Tang Lung arrives in Rome to help his cousins in the restaurant business. They are being pressured to sell their property to the syndicate, who will stop at nothing to get what they want. When Tang arrives he poses a new threat to the syndicate, and they are unable to defeat him. The syndicate boss hires the best Japanese and European martial artists to fight Tang, but he easily finishes them off.

Batman, Batgirl, and Robin forge an alliance with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to fight against the Turtles' sworn enemy, The Shredder, who has apparently teamed up with Ra's Al Ghul and The League of Assassins.

Ramiame miestelyje 12 metų berniukas dingsta be pėdsakų. Tyrimą atlieka detektyvas, kuris išgyvena šeimos skirybas, sužinojęs apie savo žmonos neištikimybę. Tuo tarpu mirtina grėsmė jau artėja prie jo namų...

Set over one night in Tokyo, we follow Leo, a young boxer down on his luck as he meets his ‘first love’ Monica, a call-girl and an addict but still innocent. But, little does Leo know, Monica is unwittingly caught up in a drug-smuggling scheme, and the two are pursued through the night by a corrupt cop, a yakuza, his nemesis, and a female assassin sent by the Chinese Triads. All their fates intertwine in spectacular Miike style, at his most fun and anarchic.

A young woman returns a lonely widow’s lost purse, leading to an unlikely relationship between the two — until the young woman discovers the widow might not be all that she seems.

A travelling theatre company has more to it than meets the eye. It is an imaginary world commanded by the mind of Doctor Parnassus and the audience is in for more than just a show.

A father and son go on the run after the dad learns his child possesses special powers.

Vidury Pietų Kinijos jūros po vandeniu driekiasi didžiulių kalnų virtinė. Kalnai tokie aukšti, kad jų giliuose tarpekliuose tilptų Himalajai. Taip giliai dar nėra pabuvojęs nė vienas žmogus… Jau ištisus šimtmečius Pietų Kinijos jūroje paslaptingai be pėdsako dingsta laivai.Brangenybių vagys vidury jūros aptinka tuščią laivą. Netrukus jie sužino, kad laivo keleivius nugalabijo žiauri jūrų pabaisa…

A man awakes-- without memory -- in a pit full of bodies and must figure out if the people who rescued him are the killers, or if he is the murderer.

Let, a reclusive, insomniac photographer, is hired to photograph a mysterious client in the forest late one night, and soon finds himself pulled into a bizarre, otherworldly quest.

A struggling actor gets a holiday season job as a Christmas character in a plush suit to promote the hottest toy of the year, Pooka; he slowly develops two personalities—one when he's in the suit and one that's outside it.

Plačiai žinomo termino "Stokholmo sindromas", gimusio 1973-aisiais, kai su įkaitais buvo užgrobtas švedų bankas, tikroji istorija. Šešias dienas ginkluotas plėšikas pralaikė įkaitais keturis banko darbuotojus, kurie vėliau stojo į nusikaltėlio gynybos pusę.

Vieniša apokaliptinės epochos išgyvenusioji, kovoja, kad išgyventų nuo alkio, troškulio, lūžusios kojos ir keistų, nerimą keliančių padarų, kurie išlenda tik naktį.

A screener at the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), who has earned an unsavory reputation for being the strictest censor of violent films, begins to spiral out of control after viewing a low-budget horror with similarities to the disappearance of her sister.

At a remote Arctic research station, four ecology students discover the real horror of global warming is not the melting ice, but what's frozen within it. A prehistoric parasite is released from the carcass of a Woolly Mammoth upon the unsuspecting students who are forced to quarantine and make necessary sacrifices, or risk infecting the rest of the world.

Claudia is a troubled teen confined in a very particular support center ruled with roughness by renowned psychiatrist Bernarda Alquicira. Coexisting with girls who have experienced similar trances, Claudia confronts horrible visions of Andrea, a beautiful intern who committed suicide a year ago. Another strange patient -Josefina- and doctor Lucia Franyutti -the right arm of Bernarda- seem to know the key to the bizarre return of Andrea, but even they are disturbed by the supernatural events that take place when the wind starts to blow.

Visuomet žinojom, kad esam ne vieni visatoje. Siuntėme sigalus, tikėdamiesi sulaukti atsakymo. Ir mus išgirdo. Per keletą valandų ateiviai užėmė Žemę ir įtvirtino savo valdžią. Internetas ir mobilus ryšys atjungti, elektroninės bibliotekos sunaikintos. Ateivių dronai - medžiotojai dieną naktį patruliuoja naujosios Žemės gatves. Mes - paskutinieji, esantys be vardo, nematomi sistemos. Mes susigrąžinsime savo planetą.

Elisa, a fiery and passionate teenager, wants to enjoy the summer of her 17 years on the steep slopes of the Vercors where she grew up. But her mother leaves the house and leaves her alone with her father to look after her disabled sister. An increasingly heavy responsibility that makes love switch to hatred.

Madame Lu has created three "Death Machines," a trio of martial arts experts who have been injected with a special serum, turning them into mindless zombies, capable only of murder, at Lu's command. Tasked with eliminating her enemies, the Death Machines go on a blood-soaked rampage, killing anyone in their path. After they massacre an entire dojo, leaving only one survivor, the Death Machines and Madame Lu herself become the targets of his vengeance...

Three women use witchcraft to help their professor husbands further their careers. When a higher position becomes available in the university, they turn on each other.