов от очередного претендента на звание Короля Скорости, он предлагает тому поставить на кон ногу и, выиграв, ломает ее без всякого сомненья. Вышедший на свободу после долгих лет тюрьмы брат несчастного — Тан Фун — назначает ответную гоночную дуэль, в которой погибает девушка Ская, Келли, а он сам становится беглецом от правосудия. Теперь Скай должен собраться со всеми силами, чтобы вновь сесть за руль.

The story of London's toughest and poorest part as told through the eyes of the iconic band Cockney Rejects.

A woman adopts a child and discovers that she can love again despite facing a wicked man.

The son of a wealthy, respected family seeks the hand of Hazal; unexpectedly, soon after her marriage, her husband dies. According to custom, as the deceased family had paid dowry for Hazal, she must marry the next male sibling—which in this case, happens to be an 11-year old boy.

A man goes to a convent with exciting news, one of the nuns is an heir to a fortune! The man causes the nuns to become obsessed with him as he tries to find the right heir.

Этот героико-приключенский фильм снят по мотивам одноимённой повести Владимира Санина. Антарктической станции «Восток» грозит консервация из-за недостатка топлива. Отряд добровольцев вызывается отвезти туда топливо, но это осложнено тем, что время потеряно, скоро в Антарктиде начнется «полярная осень» — мартовские морозы. Никто ещё не шёл этим путем в такое время, когда температура опускается ниже 71 градусов по Цельсию, и замерзает обычное топливо.

Live 2010 concert and documentary.

Third part in the "Masks" series that follows what happens to Steve after the events of the first film.

Having made it to Italy, an Ivorian named Inza now plans to cross the mountains to France. Without stylisation, the film observes his everyday life: affairs with women, brushes with European asylum law and the impossibility of finding peace.