A woman and her child are kidnapped by her lover and plans revenge on him.

A tireless fighter for technological progress, Alik Lolishvili, a resident of old Tiflis, advertised bicycles under the pseudonym Albert Lolishvili and, together with the daughter of a city rich man, Betty Zandukeli, opened an office for their rental. The business failed, but the resilient Lolish soon appeared in the city in a sparkling car and successfully sold all the shares of the newly opened car dealership.

The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people

A Short claymation version of Jurassic fight club's first episode.

Recently widowed and on the rebound, Allan instantly falls for Erica and the two quickly marry, but he soon learns she isn't that all she seems.


1999 年 1 月,黑桐鲜花所就读的高级女子中学 —— 礼园出现了神秘的事件。一年四班的学生橘佳织在宿舍起火事件中身亡,随后,一年四班全体同学的生活改变了。每天活在痛苦与烦恼中的她们,收到了不明来源的信件。不安的情绪在礼园全体学生间蔓延。为了解决事件,两仪式假扮学生潜入礼园,与黑桐鲜花一同调查事件的原委。另一方面,黑桐干也在使用自己的方法追踪事件的真相。而事件的背后,似乎还有那个男人,魔术师荒耶宗莲的安排。苍崎橙子之徒黑桐鲜花,拥有“直死之魔眼”的两仪式,魔术与战斗的交叉,礼园的秘密在她们面前展开。日本同人小说最高境界《空之境界》全七章动画化,本作为第六章电影版。


在魔法的世界里,小魔女优优(諸星すみれ 配音)和妹妹宁宁(加隈亜衣 配音)共同经营着诅咒业务,她们每天在魔法的帮助下上天入地,为他人排忧解难,生活悠闲自在,无忧无虑。可就在某个平常的日子里,魔法世界突然出现前所未有的震动,城镇和森林仿佛被某个淘气的孩子用胶水和泥巴杂乱无 章地捏在了一起。优优趋前调查,结果竟意外地来到了另一个世界。在那里她的身形意外变大,好像比实际年龄长了几岁,她遇到了丢失父母的少年孝洋(泽城美雪 配音)一家,得知这是一个没有魔法的世界。为了找到返回魔法世界的办法,并找到孝洋的父母,优优和另一边的姐姐合作,踏上未知的征程……

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

The film tells about the fighting everyday life of the crew of self-propelled guns during the liberation of Right-Bank Ukraine. Junior Lieutenant Maleshkin, an unshooted graduate of the school, commands the crew of the self-propelled gun SU-100. All the subordinates of Maleshkin are older than him and much more experienced. The authority of the young commander is tested at every step, he quarrels, then reconciles with his crew. In addition, Maleshkin is very dissatisfied with the battery commander, he now and then threatens to remove the sluggish young officer from the command. In the crew of Maleshkin, various troubles constantly occur: either the driver will catch the commandant’s eyes in an untidy, grimy look, then a combat grenade with a dropped check will be discovered in the car, or a breakdown will occur just at the moment the regiment enters the march. Ending in a sprawling battle against German forces.

The Upper Egyptian Khader Hassanein joins the Central Security Forces, he accidentally meets Metwally Al-Zanati on the train, who tells him that he must take the revenge of his father who was killed 20 years ago. Khader realizes that he is the person who Metwally is meant to kill.

The story of London's toughest and poorest part as told through the eyes of the iconic band Cockney Rejects.

A group of friends try to defeat an evil king, and meet some quirky characters along the way.

 德川幕府享保时期,江户城南町奉行所判官大岡越前接到一宗棘手的案件,有人自称八代将军吉宗的私生子要求父子相认。大岡之女霞(貴石彩子 饰)自幼伶俐过人,且素来心直口快,经常问得父亲瞠目结舌。刚满十九岁的霞爱上了奉行所里的小捕快主水介,便不顾双方的身份悬殊,执意追到奉行所,声称愿意代父查案以换取父亲答应两人的婚事,并与大岡拉勾立约。起初大岡只是半信半疑,以为女儿不过是一时意气口出戏言,没想到霞初生牛犊不怕虎,几轮牛刀小试竟然斩获颇丰,更在无意间将看似毫无关系的几桩案件串联在一起。随着调查深入,若隐若现的幕后黑手慢慢浮出了水面...

8mm film by Swiss artist Roman Signer.

A doomsday pepper is surprised to find a mysterious box appear in his living room with no trace as to how it could've gotten there.