Franck is a firefighter in Paris. He saves people. He lives at the station with his wife, who is about to have twins. He’s happy. During a call out to a fire, he puts himself in danger, to save his men. He’s going to have to learn to live again and accept to be the one being saved, this time.

David, who gets by doing odd jobs, meets Léna, who has just moved up to Paris, and falls in love. But soon after, his life is brutally interrupted by the sudden death of his sister. Beyond the shock, and the pain, David now finds himself alone with his young niece Amanda to care for.

Кармен живее в ромска общност в покрайнините на Мадрид. Като всяка друга жена, която тя познава, е обречена на живот, повтарян от много поколения: да се омъжи и да отгледа възможно най-много деца. Един ден тя се запознава с Лола - необичайно ромско момиче, които мечтае за университет, рисува графити и си пада по жени. Кармен бързо се оказва привлечена от Лола и открива напълно нов свят, заради който двете ще се окажат отритнати от семействата си.

Ever since she served on the jury during his trial, Nora has been convinced that Jacques Viguier is innocent, despite him being accused of murdering his wife. Following an appeal by the public prosecutor’s office, and fearing a miscarriage of justice, she convinces a leading lawyer to defend him during his second trial, on appeal. Together, they will put up a tenacious fight against injustice.

През февруари 1976 г. в Джибути училищен автобус е отвлечен на сомалийската граница. Интервенционна група на националната жандармерия е изпратена там и след 30 часа е организирана спасителна операция.

Комедия на страстите на нашето време. Един баща, неговата забягнала с друг съпруга, дъщеря му и други - приятели и приближени, преживяват много перипетии, за да победи или загуби любовта - според различните характери на героите.

Матийо е младеж, обсебен от страстта си към пианото. Той живее в предградията и свири в парижкото метро, където го забелязва Пиер, преподавател в консерваторията. Пиер му дава възможност да развие своя музикален талант.

Just when Lola, 18 years old and transgender, learns that she can finally have surgery, her mother, who is her only financial support, passes away. Abiding by her mother’s last wishes, Lola and her father, who are permanently in conflict and have not seen each other for two years, undertake a journey all the way to the Belgian coast. They realize the outcome of the journey may not be the one they were both expecting...

While Olivier, a 39 year-old foreman gives his job everything he’s got, Laura, his wife and the mother of their two children, abandons the family home, leaving Olivier alone to face his responsibilities. Lost and completely thrown, Olivier is going to have to come to terms with his new status as a single father raising his children alone. Because Laura’s not coming back.

Истината, ако лъжа! е една от най-успешните френски комедии от последните години.

In the beautiful family home, at the end of the summer, Monique celebrates her 70th birthday, surrounded by her 4 children, all of whom have come for the occasion. There is Jean-Pierre, the elder, who took on the role of head of the family after the death of his father; Juliette, pregnant with her first child at 40 and who still dreams of becoming a writer; Margaux, the family’s radical artist, and Mathieu, 30, anxious to seduce pretty Sarah. Later, one day, one of them will make a life-changing decision ...

Hortense has a big heart and no one to share it with except her cat, her embittered mom, and a group of homeless people for whom she prepares a gourmet dinner at the local church every week. While buying a nice bottle of wine, Hortense meets Jacques, a fifty-something, grumpy local cellarman. Eager to see him again, she attends a chaotic wine tasting in Jacques’ shop - meeting his best friend who clumsily tries to seduce her, and his new apprentice who turns out to have a rare gift for tasting as well as an unfiltered honesty. As Hortense and Jacques grow closer and closer, their past begins to catch up to them.

Dick Worth (Ken Clark) is an American racing driver in Stockholm to put on an exhibition that his boss Bennet (Jess Hahn) hopes will result in orders for cars, and instead gets drawn into CIA business when he is mistaken for a spy and takes on the job of recovering the Fuller Report, CIA information about an assassination plot.

Everything goes for the best in Fanny's life without stories ... until she discovers that her beloved son, Arthur, nine, is the scapegoat of three boys at his school. Fanny will not leave her son alone in front of these little executioners: she will give these dirty kids the change of their room. Thunderstorms and playground traps, now it will be "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!"

As everyone knows, children make no difference between social classes, skin colors or religions. But then why does Corentin, Paul and Sofia's nine-year-old son, only have friends like him at Bagnolet's school? And when his friends all leave for a private school in Paris, his parents are frightened. From now on, Corentin is the only one in his class. But the only what?

Alex, 43, is not a man of many responsibilities. He works as a tow truck driver in the car repair garage run with an iron fist by his mother Antoinette. She hopes he will someday take over the business, but Alex manages to consistently prove that he’s not up to the task. One day, he assists a woman whose car broke down and ends up spending the night at her place. The next morning, she is nowhere to be found, and Alex discovers he is alone... with three kids!

Сандрин – щастливо омъжена от 15 години, с 2 деца – открива, че съпругът й има извънбрачна връзка. След като отминава първоначалния шок, тя решава да се срещне със съперницата си Виржини и й отправя особено предложение: да си поделят Жан. Виржини приема и двете дами въвеждат любимия си мъж в новия начин на живот. Това, което изглежда като сбъдната мечта – една седмица със съпругата, на другата с любовницата – се оказва не толкова идеално за самия потърпевш съпруг.

In a provincial suburb, three neighbours come to terms with the consequences of the new world of social media. Marie, who lives off her husband’s family allowance, is afraid of losing her son’s respect because of a sex tape. Bertrand can’t say no to advertising calls and is fighting to protect his daughter, who is being bullied online. Christine, after losing everything because of her addiction to TV series, wonders why her rating as an Uber driver is not taking off. These three lone fighters are incapable of finding a solution to their problems on their own — until they join forces to declare war on the tech giants.

Franck wants a quiet life and a fresh start. After 15 years of a failed theatre career, he finds a seemingly perfect job: museum guard. But that is before he meets Sybille, his neurotic colleague.

Another story about the adventures of a woman by the name of Emmanuel in exotic countries. This time in Sri Lanka, where young local lolita falls in love with luxurious white lady, causing the something like the parent and not only the feelings. But her friend was not against to have fun with a young aborigen...