With input from actor and writer Jan Hlobil, director and cinematographer Rene Smaal presents a film in the true surrealist tradition, in the sense that only 'found' elements were used, and that it defies interpretation based on ordinary cause-and-effect time sequence.

Fugitive convict Aldo seizes a car, taking policeman Giacomo and civilian Giovanni hostages. While chased by the police all over Italy, they will eventually become friends.

A woman gets pregnant with fraternal twins, one from her fiancé and the other from a former lover.

Django is on the trail of some renegade outlaws who raped and killed his wife. En route, he rescues a horse thief from an impromptu hanging. He discovers the man knows who committed the murder. The men team up and head west for revenge.

1901年1月22日,英国维多利亚女王逝世,著名神枪手布克斯身肩使命来到内华达州的卡森城。出人意料的是,大夫查出布克斯身患癌症,且已是晚期,只有几个星期可以活了。一些人幸灾乐祸,怀着看戏的心情盼望着布克斯死在卡森城,而另一些人则 ...

  修女莎拉(雪莉·麦克雷恩 饰)只身前往西部旅途中险遭三名匪徒强暴,所幸牛仔霍根(克林特·伊斯特伍德 饰)出面相救.霍根本来要前往某法军驻地做勘查工作,如今他决定做莎拉的保镖,护送莎拉.不过莎拉也要有所回报,他得提供霍根法军驻地的内部状况消息。而这二人在一路上逐渐变成好 友,但是却也让霍根对莎拉越来越好奇,因为莎拉的行为举止实在不像个修女.她不但会讲粗话、抽雪茄甚至喝酒,到底莎拉内心藏有什么秘密?

近日,英国、苏联两国核子潜艇竟然相继离奇失踪了!这一现象引起了英国军方的高度重视,当然又到了王牌特工007邦德(罗杰•摩尔 Roger Moore 饰)的出场时间。邦德经过调查终于发现幕后的黑手原来就是世界巨富航运业大亨史登堡,他为实现自己征服世界的野心,建立了一座海底城。史登堡高薪聘请科学家研发出了潜水艇跟踪系统,把把英、苏核子动力潜艇占为己有,他计划利用核子飞弹将纽约和莫斯科炸毁,实现一次毁灭两个超级强国的野心。007即将进入海底城组织这个狂人的疯狂计划。

Live stage recording of the stand-up comedy show, with sketches and videos of old skits from 'Mai dire Gol'.

This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.

在生产钻石的南非,最近怪事连连,一大批为经切割的钻石失踪了,而且谋杀案频发。这些异常现象引起了英国当局的高度重视,于是007(肖恩•康纳利 Sean Connery 饰)来到了南非。007以钻石批发商的名义展开了一系列的调查,发现一切原来都是他的死对头魔鬼党的首领艾纳斯(查尔斯•格雷Charles Gray 饰)在背后操纵的,而艾纳斯追求的并不是只是金钱,而是企图利用这些钻石制造最具杀伤力的激光卫星设备,用以达到自己邪恶的目的。于是,007在美丽的邦女郎坎丝(吉尔•圣约翰 Jill St. John 饰)的帮助开始了粉碎这个阴谋的行动!

10年前,残暴无情的迈克尔•梅尔(George P. Wilbur 饰)陷入永久的昏迷之中,周遭的人们得到短暂的宁静。时间推移到1988年10月31日的万圣节,迈克尔被雷蒙德精神病中心的医护人员转去另一个医院。救护车上,医护人员随意的闲谈却唤醒了这个沉睡已有10个年头的恶魔。苏醒的迈克尔得知他姐姐的女儿杰米(Danielle Harris 饰)住在哈登菲尔德,遂将医护人员杀害,只身前往甥女的住处。   被克鲁赛斯一家收养的杰米,多年来持续为关于舅舅的恐怖噩梦所困扰。她想不到的是,那梦中的恶魔即将出现在她的面前,摧毁杰米至今仍未平静的生活……

鲸鱼威利回到了属于自己的家园,而杰西(杰森·詹姆斯·里希特 Jason James Richter 饰)亦已经长大,成为了一名海岸科考队队员,可是,他们之间的故事并没有完结。男孩麦克斯(Vincent Berry 饰)的父亲约翰(帕特里克·基尔帕特里克 Patrick Kilpatrick 饰)是一名非法捕鲸手,有时候,当他穿梭在惊涛骇浪之中追随着鲸鱼的身影之时,会将麦克斯带在身边,这令麦克斯对鲸鱼的感情十分矛盾。

Fantozzi is now retired but continues to go to the office where it is held up as a fine example of employees intending to do career.

A thousand years ago, the Leprechaun left a bloody trail when he ripped through the countryside in search of his stolen gold. Now he's back in the big city using all of his deadly tricks to snare the girl of his nightmares. His bloody quest becomes more deadly when her boyfriend steals one of the Leprechaun's gold coins. The town soon discovers two dead bodies and a trail of gold dust leads them to the Leprechaun's lair.

A group of friends try to defeat an evil king, and meet some quirky characters along the way.

Arvind Chauhan and Lakhsmi are in love with each other. Lakhsmi's dad, a senior police inspector, hates Arvind, and so Arvind and Lakshmi decide to elope


8mm film by Swiss artist Roman Signer.